


1組目 イタリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


I’m from Italy too

Wait, you guys came together to Australia?

No, we’ve met here

Romantic yeah

How long have you been in Australia now?

Six years nearly

Almost eight years

I’ve met so many Italian people

And sorry, I don’t try to be rude or anything but

Italian people usually don’t speak English well

But you speak good English

I wanna ask you how you learnt English

Especially ENglish vocabulary

Because I feel like when I used to study English

It’s so hard to memorize all the vocabulary and stuffs

I open my books and try to remember

Next day oh shit

Almost all gone so

I wanna know how you learnt English vocabulary

Have you bought any English vocabulary books?

Not that I remember to be honest

Well I have one but I never use it

I use an app, vocabulary one

What is it called? Is it an Italian app?

No, it’s WorldReference

You haven’t bought English vocabulary books

But you speak good English

How could you become like that?

Probably because I moved here when I was just eighteen years old

And I was on my own

And I had lots of English friends around me

I had to be forced to speak English

Because no one else could speak Italian around me

So I picked up pretty easily

And I think like move from your country at young age

It makes a difference

It makes it much easier

Also like my accent is not that strong

Probably because I moved here when I was very young

Yeah because usually Italian people have very think accent

They do

Wasn’t it very hard at the beginning?

Because you didn’t speak English right?

At the beginning like my first year in Australia It was hard

And I wasn’t really talking to anybody

I do speak a lot like I do like to talk

But the more I spend time here

The more I was getting know people

The more TV I was watching

It was just making it easier and easier

You just got used to it


And I’ve learned English from English people like from England

I think their English is way clearer

Whereas like American, they have this weird R

Australian they have this like slung

It’s easier if you start with English probably

And then if you move to American and Australian

This is interesting because

In Japan we learn American English

When I was learning English

I met British people

Oh my god that was so hard to understand

I still is for me

I’ve learned English in Australia

And for me it’s very hard to understand English from Britain sometimes

Because they have different slung and I’m not used to speak with them

At the beginning you didn’t speak English much right? When you came here

Well, when I arrived here, I had basic English

Because we studied English through all our life at school but

It’s always the same and we repeat all the time same things

So what was missing back home is practicing

The beginning I remember I was talking and FInishing my topics in a few minutes

Because I didn’t have more words More vocabulary as you said

My number one thing was to avoid Italian people

To avoid your country people

So you don’t speak Italian too much

And try to stay with foreigners and

Try to gather with people as much as I can

Go out for drinks and do things and

Even studying here helped me a lot

Because you need to write, you need to read

And you need to just get used to another language

I really do agree with you

Even if you move overseas if you stick with your own people

You always speak your mother language

And you’re never gonna be able to achieve the good English level

That is true

Thank you for your time and great advice


2組目 中国出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


How long have you been in Australia now?

Roughly nearly seven years

Roughly nearly seven years

Sounds like you have vocabulary

In this video I actually wanna ask you

Questions about English vocabulary

I feel like learning vocabulary is really difficult because

When I used to study English I open my vocabulary books and I read them

And next day I forget most of them

This is really difficult

And you have like “roughly” “nearly” you have vocabulary

How did you learn English vocabulary

DId you buy vocabulary books?

I do have a vocabulary book but

When I came here Australia for the first time

I didn’t even speak English

I didn’t know how to speak and

I went to a language school

I bought a vocabulary book and

I did the same thing like you guys

But I couldn’t remember like you couldn’t

Yeah that’s the problem

And then what happened?

I had to study so I kept trying it

And I tried to talk to people who live here

But at the start it was very hard to follow their speak

Yeah because they are fast And everything connected

I listened to English music

It helped to follow their speak

The important thing is to study with a teacher and

When you communicate with the people

You gotta try to let them know your idea

What you are thinking, what you wanna talk to them

And you will be interested

And enjoy the time with them

Enjoy the time with them

So you will try to learn more English

More words

Normally you live here You will learn something

After that you try to remember more words It becomes easier

Not like you remember in your brain But you gotta use in your life

That’s true If you never use it’s not gonna stay here

You have to study some at least first

And then you gotta use it

And also like you said you have to enjoy

The important thing is that you wanna talk to people

You wanna let them know what you are thinking

You wanna be friend with them

So you have to learn something

It will push you and

You’ll learn easier

And be more interested

When you are enjoying, it stays here more

I don’t even have to ask you any more questions You talked about everything

Thank you mate

3組目 ブラジル出身の男女に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


A big city?

Not the biggest

Not the biggest one but we are from north east

North east?

