【驚愕】海外の美男美女に「初体験はいつ?」と聞いてみたら凄い事になった – Part2




4組目 エストニア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?

Hey, I’m from Estonia

You’re all from Estonia?

Yeah, we are all

This is the first time to film with people from Estonia

I’m interviewing people about their life experience

Like, it’s pretty much like

At what age did you have the first time experience?

Because we Asian people, Japanese people,

A little bit conservative, I think

But from our perspective

European people are really open to this kind of thing

So let me find out what is the realities there

First of all

At what age did you have your first partner, girlfriend, boyfriend?



I think I was like 16 or something

Not so early

Is it average in your country?

Nowadays, I think it changed

A little bit earlier?

For sure, but when we were younger

It was like it’s only kissing through

Only kissing

Only kissing Okay

How old are you guys now?

I’m 25



I don’t know how much you know about Japanese people

But from the impression you have towards us

When it comes to, like, intimacy

Do you think Japanese people are pretty active to it

Or not really?

I think you’re all active

But it’s like behind closed curtains

It’s not out it the public

But in the private, we are very wild

Maybe it is correct

According to our research on Google

Most of us Japanese have had the first experience when we are 20 years old

That’s the average, apparently

Do you think this is early in your country or quite late? If it’s in your country?

It’s more on the late side, I reckon

I think you say Usually it’s like high school, I reckon

I think so High school First part of college

The first party is out

First party Yeah

Now I need to ask these good-looking people

At what age did you have your first-time experience?



For me it was 18

Not so early Yeah

Is Estonia quite open oe not really

Compared to other European countries

Still, lots if people have

Certain expectations or stuff like that

And want to meet the right person or some stuff

Old school people, Estonian people are old minded

Not really like Australian people Yeah

No, it’s completely different

I didn’t know that

I have a stereotype All the European people are very open

When you go outside, meet new people

It’s kind of hard because you say go and like

Hey, what’s your name?

And they’re going to walk right past you

Oh, they are closed to you

Everyone need their personal space

Really? Okay

We’re getting a new education Oaky

New knowledge Thank you very much

Thank you for your help

5組目 フランス出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


I’m from Japan

And I interview people about many kinds of topics

Sometimes serious topics, sometimes casual topics

And today I’ve very casual

I’m trying to entertain people

I’m going to ask you at what age did you have the first-time experience?

Because Japanese people a little bit conservative

I think relative to French people

But I cannot assume, but from my image

The French people are quite open to that sort of thing

So, let me ask you some questions

First of all

At what age did you have your first boyfriend girlfriend?

My first boyfriend when I was maybe six

Okay, let’s start from that

First boyfriend, six years old?

But just at little kids When I was in the school


That is my very first

One by one One by one?

Wait six years old

You’re already kissing?

Yes, it’s just that

I tell my mom, I have my boyfriend at school

So really nice but just kisses

Japanese, six years old is screaming in front of the TV now

Oh my God

Not all of French

Some people Yeah some people

I need to ask you like this

Do you consider yourself as an extrovert person like a party person

Or you are more like a quite introvert person?


I love going to a club

Go to parties, meet a lot of people

Do you have any Japanese friends?


I don’t know how much you know about Japanese people

But in the impression, you have towards okay, let’s say Japanese

When it comes to intimacy

Do you think Japanese are quite active to it

Or not really active?

I don’t know

It’s funny because yesterday night

I met my first Japanese guy and it was very like

“Hi, do you have a boyfriend?”

He was not a shy person

Straight up

Do you have a boyfriend? I like that

The first question was what is my name

And the second is do you have a boyfriend?

Who are you, mate? I love you

It’s braveness That’s good

But I don’t know because I never meet Japanese people

Okay, maybe he was a really confident person then

Yeah, maybe that guy is

But in general, I don’t know

So, my question is going to be according to research

We Japanese, most of us have our first time at 20 years old

Do you think this is early or late comparing to French culture, French people?

Depends, because when I see the statistics

The French guys start the relationship, socks relationship maybe at 19

But the girl is maybe since 14,15

Quite early Yeah?

You already checked the statistics?

Yeah I talk with my friends

When I see the TV and statistics about the girl

People wants to know this

And I’m really curious

I want to know now because you look beautiful

At what age, did you have the first time then?


Is it quite early in your country or normal?

