


1組目 イギリス、北アイルランド出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you ladies from?

I’m from Englang, the U.K.

I’m from Northen Ireland

Here in Manly Beach today

I’m interviewing people about their value towards like relationship and marriage

So appareantly, in Japan there’s a lot of prople, young people

Who don’t wanna have a partner forever

And also wants to stay single

And according to research, the number has been increasing

So I wanna know how.. How you guys, ladies from the UK feels about it

First question, do you have a partner now?

I do, yes

I don’t

At some point of your life, do you wanna find someone to stay with forever?

Or do you prefer to stay single?

No I think I’d like to be with someone

I’m the same for sure

You wanna find someone?

Do you wanna specifically want to get married?

Personally, yes But I don’t think it’s, you know, the end of the world if people don’t

I think a lot more people are still having relationships togehter without getting married, which is cool

But personally, I still want to get married have that special time

As you mentioned, like, especially in this country

I found many people who are in a relationship for a long time In some cases they gave kids

But they stay like unmarried

So I was like I don’t still get the value

What is marriage to you guys you think? What is it?

It’s a hard question

It’s like the commitment to be faithful..

Lifelong commitment as well

So it’s stronger than just being a relationship

I think it means more to a lot of people

I’m seeing a lot of video where Japanese people talk about marriage

And they always say thay’re worried whether they’re gonna have enough money

After marriage and also whether they can have… they can secure their own time after marriage

Don’t you have any concerns like that? When you, you know, speak about marriage?

I don’t think so I think you go into marriage

Knowing you’re on the same page financially and like it’s big thing financially

So it’s like you’ve got to be at that stage of your life to go in

Okay okay

Forward with that

I think each relationship is obviously very different

Unlike the people’s incomes and things like that

It’s just depending on every single couple

But for me, it’s not really

It’s not a big deal?

Not yet, anyway

Ask me again in a couple of years it might of changed

You’re gonna be more realistic, maybe

So the last question

We quite often talk to friends about this question

Which is like at what age do you wanna get married?

At what age, do you wanna get married?

Realistically, looking at my life now, I’d probably say like mid-thirties

Mid-thirties? Okay

Like, I think there’s a pressure for people to get married young

And like when you’re younger you think “Oh yeah I gonna be married and have this many kids at this age”

And that’t just unrealistic

You never know it’s gonna heppen

If I’m looking at my life noe, I’d say mid-thirties

So you wanna enjoy your time a bit till later?

For sure

I’m the same like early-thirties to mid-thirties

Probably be the most ideal

Yeah, for the same reason?

Yeah… well, I need to find someone first Lol

You can’t marry someone you don’t have yet


I hope you will find someone genuine, yeah?

Okay Thank you very much!

2組目 フィリピン出身の女性に聞いてみた!

What country are you from?

We’re all from the Philippines

Is that okay to ask your age?

I’m 28



Every Filipino people speak English well, huh? Pretty much

Yeah, we do, It’s part of our curriculum when you are growing up

I mean, it’s part of our curriculum as well? Lol

In this video right, here in Manly Beach today

I’m intervieing people about their value towrads relationship and marriage

So apparently in Japan nowadays

There are lots of young people who are not really keen to have a partner

And wants to stay single for good

So I wanna know how you guys feel

First question Do you have a partner now?


I have a partner

I do as well

Do you ladies want to have a lifetime partner at some point of your life?

Yeah, of course I think…

The three of us were talking about this just yeaterday

Like we don’t wanna gros, like alone

It’s gonna to be a sad life, but then, in a sense…

It’s not always going to be like partner romantic partner that you have for your life

It’s going to come to like what kind of environment you have?

What kind of people you surround yourself with?

And there’s going to be people who are going to give you some sort of love

It’s not just going to be romantic

But like ask about romantic Of course you wnat that in your life as well

Because, you know, it brings joy

And maybe additional value to your life

Especially as time gose by

Sometimes the relationship doesn’t go romantic way

But kind of like sometimes it goes to a stable way or whatever you call it

So you ladies wants to have a partner for your life as well?


