


1組目 イタリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

What country are you from?

I’m from Italy

Which part?

I’m from the south, from Naples

How long have you been in Australia now?

It’s less than a year

Like ten months now

What did you used to do in Italy for living?

I used to work in risk management in the financial sector

That’s the same thing that I do here actually

Sounds like a good job It pays you well, huh?

That’s yeah

That’s why you can come to Australia

By the way, I’m a content creator from Japan

Who makes a content about like different cultures different people’s opinion then all that

Today we’re making a video about life experience

So I reckon that we can learn many things from people’s life experience

And if we can learn English with that

Couldn’t be better than anything

I agree

Would you mind my asking how old you are now?

I’m thirty-two

I am thirty- two too

Don’t you think we look beautiful?

We do

Yeah, we do

Okay, so here it is!

I’m gonna write a simple chart here

So this is the highest

And this is the lowest

And this is the average

And this is your age

And now you are 32, so here

Could you write, you know, your lowest

And the highest in your life here with a bar chart?

I’m a very positive person

Yeah yeah, let’s go

So I’m not gonna go down zero

Because I don’t know about the first part

I’m not sure I was too young

But we can go whatever it has been

Okay, no problem


Sound twenty three, twenty four

It was very high

But going down or?

A bit down here

And then now we’re here


But we’re like, this is one hundred, right?

So I’m a bit down

Because the best is yet to come, right?

Best is yet to come

So always looking for something better

That’s true

You got to leave some room to improve yourself

Okay, I need to ask you

This is a down after twenty years old

What happened here?

I used to work too much

Used to work too much?

Like 9 hours, 10 hours every day?

14, 15 hours a day

What!? I thought that’s only Japanese people do

No, that’s not

Italians do that as well

You needed to do that in a company?

It was a choice I did a hugh career

Because I was working a lot, so it’s good

Because I’ve been investing in my career

But on the other side you know

When you are twenty four, twenty five

You also want to live your life

And take your personal time for yourself

So I would say it’s a bit like it’s still positive

It’s not down here, right?

Yeah yeah, you’re very positive

But it’s a bit lower than the rest


So and then how could you start going up here?

It’s Australia, right?

There’s Covid which has a period

Everybody was unhappy during Covid but

I found myself, I think, and I decided that

I wanted to stop like this life of work, work, work

So more focus on myself

And then I decided to move here

I moved here meeting great people

And so very happy

Well, that was the right decision to come to Australia, eh?

Okay, so the last question, you know

Everyone wants their life to go up

So from now on, if you wanna go up again keep going up

What do you think you have to do?

This is a million dollars questions!

This lady is expensive

I don’t know, like… I think it depends

According to the stage of your life

There are moments in which you have things that make you happier than others

But I think it fluctuates, right?

It depends on what you want at the moment

At the moment I want to focus on myself

So I think it’s just like finding myself a bit better

Maybe tomorrow is gonna be a key

Door is gonna be like, you know, it’s always changing

So there are many things that can help you

Okay, we could learn so many things

From this beautiful lady from Italy

I need to say thank you very much



2組目 ギニアビサウ出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Guinea-Bissau but I was raised in Portugal

And then age 16, I went to France and now I’m here

You were born in where?



So West African country

West African country

Sorry, I didn’t study much geography

Bad student, you know, when I was younger

I teach you today

So how long have you been in Australia now?

We can say eight months

Okay, what do you do here?

Ah… Study


So I’m a content creator from Japan

I make a content about like different cultures and people’s opinion from all over the world

Today I wanna know about your life

Ah, my life?

You know, like people’s life is up and down

I don’t think there is a person who’s like always happy for whole life

It’s difficult because we are all human

How old are you, by the way?

I’m twenty-seven

So I’m 32, so we are not that different

So here is a bar chart for you to do

So let’s say, this is a hundred, happiest

And average and the lowest

Ten years old, twenty years old and you’re here

Could you write a bar chart? I’ll give you a pen

Baby time’s good?