If I could change it, maybe I would like to change

Because it was too early for me

I was not ready for that

I hate this

Oh, really?

Yes, I hate the moment because I was too young for this

I would like to know him before we did this

But I can’t change it

But if I have the choice, maybe after

Oh really?

So, you wanted to wait a little bit more then?

Okay interesting

Was it like with your boyfriend at the time?


No, I mean with the guy at the time

I was my boyfriend

Okay, so the last question is this

I think western people are really close to their parents

They talk anything to their parents, right?

I don’t know, not everyone, but you personally

Can you talk about this kind of thing with your parents?

My mother, yes, but not my father

You can talk about this with your mom?


Not at the beginning because I was 14, so it’s too young

But after, I can talk about a lot of things

My mother is open minded too, so I can talk about this

It’s important for me to talk about this when you are a child you are maybe a child about a lot of things like this

You have to protect you It’s important

The consentment too

But I can’t with my father because I’m not very close to him

Okay, a little bit awkward

But I think it’s important Yeah

Because if you talk

Maybe your mom can teach you important things

It’s important to say you have to protect yourself

You have to say yes or no

If you don’t want to, you have to say no

So, yes, it’s important to have maybe someone to explain that

Merci beaucoup


6組目 コロンビア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

What country are you from?


Which city?


Oh, the capital city?

What do you do in Australia?

I’m studying scuba diving

You are trying to get license?

Yeah I want to become an instructor

Oh, nice

That’s going to be a nice job


Would you mind my asking your age?

How old are you now?

I’m 29

What did you do in Colombia?

I did a degree in business management

And I worked for bog companies for a few years

I’m from Japan and I interview people about many kinds of topics

Sometimes very serious, like finance or like, lifestyle

Sometimes very casual, Interesting topics

Today I am interviewing people about their life experience which is pretty much like

At what age did you have the first-time experience?

Let me ask you some questions about it

Because we want to know, from my perspective

Latino people are really open for this kind of thing

At what age did you have the first girlfriend boyfriend?

My first girlfriend was at six…

No at 17, actually

The first girlfriend? Yeah 17

Oh, so it’s not really early

It’s not earlier at all

It’s a weird case

In my country, everyone starts earlier

What age do you think? Your friends


Most of people

Most people yes

They love making a relationship


You personally, do you consider yourself

As an extrovert person? Like party person,

Or you more like introvert, quite person?

I would say I’m both I’m a bit of both

It does depend on the people you with, the place you at your mood Yeah

I used to be more extroverted when I was younger

But I’m becoming a little bit more quote sometimes a bit more shy

I think people are like this Yeah

Because when I was younger, I was not afraid of anything

Like party all the time and energetic

But now it’s like okay, I’d rather go moe and take a sleep

You think twice

Like I’m not being rude or anything

But you look both

Like you look like a happy person

But at the same time, you don’t like too party, party you know?

So, yeah, I can feel

Do you have Japanese friends?

Japanese friends? Yes, I do

I’m not sure how much you know about Japanese people

But in the impression, you have towards us

When it comes to, like, intimacy, like socksual things

Do you think we are quite active to it

Or we are a bit quite?

That’s a good question

I haven’t had any socksual experience with Japanese

That’s sad I’m joking

Actually, one girl

Yeah, but she lived a big part of her life in the US

So,she has a mixture of cultures

I would say I’m very ignorant in that specific topic

I would say you guys can be a bit more quite

We have cold cities The weather

I’m talking about the weather because that’s a big influence


We have cold cities

And then I would say people from cold cities are a bit more quite or conservative


Yes 100%

People from the coast from warmer weather

They’re super open

They’re like a beach people

Yes Exactly

And then they are more active Or more open

When you we go to Colombia, look for beaches


Don’t go to cold area


So according to our research, we Japanese

Most of us have the experience at 20

19 or 20

Do you think it’s quite early or late in your country?

That will be late in my country yes

Then I need to ask you

At what age did you have your first time?

18, I think

Not too early yeah?

Which is also late for my country

Most people, again, they start at 15

They start at 15

16 yeah

Do you talk to your parents about that kind of intimate things?

About socks? No

You don’t

You personally don’t But some people do?

Yeah, I would say most people don’t

But some people like they can talk


All right Interesting

Thank you very much

Muchas gracias