Pesonally, it’s a fair expectation

It’s obviously very practical to grow old with someone who can help you

Financially and emotionally

But at the same time, women thses days or I guess also men

We have an urgency to be more independent

Yeah, right That’s true

We have a more liberated sense of our personhood, I guess

We’re very globalized, so we wannat explore more

And sometimes having a partner at home can hold you back

It’s not always in a bad way

But having a partner is a very comfortable expectation for the future

You know, in this country, there are many couples who are in a relationship for a long time

Have some kids but stay as like a de facto Just a couple not really married

But I guess in Japan Like our perspective is like, it shouldn’t be like that

If you’re with someone and you’re setteled, why don’t you get married?

Is it like that in your country as well? Is marriage really important?

From the Philippines, that’s part of the culture I’d say Asian colture in general

And also us lide we’re generally Catholic

It’s like embedded in like a religion and in culture

You have to be married first before you kind of make really strong family

I probably am more practical in a way that

I would definitely wnat to be married just because of tax and everything, the paperwork

Being able to maximize the benefit of

Maybe a lower tax backet because I’m married

You know, that’s probably my mindset towrads

That could be also the reason for Jaoanese people to get married as well

What do you think? Like I said Japanese people nowadays getting like married a bit less than before

Do you have that trend, do you think in your country?

Or people hust get like together and usually wnats to have a partner?

From what I hear from friends, like

One of the best options we have is to get married

But, you know, wedding are not cheap They’re very expensive

And there’s a pressure to have that perfect day

But long term speaking I think in our culture, we still value marriage

But, you knoe, we’re in Australia

One of our friends is from Ireland

There’s a different market when it comes to marriage these days

More people are having trouble finding that really good partner for them

That’s not just their lifestyle

But I think marriage is hyst really practical

The interesting thing is that the closer the country gets, the closer the cultures gets

But then when I talk to like Brazilian people,

Our culture is really like, there’s a huge difference

Because there’s a huge distance as well

So the last question

We often ask friends this question, ehich is like,

At what age do you get married?

At what age you wnat to get married?

It’s complicated Because I don’t have a partner

So I haven’t really thought about, like marriage

You’re being realistic, eh?

So. like, maybe if I find someone now

Probably maybe two, three years should be enough

Because at my age, I feel like I’m mature enough to

Like really start, being mature in a relationship

Unless when you’re kind of younger Maybe if I started when I was 22

I might have wanted like a longer period

For me to be a little bit more free without the responsibility of like maybe starting a family as well

So maybe two, three years after? Probably

Okay, you need to start finding someone, eh?

At what age do you wanna get married?

When I was younger, there was a deadline that I gave to myself, like when I was 28 That’s the ideal

That was same for me as well

I’m 29 now Lol

It depends, well probably next two, three years

Because I want to be like stable financially

Before I commit into something that’s gonna be like a forver decision

So yeah, after 30

What do you think?

I’m not sure when exactly I wanna get married

There’s alwats some pressure from my family

And from, I guess, peers who are getting married

I’m thinking “Is something wrong with me?” “If I don’t have a deadline for myself?”

But at the same time I’m more focused on my career

I guess, becoming mentally, financially and emotionally stable

But I don’t have a deadline or an age

Thank you very much!

Thank you

Thank you for having us


3組目 イタリア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


Is that okay to ask your age?


It’s perfect Okay

In this video, here in Manly Beach

I’m interviewing people about their value towrads relationship and marriage

So apparently in my country, Japan nowadays there are many young people especially people in twenties

They don’t wanna get a partner They don’t wanna have a partner

They wanna stay single forever

So I wanna know how you as Italian person feels about this

First question Do you have a partner?

No. I’m alnoe now

Okay, so you are having a good time obviously, in Australia now

Do you think you wanna find someone for your life

Or do you wanna stay single?

My friends think about I wanna stay with in a relationship

But I think I wanna stay single for a few

Oh really? Okay

So you don’t really want to marry as well?/

No, no no, I don’t wanna marry now

So when Japanese young people say they don’t wanna get married they wanna stay single

They say because they wanna spend their time on their like, hobbies and whatever they like

Why do you think you don’t wanna have a partner now?

