


1組目 スウェーデン出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?

We are from Sweden

Yeah I’m also from Sweden

Do all Scandinavian people speak English well?

Pretty much like

We have a quite high standard of English

Everybody learns it from age five

Because honestly I’ve seen so many Scandinavian people

Including Swedish people, Norweigians

Finnish people in this country Australia

I’d say a hundred percent of them speak English so good

So I was like every time “What the heck”

How do you learn a second language like that

Have you been in Australia for a long time now?

I’ve been here for two months

I’m studying here

This is my first day

I’m here visiting my girlfriend

First day in Australia, first interview in Australia yeah

We are nervous

In this video let me ask you some questions about your country

First of all, if you are gonna give a satisfaction level to your country Sweden

How many scores are you gonna give out of ten?

I’d probably say like eight or eight point five

That’s high

I agree like

Eight point five is a good number

Feels like we are gonna hear some like positive stories from these people aye

So the reason why today I’m asking people how they feel about their country is that

Because nowadays Japan as a country we’re kind of stuck in a bad spiral

Where there is no exit

For example the birthrate has been decreasing for ages

And the majority of the population is elder people

And obviously the government try to make them happy

Which sometimes is not

Good to create a better future for a young generation like us

So these things are problems

And also that everything’s getting expensive nowadays

But our salary hasn’t been increased for almost thirty years

That is crazy

So this is a problem I can’t talk everything coz there are too many problems

But what I wanna ask you is

Even so we say we are proud of Japan

Because of course we have good things as well

And when someone asks you “What are good things about your country?”

Could be about culture, people, education

Anything, lifestyle, system of your society

What do you think your answer is gonna be?

Education system is very nice

We are very fortunate to have actual free education

I mean free but we pay high tax

But it is free so

All of the people have the opportunity to go

How about uni?

Uni is free

That is good

I mean we have thirty percent tax at the lowest

Yeah but it’s good though I mean like

You pay tax but you know where the money is going

And you are quite happy about paying tax if it’s like that

So that’s a really positive thing I think

And also like this is connected to the school system

We have really nice student life

We have houses for nations

We can live and the nations compete against each other and

Accommodate like all kind of people

And it’s really nice to like party and to hangout so

The student life is really nice

So it it like a student dorm?

It’s like dorms but it’s like different cities have their one dorms so

And people from all over the world come there and also Swedish people can live there

Yeah exactly

And you can learn multi cultures physically

That is really cool I’ve never heard of it in Japan actually

It’s really big in Sweden

This is gonna be the last question

Things are changing always on a daily basis

And sometimes we need to to catch up with the change

To grow as a country

Because everything’s changing in the world

But sometimes I feel like the majority of people in Japan

Dislike changes Dislike to change because

Sometimes when you accept the change

When you accept the reality that you don’t wanna get

Maybe it affects your own culture and change its situation

But sometimes like I said we need to accept it

To make a better future

I believe this is a negative part of Japan

This mentality, this mindset

Can destroy opportunities for the better future sometimes

If people asl you what a bad thing and a problem of your country is

What do you think your answer is gonna be?

I personally think like Sweden is very individualistic so

People think only about themselves

I’ve heard of it

They think of their career and stuff and

And don’t wait and see what other people need

That’s also a good thing we have the tax system and stuff

Everybody gets their share

Because otherwise I think rich ones get richer so

And like we don’t sit with people in buses and stuff

We always sit alone and

People don’t like to socialize if they don’t know

I’ve heard that strangers are very strangers in your country right?

You don’t talk to people like in Australia?

Like if you say “How are you?” To a stranger You are like a weird person

They’ll ignore you

That’s so interesting

What do you think?

I agree I think that’s the saddest part, the social part

Because coming here to Australia It’s been such a big contrast like

People are so nice

Even if you are going and showing a house they are like

“Oh sorry I can’t offer you the house but”

“We can have a coffee if you want” like

They invite you to a lot of stuff

Which I think we’d need a bit more of in Sweden

Friendly kind of people’s mindset

It can create good vibes in people’s mond sometimes

Spread love

So that’s a negative thing that you can think of your country

But it doesn’t sound like that part is gonna create a bad future

Yeah but at the same time like the political landscape right now

Has become more and more conservative

The next biggest party is a famous racist party

Some countries have that kinda yeah

So it’s becoming a big thing in Sweden

Which also creates like a divide

But it’s too soon to see what will happen in the future

How old are you mate?

Twenty two

Twenty two and you can speak like that? You should be proud of yourself

How do you say thank you in Swedish?


Tacky guys!

2組目 ウクライナ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Ukraine

Have you been in Australia for a long time now?

Four months

You have your phone in your hand, translation

You need a translation She is still learning English

Okay, I’m learning English too

In this video I wanna ask you some questions about your country

FIrst of all, if you are going to give a satisfaction level

How satisfied, how happy you are about your country

What point are you going to give out of ten?

So ten is maximum and zero is the lowest

My country is hundred percent

Maximum point yeah? Very happy

That’s really good to hear

The reason why I’m asking people how they feel about their own country today

It because I feel like nowadays Japan has a bit of problem

For example the birthrate

We don’t have many babies Not many children

So most of the population is old people

When it’s like this our government

Try to make old people happy

Because the majority of people are old people

But if you are gonna make only old people happy

This is not good for young generation

This is difficult and also

Everything is getting expensive nowadays

But our wage hasn’t been going thirty years

This is a little bit crazy

So this is a bad thing about our country

But we say are proud of Japan

Because we have good things as well right? So

When someone asks you

“What is a good thing about your country?”

