

1組目 シドニー、オーストラリア出身の女性2人に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help guys.

Where are you from?

Uh, Sydney, Australia.

Australia. Sydney, Australia.

Today i’ve been asking people about school regulations.

Each country has a different school regulations, I reckon.

So in Japan I would say there are many school regulations.

When you go to Junior High School, and in High School such as everyone has to have black hair,

Girls have to wear skirt which has to cover up your knees,

And you have to join sports clubs.

It really depends on the school but basically something like that.

Do you have school regulations like that in your country?

No, not to like the extent where you have to like change the color of your hair.

You’re allowed to wear pants as a female.

Oh yeah.

Like, yeah. There’s like different options around school uniform.


So yeah, I think they’re pretty open-minded to like, even if you want to color your hair red or blue.


Yeah,yeah. That’s what I was gonna ask.

Because some people have black hair,

some people have blonde hair, brown hair,

but no one has a blue hair or red hair, right?

Can you do that?


Not in the school I went to.

Oh yeah

I went to a Catholic school, you couldn’t have like pink or blue or have pink and green.

Okay, went to a public school so we were allowed.

Did you have something very strict?

Or like, why do we have this in our country?

Very Australian thing. Do you have something like that?

In our country I think it depends on what type of school,

like I went to a catholic school so they were very religious so yeah we did have to cover our knees and we didn’t have to have black hair but you had to have natural looking color hair so,

Natural looking color.

Couldn’t be pink or blue like, yeah, it’s just had to be natural looking.


We couldn’t have fake nails but if they were skin color then and if they were natural looking, that was okay.

All right. How about makeup?

Makeup? Again, natural looking. So like if it didn’t look like you were wearing much, then you wouldn’t really get in trouble but I went to a really strict school.

Oh yeah, right.

The school I went to you are allowed to wear makeup and stuff like that.

All right, so last question is going to be like this:

Unless you go to like super good private school or something.

It really depends on the school but I went to public school and you know,

You see some bad kids you know maybe no attending school,

or like kind of a fighting kids street fighting kids sort of thing.

Did you have someone like that?

And what kind of bad kids exist in Australia

we were those kids.


she might turned out all, Right?

Yeah there was definitely like the school bully.

The school bully?

Yeah but they were like reprimanded pretty heavily so like it was basically either um, suspension or expulsion so right?

Thank you very much that was interesting.

Thank you enjoy your day.

2組目 アメリカ、イギリス出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Colorado in the States.

Oh, United States.


How about you?

I’m from London United Kingdom.

Today I want to ask you guys about school regulations in your country,

In japan we have a regulations such as you have to have black hair, you have to wear school uniform and usually,

Girls skirt have to be longer than or covering up your needs, you have to belong sports club,

You can’t drop in when you go home anywhere or something like that,

Did you have any of these rules in your in your country?

No the school that i went to, you could wear whatever you wanted,

I think there were times no school uniform, and there were times i had pink in my hair, purple in my hair, and so there wasn’t any restrictions you could do sports if you wanted to you didn’t have to.


So yeah there was a lot of freedom in where i went to school.

That’s interesting, How about in UK?

Um, So the school I went to, I also I was allowed to wear whatever I wanted,

Yeah um and yeah when I was about 11 years old, I dyed my hair, sort of like a brown, light blonde.

You can do anything, because I was going to ask in a in a western country people have a different hair color,

Some people have a black case, some people have a brown blonde,

But nobody has a pink and green, but you could do that too?

Yeah, yeah you could do whatever color you wanted.

Yeah use it allowed, I don’t know if i’ll be brave enough to do pink and green, but I did like a light blonde.

How about like a beard and stuff? A beard and a moustache in high school and stuff?

Yeah, you were allowed to wear beard in high school and um I actually had a friend in high school who had dreadlocks, That was behind his, behind his legs.


Back of his legs really very very long dreadlocks.

Do you remember you had something very strict and you were like wondering “Why do we have this”?

Um yeah, so in English secondary school, we did actually have a uniform,

We had a black blazer white shirt, black tie with stripes, um black trousers and uh school shoes, so very formal shoes okay,

And what we wasn’t allowed to do by any means necessary, we wasn’t allowed to wear trainers or sneakers as they’ll say, oh we’re not allowed to do that, but we did that anyway.

You did that anyway, I like that. I’m from very countryside in Japan,

And there are how do you call? “Feral” like the kids don’t listen to people and you know, kind of uh involved in the street fights and stuff like that, bad kids.

One of my friends Pokemon Green’s got stolen by one of the bad kids too, In your country what kind of bad kids do you have?

I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but Japanese people’s image about America, America is pretty wild sometimes, you know what I mean.

Yeah, I’m trying to think again back to when I was in school, the bad kids would be the kids who would go across the street, and they would smoke and.

Smoke what?

Smoke Plant.


Kids who would maybe like take permanent marker and write on the walls in the bathroom, you know there’s always fights, um I think in high school in general probably wherever you’re at.

