


1組目 スペイン出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

So we are from Spain From Madrid,the capital

Okey,I’ve been there actually long time ago

So today in this video I want to ask you guys about your country and my country

When I hear the country name Spain

Soccer comes up to my head

And also I like Spanish food like

Paella and Jamon iberico and stuff like that so

Pretty much soccer and food

From a perspective of Spanish people

What are you proud of about your country?And what are you proud of about your people?

The thing that I’m most proud of my country is the culture

We are very close people

So I think we are like very friendly and we’ll welcome

Yeah very close like

To the people like we don’t really know I think

I think we like sharing

It’s interesting because since I came to Australia

For me Australia people are very close to people

Something like that in Spain?

For us it’s even hard here in Australia


Even closer?

I gotta go back to Spain again,hey

You should

What do you think?

So I think we are really lucky with all the land scape

And all the land that we have

Coz we can grow many different kind of fruits and veggies like

Coz in the north of Spain we have like cold and humidity

And in the south we have all the opposite like

Heat and dry

So I think we are really lucky about that

And also for sure the food and the family like

We have like a really friendly culture and

Like friends and family are so much for that I think

Is it like this in Spain too?

When I used to live with European people

Most of them talk to their parents all the time

Like everyday

Do you do that?


That’s your culture, hey

Probably not everyday but yeah

Very often?


So we couldn’t live one week without talking to our family and know like how are you doing and what are we doing

So that’s… it depends on the person but

Pretty different from my culture

I’ll tell you where I come from soon but

Now I’m gonna say five things to you guys and

After you hear them please tell me a country name which popped up in your head

Home appliances are from

I would say Japan?

I don’t really know


Japan, Korea?


The country that has the best medical care in the world is


I think France

Spain is also very good

Simply Asian country


Japan comes first?

Japan comes first

Why do you think so?

We really like Japan

Rich country

United States

I will say Emirates

Emirates, Dubai?

UAE yeah?

United Arab Emirates

Okay last one

Generally smart people are from

Germany manybe

Are all of your German friends are smart?

I think they are really smart yeah

I think most of them are smart

What do you think?

I would say Japan

You guys are really interested in Japan, hey

I am from Japan

Have you guys been there before?

No, never yeah

Why do you like Japan so much?

I think I always like the culture

Like kind of the culture and also I love the food

I love the stuff like anime and manga

All the otaku stuff

Are you otaku?

Not at all but I like it

What do you watch?

I like One piece, Fullmetal Alchemist

Death Note, the typical and

I don’t really remember so many of them but I really…

Well you definitely know more than I do

I’ve watched so many

When it comes to Japan What comes up to your head first then?

Well first of all, it’s also because of him

I think of the traditional food

Coz he’s very interested in that field

So he talk a lot about that and Show me a lot of videos

And a lot of stuffs we went to try different food and Different kind of styles in Japanese

So it would be the first thing that comes into my mind But also it would be because of him

Putting all the stuff in my mind

It’s really interesting because

Literally I didn’t tell you guys where I am from

And then you started talking about Japan and

Probably people who are watching this video are like

This guy told them that he is from Japan first

No! They literally like Japan

Alright anyway

Muchas gracias! Thank you very much!

2組目 オーストラリア、ドイツ出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?



In this video I wanna ask you guys about your country and my country

When it comes to Australia

Since I started living here

I’v been here for six years, seven years now

I found that.. Before thought about kangaroos and koalas and things like that


But now I found that the people here are very talkative

You talk to everyone literally Australian people talk to everyone like very friendly

And about Germany, I’ve been to Germany before

Actually food is really nice there and

I think many Japanese people think about beers

And obviously soccer

But from an Australian person’s perspective A German person’s perspective

What are you proud of about your country? What are you proud of about people in your country?

From Australian perspective

I think that everybody is very relaxed and very friendly and

And chilled out

I think it’s got a good lifestyle In terms of being active and getting out into the sunshine

Getting out on… this is Tuesday afternoon

Coming to the beach and walking around with a smoothy

That’s a good life definitely

I’ve been to many countries especially in Asia and Europe but

Yeah I’ve never seen a country which is more relaxed than Australia Australian people are really relaxed

That is a good thing about Australia

What about Germany do you think?

Well, I know a lot of people especially from abroad also realize that very quick

We are very direct

Which I think is a very good thing

So you always know where you at when you get to Germany and

It’s not a rude thing

It’s just we are direct but we are friendly people

And I think we are actually pretty humorous

Once you get to know our humor

So direct means that people are very honest and say things straight?


Do you feel the same?

A hundred percent

He lived in Germany for a while

I did I lived there for three years

What did you do there?

I worked in advertising

And Germany is a really organized country as well, init?

We are very structured

We like structure We like punctuality

We are organized

Sometimes I feel like over organized

Before we started filming she was like

I don’t knoe\w what I like about Germany

But sounds like she has a lot of things she likes about Germany

So now I’m gonna say five things and after you hear all these

Please just simply give me a country name That popped up in your mind

Home appliances are from



The country that has the world is


Yeah I was gonna say Sweden as well

Is Sweaden good?

Well, Scandinavian countries are very good

I also think it might be Japan as well

Might be Japan as well? You’ve heard of it?


Asian country

I would say now I said Japan


Why do you think so?

I’ve been to Malaysia

Rich country

I think the US because you think first about the American dream


Very expensive, hey

Generally smart people are from

I would say it would be

An Asian country because it feels like that

I would say it could be Japan because they have a lot of inventions as well

This is interesting because I asked the same question to another group amd they said

Asian countries

Do you have an image like Asian people are smart?

I think once it comes to Europe or Germany

Usually very smart, very techie like

And that’s not the smartest I have so I think that’s why I feel like it

That’s a very structured answer

What do you think?

I went to Scandinavian country like Denmark as well

I’v been there and spent a lot of time and

They seem very smart people

Okay so Scandinavian country like Denmark

Alright, last question is gonna be like this

I am from Japan

Could you tell? Or you couldn’t tell?

I would’ve thought so

I don’t know how much you know about Japan

You’ve never been there before, right?

No, I’m going in next year though


It’s gonna be good! You definitely should

Now I don’t know how much you know about Japan

But when it comes to Japan and Japanese people What kind of things, images come up to your mind?

The two things for me, snowboarding and whisky

Snowboarding and whisky

I think they are very accurate

That is very correct

Because many Australian people come to Japan For anowbordnig especially in Hollaido

And whisky are bloody expensive

It’s a brand

What do you think?

I would say very polite Like very polite and

Yeah as I said smart

So I think that’s like the two things come to my mind

When I just think about the people

And the country I think about like

The flowers, the blossoms

That’s like what I think about first to be honest

Usually I finish my interview here but

I feel like you guys are really nice people Let me sak one more question

What is a negative image you have about Japan then?

I think it’s very closed off for what I know about it

I think that could be correct

I would say they hold back like

Before they could risk to be impolite They hold back and

They rather not talk to you

Because they don’t want to offend you

That can seem like cold or hold off

Which is quite opposite from German culture, isn’t it?

Like you are very straight

But Japanses people kind of like think before we say

And maybe we change the way to tell people

Because we don’t wanna be rude

But thet could be rude sometimes

Very interesting

Thank you very much guys
