


1組目 アルゼンチン出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Okay I’m very nervous

Very nervous but I think it’s okay! Japanese spirits! Samurai spirits! Let’s go!

How are you?


I’m very thnk you!

You from what country?

I’m from Argentina

Why you Australia come?

Because I always wanted to come here

Because of the beaches

I see many Argentine people

Today you are doing what?

I’m on my day off and it’s a nice weather today so

I came to the beach and just am relaxing a bit

By yourself only alone?


I think many boys talk to you


In today’s video I question have

About not perfect English

You how long have English study?

All my life

Since school

You must be twenty years old?

Twenty five

Very young, very beautiful

So long time and you speak English very good

I don’t think so

I have day like it seems so easier to me

And on other days it’s very difficult

I don’t know why

But your pronunciation very beautiful

English pronunciation and little bit Argentine accent

I think very cool

Sorry, I English study twenty years

Vut sorry, pronunciation, accent very difficult

Do you think I’m very Samurai?

Very what?

Very Japanese accent?

Some words

A little bit accent

What is secret for studying English?

The secret?

I don’t know maybe listen to a lot of music in English

Watching many tv shows without subtitles like

Train your ears

And repeat some words I think that helps

Sorry last question

I Australia come because

I want to increase my English

Because I now work sushi restaurant

My customer very Australia people

My people very English speaking people

Like you Onesan

People from another country speak very good English

Very nervous everyday

Because my English very samurai Japanese

So I lose confident

Advice please my what do you think my English?

Advice please

Sorry? What…

What do you think about my English?

What I think about your English?

I think it’s good!

Maybe some letters

Like “think” you say “shink”


“Th” maybe the kind of words with that kind of letters

That’s a bit confusing to me

Because I have to think what you mean

“Th” very difficult for Japanese

But you can understand?

Yeah, I can understand

I gotta apologize to you coz I can speak English pretty alright

So in this video what I wanted to do it that I try to speak with very thick Japanese accent

And see if non-Japanese people can understand or not

You can understand aye?



But it happens to me that I understand better non-native English speakers

So maybe you said the answer but the last question is that

If you were my English teacher today

What sort of advice would you gove to me?

Maybe that kind of words I mentioned

“Th” and the accent

Because you get confused

Thank you very much for being nice even my accent is very Japanese yeah

Muchas gracias

2組目 コスタリカ出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Okay very nervous

Thank you very much for..

My help

How are you today?

I’m really good how are you?

Very good, thank you!

What country you from?

I am from Costa Rica

You what doing now?

I am actually working but having a bit of research between working hours


No worries!

Today video

I want to ask you about my English

But you said from Costa Rica

Inside Costa Rica

Everyone Spanish speaking?

Yeah, everyone speak Spanish in Costa Rica

Big question!

Why your English so good?

Well, I wish that ut was good

I am practicing a lot but

We have a really good school system in Costa Rica

Most of us have the opportunity to learn English in school

Do you speak English inside school when you are kids?

Well, in English classes and a couple of more classes

English class you speak?

Not only desk? You speak?

Yeah, exactly!

That’s important

So you study for long time?


My me I English study twenty years

But oh my god! English pronunciation, accent very difficult

Very difficult and I sound very samurai English

No, but you are pretty good like

It only takes practice like

Myself as well like as the days go by if you keep speaking it gets better

You are speaking good

I can one hundred percent understand whatever you are saying

So oh really? You understand?

Yeah, I understand you

Sorry, it’s …

I’m very hot!

Sorry, last question

I Australia came because I increase my English in this country

But I work at sushi restaurant at working

Customers Australian people my workers Australia people

Very nervous

Sometimes people from Costa Rica spain country speak English

Me? My English sh*t!

What do you think about my English okay?

Any advice please?

I think that’s okay and I think the best way to improve is

When you are learning a language that I am actually doing for myself

Is to just be confident and keep speaking

Keep speaking and keep like hearing of

One that suggest you like other people might tell you about certain words, how to pronounce it and

Don’t be afraid of speak

And it will improve as the days go by

So my English is very samurai but okay?

Sounds okay? Not weird?

No! I can understand what you say

You have, of course an accent, as myself but

I can understand you

Thank you

Sorry, I gotta apologize to you coz to be honest, I can speak English properly

But what I wanted to do in this video is that

Many Japanese people come to Australia

Or maybe to Costa Rica but

Because we Japanese have a thick accent

And sometimes people hesitate to speak

Because we are like I’m afraid to show my accent

But it sounds like accent is a beautiful thing aye it’s not weird

I think that we have to embrace it and

As the days go by our pronunciation will improve

Slowly gradually

Last question if you are my English teacher today

What would be the first advice you are gonna give me to improve my English?

Well, I think maybe I have told you before but

Don’t be afraid of speaking

Because if you do not speak there is no way that you can improve

And as you speak, also hear the other persons around you

And then mimic?