Close to Salvador

I’ve seen many Brazilian people but

Ninety nine percent of them are from Sao Paulo and Rio

When did you come to Australia?

We came in two thousand sixteen

In two thousand sixteen together?

Yeah together

What made you come here?

Just to study English and to have more opportunity

Making money

You said to study English

Yeah we both did

So when you came to Australia Could you speak English like this?

Not at all

He came with nothing

Now you can speak English like this Very quick

So in this video I wannas ask you guys

How you learnt English from zero to this level

Especially like English vocabulary When I used to study English

Vocabulary was really important

Because if you don’t know what’s “extend” What’s “appropriate”

What’s “arrive”

You can’t have a proper conversation

Have you ever bought any vocabulary books In Brazil or here even?

Yeah I would say in Brazil

We use this kind of books to study

But here because

I had some vocabulary so

I started using them more and more

In two thousand sixteen when we decided to come here

We started having contact with the language

And it’s easier to keep it in our mind what you have studied before

And what we were studying in the English school

So in what sort of situation did you try to use it?

Did you try to look for a workplace or

In a community or with a friend?

Making friends and also working I would say

Phillip has more experience on that

Did you have English vocabulary when you came here like here?


I’ve been learning only by working

What did you do?


You work with Aussie people?

Yeah sometimes with Aussie, everyone

So you didn’t study vocabulary on vocabulary books

But you just worked there You just tried Put yourself out there

In the first year it was very hard

But now it’s okay

So you can speak English from zero to this level now

Generally about whole English conversation

What was the most important thing

To take you to this level of English?

First of all I’d say if you don’t have any English Try to memorize first verbs

It’s gonna be easier for you to understand What people want you to do

Verbs and then

You start reading and familiarize some new words

And try to include them in your daily life

and expose

Be exposed at everyone who wants to speak English with you

If someone asks me something

But at the moment I didn’t have enough vocabulary To answer properly

What I would do is I would go home and

Go on Internet and books and see

What I should have said when someone asks me that specific thing

So this is most likely what I did when I arrived

When you don’t know the answer just don’t leave it there

Just go home and do a research and make sure you understand

Keep it in mind and If someone asks you the same question again

You know now what to say

That’s how you become an English speaker

Muito obrigado is it?

Thank you guys

4組目 コロンビアのボゴタ出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

Colombia Bogota

How long have you been in Australia now?

It’s been three years and a half more or less

NN!! Sorry

I’m not COVID

When you came to Australia three and a half years ago

Could you speak English like this?

Just a bit coz

Most of the people who arrive here Are to study English to speak

But I was not really good I think

I kinda knew

Because I spoke to many Colombia people

They don’t speak English when they came here

But someone they get pretty good at it pretty quick

You think good yeah?

So in this video I wanna ask you

How you learnt English especially vocabulary

Have you ever bought any like English vocabulary books to study?

When I was in a school, they provided me everything

What do you think is a good way to memorize vocabulary?

For me to try to memorize vocabulary If there’s a way, it’s when I read something

And if I don’t know a word, I’ll try to search for it?

And after that I’ll write something with the word

And somehow I can kept it in my mind

So I think it’s the best way to learn a word

If you don’t know search for it

And then write something

Write something in a sentence

So you use it in a sentence

You said when you came here three and a half years ago

You couldn’t speak English much right?

Just like the basics

Just like to say hi but

To have a conversation with someone else At the beginning was very hard

But that’s the way to learn as well

Go and break the comfort zone and speak with someone

This is crazy

Three and a half a years ago you could be like most of Japanese people

Don’t know English much

Couldn’t say

I have been to Australia Or something like that

Maybe you could say I was in Australia Or something like that

But you couldn’t say I’ve been there before

Back in my country English in high school was not the best

They just used to teach us the basic

Now I think when you come here you learn a lot

Do you work here?

Yeah I do

What do you do?

I work on ropes like a rope access

Cleaning windows and stuff?

Windows, paintings whatever you can do

Do you still use English when you are working?


All my mates are Australian

Kiwis i or from around the world

That’s a good thing as well

So at the begining when you started working Maybe it was hard fro you to understand what they are saying

Especially in Australia

You know they have their own dialect and accent

So sometimes it’s like “What?”

They cut words here so it’s hard as well

Like breakfast is like brekkie and stuff like that

Orange juice is O.J. or

When they say “Ta” is thank you

And I was like

“What did you say, sorry?”

But then you just somehow

You just got used to it aye?

By working there and by talking to them a lot times

And eventually becomes like this person

A great English speaker

Thank you very much Sorry for stopping you when you were having a good time

You look fashionable mate

Have a good day