Is it common to like high school kids like to try a bit of a smoking and stuff like that? Is it common?

Yeah, i would say thats the age.

Thats definitely, That’s the age when you experiment start.

Lots of people do that?

In the London yeah that’s what i know.

How about in London?

In London, We actually started to have um post code rivalry, I’m not sure if you guys have post code, My post code growing up when I was, um in going to secondary school you guys called high school, Mine was “Southeast Twenty-three” and,

That sounds cool “South East Twenty-three”.

South East Twenty-three But we had a problem with the “South East Fifteen”,


And then our school had an amalgamation of different people, uh from different post code so in school I think, things could get a bit hairy.


Yeah, They’ll be fights with saying like Lewis, Lewis is from “South East Fifteen” and he wants to fight Andre and Andre is from “South East Tweenty-three”.


That’s what we, That’s the naughty kids I had.

Wild wild, I like that, Right thank you very much guys,That was so interesting.

Have a good day.

Thank you very much.

3組目 イングランド、アルゼンチン出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

Im from England.

Im from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Today i’ve been asking people in Bondi Beach about school regulations, could you have a beard like that in your school?

Yeah, We could have a beard in school.


I think it depends, I remember like going to a private school in primary yeah we had the uniform.


And the hair had to be relatively short.

Relatively short?


And then in secondary school, we used to be like plain shirts we couldn’t wear like, I don’t know, Hippie.


Yeah pretty much like uniform wise. What else?

Because Japan not really diverse country, there’s Japanese people you know?


Every one has a black hair but in your country I reckon everyone has different hair colors and,


Everyone’s different, people have black hair, brown hair, blonde hair, but nobody has a green hair, pink hair, could you have a pink green hair in your school?

Yeah you can you can dye your hair.

Okay, No problem at all?

i think in secondary school, Yeah you could do it.

In your country did you have something that makes you feel like “Hey why do we have this in my country” like “This is a British thing”

This is so Argentinian thing like did you have some specific rule that makes you think like that?

Uh, Well we used to sing the anthem 8:00 a.m every morning.

Every morning.

So i mean it was a nice moment, but for late sleepers like me, we used to squeeze downstairs was like a big soccer field.And handball field,


we escape there and play soccer in the year after maybe a couple of months the year after maybe a couple of months the head of the school found out and then they completely banned us on doing that because the whole school was coming down.

But that’s how Messi is born though.

Exactly, I have to go and play soccer.

How about you?

Uh yeah, I remember now we couldn’t wear jewelry like couldn’t we just, girls could have like two earrings.


That was it.

Last question is gonna be like this, there are always I don’t know if it’s a right term “Feral” bad kids kind of like you know getting involved in a street fights and maybe like taking stuff like that, not in Japan much but.

In England yeah a lot.

Oh well yeah, even like high school kids?

Yeah, people smoke plant

What sort of like bad kids did you have?

Of course smokers.

So in Argentina at least when i grew up like, It was like you know late nineties, We just drank alcohol,

Oh drank alcohol.

We were so bad with that.

In school?

Yeah we bought small vodka bottles and just like, kill it before just going to a night club, I remember going to school drank, and the teachers saw me like this.

Thank you very much guys, Thank you legend.

4組目 中国出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

Um, China

Today I want to ask you guys about school regulations, In Japan like when you go to Junior High School or High School, we have a regulations like, you have to have a black hair in school or you can’t have a beard and mustache and maybe the girl’s skirt has to covering the knees and You have to belong sports club in school or whatever, so many things. did you have any of this kind of regulations in school in China?

Sort of. We have to keep our hair in the way, The school told us to, for example cut your hair in short, Boys have to cut your hair short, Girls could only like tie your hair at the back, Or whatever.

Oh really?


Boys can’t have a long hair?


The length of the hair cannot go over your finger, if you put a finger on their head.

How about like a dying hairs like bronze and blonde.

No no! The teacher will cut you in bold.


Thats not allowed.

Do you remember like some regulations that you think, well this is too much or like, why do we have this in China?

Probably the school uniform.

School uniform?


What do you mean? Like you have to wear school uniform?

No I mean like, I’m alright we’re wearing school uniform, it’s actually a different topic I’m just saying that, Chinese school uniform looks ugly.

Just didn’t like it? yeah we just.

Yeah we just don’t like it. and the other rules is not

And the other rules are not allowed to having, like girlfriend and stuff like that, because Chinese people think that, when you having love with some people or whatever, it affects your education stuff, as well like you can’t learn or whatever stuff like that.

Yeah, probably some people think in that way but yeah, it depends on the person but, Yeah we sometimes have like Gansta kids sometimes in school, You know Senpai?

Oh yeah

Is that someone older than you?

Yeah, In my senpai people like wearing school uniform like crazy, very roughly and also like kind of involved in street fights and stuff, what kind of like bad kids do you have in school?

Actually they cut their pants make them shorter look cool.

Make them shorter?


We made them longer.

Oh really?

They must show their knees or ankle or something like that.



Thank you very much guys.