How do you answer?

My country has very good people and


So even you are different from other people People are not gonna judge you?

You are free to do anything?

Ah ah yeah

My country has very good food and


Cities and beautiful buildings

I’ve seen one of my friends went to Ukraine before for holiday

Took a lot of pictures

Really traditional buildings, they’re really beautiful

Even you have good parts sometimes each country has negative parts as well, problems

To make a better future in your country

We need to overcome the problem

What do you think is the problem of your country? A negative thing about your country?

Do you have any problemes in your country

No, I think there’s no problem in my country

But my country now has a war

This is a big problem but I think

After time I think

Everything will be fine and we will win

After the problem’s finished, everything will be fine

And maybe it’s gonna be even better than before


I like your positivity

No problem at all! Good work!

How do I say thank you?


3組目 フランス、トリニダード出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

From France


We call it Trinidad and Tobago

Your country must be very great

I feel the positivity from you

And France is a beautiful country

But now you are in Australia

What made you come to Australia?

A man!

I followed a man from London to here

And we broke up but I stayed

And where sis he now?

God knows!

How about you? Why did come to this country?

Because I needed some change and

Australia is very different from France

I was studying for too long and I needed a break

So I was supposed to stay for only six months but now it’s been like

Two and half years

Looking for a great opportunity in another country

Now I’m studying

Alright ladies in this video I wanna give you some questions about your country

If you are gonna give a satisfaction level to your country overall

Maximum ten points

How satisfied are you about your country?

Seven, eight

How about you?

I’d say seven

So you still have a room to improve

It’s good that some people say ten Some people say five so

The reason why I’m doing this interview video today is because

Japan as a country, I’m from Japan by the way

As a country has many problems As many countries have problems but We also have our problems

The birthrate has been decreasing for a long time

And the population is getting old and

Politicians have to do things for the old people

Because that’s the majority of people

And that can be a bit negative for a younger generation sometimes

To create a better future you know what I mean?

And the money is also a problem too Yen is going down

So those are the problems that I know

But I still say I’m proud of Japan

Because Japan in a great country We have so many good things

When someone ask you “What is a good thing about your country?”

Could be about culture, people, system of the society

Anything, lifestyle

What do you think is it gonna be?

The health system

I’ve heard of it

We have a really good health system like

Even if you can’t afford to get a surgery

You can get refunded

Free yeah?

Like it can be totally in charge of the government

So that’s good

Because in Japan the government helps some but

In some countries medical fees really expensive

And sometimes people can’t take the treatment

That is really good

How about Trinidad?

We are known for a beautiful carnival so

Two days of dancing in the street

With sexy costumes

All body types are welcome

Male and female can come

Two days every year

I’d love to go

I think generally people in your country are very positive yeah?

Yeah I mean, look, we believe that life is short

In my country when we win Miss Universe We get a holiday right

We lose We can get holiday

Life is for the celebration

You are here one time in this planet One life to live

That is so true

Everyone has a problem but

First of all you need to enjoy your life

That’s right

You can’t enjoy when you are dexd right?


But I cannot miss the bad part as well

I need to ask you about problems of your country

Like I said Japan has many problems like other countries

Sometimes you need to overcome the problems to make a better future for another generation

So if someone asks you “What is a problem of your country?” “What is a negative thing about your country?”

What do you think it is gonna be?

And how do you think you can conquer the problem?

So for me we have a problem of drags unfortunately

Because of our proximity to South America

Passes through us and upon to North America

So I would say a lot of it starts with

Reducing the dichotomy between the rich and the poor

Because if you have the majority of the people sitting below the breadline

And someone comes in and offers quick money

To get them above that breadline

Being able to purchase necessities

They’re gonna do it right

So we need to elevate that level

Educate, elevate, create employment

Show them a better way of life

Get rid of the drugs

Education is the basement You need this

Get rid of the drugs

Get rid of the drugs and that’s gonna help the country

You don’t only seem happy but you are also intelligent yeah?


What do you think about France?

In France I think I’d say maybe the racism

We go through a lot of racism there

I can feel it because

I’m French I was born in France but

I have North African background

And sometimes they make me feel like different

Because I don’t’ look the same

And also because of the religion like

I don’t know if you’ve heard about what’s happening now in France but

For example they reject Muslim people

Just because they wear a hijab or something like that

Like it’s just a way to dress like

You can’t judge someone by the way they dress like

As long as they are nice people they are nice

If they are dickhead, they are dickhead


So I think that’s the biggest problem in France

The racism is the biggest problem in France

It’s very common

People know that in France?

Like even on news like they alwyas talk about muslim people and everything and

I think there are so many problems in France That they should deal with

Than Muslim people

This is a very fresh topic for Japanese people

Because Japan is an island country so There are not many foreign people, not many religions

So we don’t really discriminate each other

Maybe in the past it depends on where you are from and stuff like that people used to judge people but

Not many nowadays

But in other countries yes

Religion and skin color and everything yeah

Because in France like

They colonized so many countries in Africa

So now there is a lot people with background like they are not all totally French

They have to be flexible and accept everyone

You can’t judge people like that

You have that history

Great education! Thank you ladies

I’ve got an education and happiness