Because I just moved now from Italy so I just started my life

So I don’t know if I wanna stay in a relationship with a person

I wanna stay, maybe enjoy the life maybe fun, all these stuff

Have you ever had a partner though, in your life?

Yeah, I had a partner for 6 years

That’s 1 year ago

Maybe for this, I don’t wanna be in a relationship

So you’re kind of hurt?

My heart is broken

You don’t wanna feel that anymore

No, no, it’s a good feeling

It’s a good feeling But you are having fun at the moment

I’m okay I’m okay here

But what do you think though, in Japan nowadays

Like I said, there are many young people don’t wannat get married, they wanna stay single

Do you think your friends always want to get partner?

Or like some people wants to stay single?

I think all the people is looking for something with a partner

And also, this is a question, you know, like..

I’m a really like Asian person from Japan

Marriage is really important in our country I think still

But then since I moved to Australia

I see many like people Maybe they’re in a relationship for a long time

They have kids but sometimes they’re not married

Is it like that in Italy?

It’s common also and I’m not sure about this But I think it’s common in Italy as well

What is marriage?

Difficult question I think it’s very difficult question

Please help me

I don’t know I really don’t know

It’s difficult, eh?

Yeah, it’s a difficult question

What is marriage?

What is difference between in a relationship and marriage?

This is a big question

If you are married in the paperwork

Maybe in some countries, maybe you can get some benefit from government

Thank you very much

4組目 ブラジル出身の男性に聞いてみた!

What country are you from?

I’m from Brazil

And you’re been in Australia for a long time now?

For 1 year

What do you do here?

I’m an English teacher, actually

That’s why your English sounds pretty good

Thank you

How old are you, by the way?

I’m 29

So here in Manly Beach today,

I’m interviewing people about their value towards like relationship and marriage

So apparently in Japan, there are many people, especially like young generation

They don’t wanna have a partner and also they wanna stay single forever

According to a research, apparently like 30% of Japanese twenties

Have never been on a date

So this is a big trend, I guess

And I wanna ask you how you as Brazilian person feel about this

Do you have a partner now, by the way?

Yes, we’ve been together for 4 months, so it’s recent

So you’re in a honeymoon stage?

Yeah, everything is pretty and nice

Everything is shiny That’s good

So you personally wants to have a partner for your life?

I guess so

It comes from family values, especially my family

And we really value family having kids and building a family

So I guess I want that

Okay You want that

In terms of that, do you wanna get married specifically?

Hmm… not necessarily

I don’t think getting married like on the paper is necessary

If I could be together with someone forever without having to sign a piece of paper

This is interesting

Because like since I came here 8 years ago

I’ve seen many people, many couples, they’re in a relationship for ages

And sometimes in some cases they have a kids but they are not married

What is that?

Does that happen in Brazil as well, right?

It does

What do you think it it?

So I guess the trend affects the younger generations everywhere

And people are just against labels nowadays

They think it can affect your relationship negatively


That’s why they’d rather not have that

Because if it comes to an end

You’re gonna have a lot of bureaucraric like things to deal with

So it used to be like a commitment

But then it looks like nowadays it’s like you’re locked in a relationship sort of thing, isn’t it?

Is that what you mean like by saying label?

Yes you just.. you don’t have to label what you have if you’re happy and you love each other there’s no need to

Like a paper won’t change anything

If you want show they love them for real or not

It’s really interesting

I personally, I think… want to get married

It’s jusy because I think it’s just our culture

And my mum and dad will be happy

And maybe my partner wants that as well So I just respect

But I really respect your opinion as well

This is really interesting

I’ve seen a lot of videos where Japanese people talk about getting married with someone and stuff like that

And when they talk about that, in many cases they are worried about after marriage

If they can have enough money

Maybe it’s because the wedding and stuff?