Yeah, exactly

Thank you very much for your advice I appreciate

I hope that it helped

It helped a lot

Mucahs gracias

3組目 オーストリア出身の2人組の男性に聞いてみた!

How are you?

Very good, thank you!

Feeling good! We just had lunch

Feeling good


Just had some lunch

Very good! Thank you!

You from what country?

From Australia

Australia? Oh Straya! I like accent already


Same I’m from Australia

Native English speakers

Very good chance, opportunity

Today what today?





You skipped it

Sorry! My English..

Wednesday okay! Why beach? What you doing today?

No working?

We came to have lunch together I’m from Melbourne

And he’s local

So we came to catch up and have lunch

Ketchup and have lunch!

Today, very random question in this video

About samurai English

About not perfect English

I teach English in Japan English teacher

Because my English okay on the desk okay but speaking,,,

Little bit so so

I English study twenty years but

Pronunciation, accent very difficult

Oh my god!

Do you think I’m very samurai?

I think it’s okay not too bad

A little bit of samurai

It’s very good you can tell you’d had a lot of practice

Thank you!


I understand you I think

It’s very interesting coz the language is good

But then there’s a lot of accent your accent is…


My English grammar okay

But samurai accent little bit coming out

Cannot hide I’m from Japan!

Good! Genuine!

But I heard Australia many people from everywhere country

So accent is normal is this country?

It is! That’s right

Many people speak like me English

Japanese people Australia come

Very nervous

Because samurai accent

But it’s normal? Not weird?

No, it’s not weird! Not at all!

Your accent’s actually quite good in comparison to

A lot of other people from other country


Yeah, you are very easy to understand

I’d say it’s easier and it’s quite maybe more humorous

Maybe you are interesting

Probably think the same about us though


“From Straya mate”

Me teaching English in Japan

That’s why I Australia come

Because I want to increase my English

Now work in sushi restaurant

I’m co*k!

Sushi tarin?

More expensive

I’m co*k!

Very nervous

Because my customer Australian people

S*it down and…

On my god! Talking English to me

Cannot focus

So I lose confident

Honest opinion what do you think my English?

You want advice how you improve your English?

I think being here in this country is going to help you

The longer you stay here the more you are gonna start to pick up

And maybe Australians we do speak a little bit fast

But it’s just if you spend time here

You are gonna start to pick up the language

Same if I came to Japan if I spend six months there

With you, your family and everyone speaking Japanese

I’d probably start to pick up Japanese

So no need to afraid

A good way to get more confidence about it is

When people are talking to you at the restaurant

Try not to listen to every word that they say

Coz in Australia we have a lot of words that mean nothing

Just filler words

Important words only?

If you get the important words then you can understand the basic of the conversation

Okay, sorry! I gotta apologize to you

Coz I can speak English properly

What I wanted to do in this video is that like I said

Many Japanese people come to Australia with working holiday or as a student whatever

But they have a thick accent

And they are afraid to speak because they have an accent

But I believe it’s a beautiful thing

And I wanted to ask you how you feel it

But it’s completely alright aye

I think it’s fine I think it’s actually it should be encouraged to keep your accent

You shouldn’t try to fit in too much

You should be proud?

I think you should be proud of it definitely

Be proud and it’s a safe country, come!

Share your accent with us

We’ve got beautiful people here in Australia so

Come here!

Thank you very much!

4組目 デンマーク出身の女性に聞いてみた!

I’m very hot!

You from what country?

I’m from Denmark

Very expensive country

Yes, very

Sorry, Denmark people everyone speak good English

We learn it early

How old learn?

We learn it in the first grade

Denmark from and you are what doing today?

What I’m doing? I’m at the beach exploring




Not exploding

Beautiful lady from Denmark

In this video

I question have

About my English, not perfect English

First, how many years you study English?

I have studies since I was five years old

And when you think you speak okay English? What year?

When I was eight

I’m English teacher in Japan

My grammar okay but my speaking…

Not so so!

I English study twenty years but still

English pronunciation accent

Many many difficult!

Oh my god!

Do you think I’m very samurai accent?


Yeah, I would say so

I’m not very familiar with the accent

Before working sushi restaurant in Sydney

And Australian customer

Very strong accent

Not so so

What do you think my accent?

Not cool, special or okay?

Yeah, I think it’s good

I mean I understand what you are saying

Really? Thank you!

Because sometimes before I Tinder

And I met European girl

But I feel shy because my accent

Maybe I not cool, not good looking because accent

No problem?

I don’t think so

I think you’ll be fine if she’s understanding willing to listen

So it sounds okay?


Thank you

I gotta apologize to you coz I can speak English properly

I love it! I love accent!

I mean I travel to listen to other accents to learn different things

So the accent is a cool thing?


Thank you!

So one last question

If you were my English teacher today

What would it be the first advice you are gonna give me?

Move to the country where they speak the language you wanna learn

Coz you need the language and the culture at the same time

Otherwise, it’s not gonna be authentic

That’s true! It’s important to learn the culture as well

Thank you very much!