It’s like for them, I think necessary

If you get married, you need to do that

Which is very expensive So they’re worried about that

And also they’re worried whether they have they can secure the enough time for themselves

Like own time because after you’re married, you need to have a time for your partner as well

Don’t you worry about that sort of thing?

Yes That’s why I’m a little, you know, concerned

About getting married and putting labels

Because I think that could happen If you feel like you have the commitment

And if there’s no labels, maybe you fell like

You don’t have that commitment You still do

But it’s just maybe labels scare people

Personally I think it would scare me a little bit

It’s gonna be stressed?

Yeah, losing my freedom and not doing what I wanna do

I really value my free time

And playing sports like I was doing just right now

I’m here by myself My oartner is not here

So yeah, I do worry that if I get married

At some point it will affect this freedom that I have

Like I said, Japanese young people don’t wanna be in a relationship and stuff like that

Do you see that trend in Brazil as well? Or..

Yes, it happes especially with younger people

Cuz my parents generations, for them you had to get married

You had pressure from your parents

They would try and push you to get married

But nowadays that doesn’t exist anymore

And kids are very aware that what they want

I guess it depends a lot on your imcome

Richer people tend to wanna be single and not get married

If you come from a poor background

I think that’s more common for people to get married then

Interesting Okay

Thank you very much for your opinion

Thank you

Muito obrigado!

De nada!

5組目 フランス、チリ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

What country are you from?



And would you mind my asking how old you are?


How old do you think I am?

How old do you think she is?

I think 24

Really? 29

Oh really?

You look pretty young, yeah?

Happy to welcome beautiful ladies in my channel

In this video, here in Manly Beach today

I’m interviewing people about their values towrads relationship and marriage

Nowadays, apparently there are many people in my country, Japan, expecially young generation

They want to stay single forever

They don’t wanna have a partner

And I wanna know how you feel about sort of thing

Do you have a partner now?


No Difficult question!

Difficult question

At some poiont of your life do you think you wanna find your lifetime oartner?

Yes, I think so

I do, yes

Does it necessarily mean that you wanna get married?

No, too much paper

I do

I know it’s like a controversial thing nowadays

Even in my country it is

Oh really?

Every time it’s more like a thing

But I still do want to


But if I don’t get, I do want to have like.. a person for a longer time

For a longer time? Like for your life?

Okay, cuz like since I came to Australia

I’ve seen a lot of people here like they in the relationship for a long time

They have kids but they stay not married

You know what I mean? They’re just a couple

Why is that? Like…

You don’t wanna do like too much paperwork? Is that their reason?

Yes, I think so

You don’t need a paperwork if you love the person?

Yes, absolutely This is true

What do you think the difference between just a relationsship and being married?

Good question

Because you really want to get married!

I don’t know why I think it’s because I was like, raised in a way

Family value

It’s like a commitment

But about paperwork it is usuful when you have a family

And when you have kids

It makes things easier

I think in Japan too

That’s why people kind of like, automatically get married

Because it makes your life easier, pretty much

I’ve seen a lot of videos where Japanese people talk about

Getting married or having like a partner

When they think having someone in their life forever

They kind of like worried if they have enough money

Also if they can secure enough time for themself as an indivisual

Don’t you worry about that sort of thing

When you think about being with someone forever?

Yes I am, of course But then we’re still young

So we can still being something good

So here is the last question

We ask friends this question often which is like

At what age do you wanna get married?

So it doesn’t have to be married

Because you are not really interested in on that paperwork

So at what age do you wanna find your lifetime partner?


At what age?

I don’t think there is an age to find the lifetime partner

The only thing that worries to me now,

Even mostly are getting married

I would like to have babies

That’s what is like the biological time about

Like you can’t have babies probably after 40 or 40 something

Maybe the partner that I find to have a baby

Will be my partner for life Myabe not

But that’s the thing that worried me the most now Not my partner for life

It’s because of the biological time

Let’s say before 40

Let’s say before 40 Okay!

And you?

Yeah, same Before 40

Okay, so you still have time yeah?

Okay, let’s enjoy life

Okay, thank you very much!