Yeah, it’s always good

You don’t need to think too much, yeah?

I know

Going down?

Go down

And I’m here

Now you are there, okay

Is it like this

And you are the happiest when you’re a baby

And what happened here?

What happened here is like

Person like me, we move to other country

We get out of our comfort zone, you know from out place out, you know

So we went to another country It’s different

You have to learn another language

Another culture

These days are not too easy

Did you struggle a lot?

I don’t wanna say I struggled a lot

Because I have a house I have family too

But it’s more go to another country is not that easy

It’s not like I’m Japanese born and raised in Japan

And stay there for a whole life, completely different

No, it’s not the same thing

And then what made you go up?

It’s like I’m a man

All the decisions come from me

That’s true

I have the choice to do whatever I want

The only thing that can choose is only good things

That’s why at the moment my life go up

Okay you are enjoying your decision and your life nowadays

So you know, the last question

I think everyone what their life to go up

Even more, better than today and better than tomorrow

How do you think, so you are here now

HOw do you think you can make your life even up?

Do you have anything that you do in your living?

It’s just enjoy myself, first of all, respect myself

Just do whatever is necessary to accomplish

Whatever gonna bring your happiness in your life

Chase what you like to do?


You now here for pleasing people, first of all

You have to do whatever is necessary to be happy

Because of the hard time

I think you learnt a lot of lessons and language as well

Always hard time of bring you up, I believe that way

Yeah yeah yeah

Thank you very much

It’s me, thank you

3組目 アルゼンチン出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


How long have you stayed in Australia so far?

Two months

Oh pretty new, right?

You just came from Argentina?

Yeah, I was actually living in the U.S, first

But then I wanted to be here

That makes sense

That’s why you speak good English

What were you doing there?

I was working too

Oh like what sort of job?

I was doing nanny

Nanny? Yeah, taking care of babies?


Today I wanna know about your life

Would you mind my asking how old you are now?

Twenty three

So here it is!

I have a bar chart for you to do

So let’s say this is your ten years old

This is your twenty years old

And you’re around here

I want you to write the bar chart

And I’ll ask you some questions, please?

I put like I’m here

Yeah, you’re there right now

I’ve been here for awhile, so…

and down and then like…


Okay, let’s talk about this

So here it is

It was like that?

So you are quite happy

You were born in a good family, I think


Yeah, definitely And then…

What happens here when you’re younger?

My parents got divorced

Okay, That’s very sad

Definitely you have a down time here

And then…

And when you’re twenty years old, what happened?

I really have a rough year

I had a panic attack

And I was struggling with a couple of things

Yeah me too, I have a mental health issue sometimes

But yeah, we all human

Sometimes we’ve got to deal with the s**t..

So that was sad but now I’m much better

Oh that’s good

So you had a hard time and I believe that hard time makes you stronger even

Of course yeah

And then how can you go up like that?

I started traveling and changed my whole life so..

Why did you start traveling?

I was just tired being home after Covid and

I was like “What do we do to get out of this funk?”

That’s true And then you are like “Let’s do it”

Yup, I’m just like “Move abroad and start a whole new life”

Was it a good choice?

The best choice

The best choice


If you’re struggling to make a decision

I’m pretty sure, like, let’s say 90% people say it’s a great choice to go for traveling

The worst thing it can happen you go back home


You can go back home and do something else

That’s the worst thing that can happen

Yeah, definitely

And that you lose a lot of money

But that’s details

Make it again Make money again No problem

So the last question, you know

Many people want their life to go up, right?

How do you think you can make your life even better from now?

There is probably a down

That will make me grow more

And then I will go higher

Don’t be afraid to go down, have a hard time

Because that experience will make you stronger


Okay, I need to say..

Muchas gracias

De nada

4組目 27歳の男性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Here I’m with?


Nick, you’re huge

Thanks, mate

How many times you work out a week?

Four or five times?

Not too much Not too much many times

Okay, what do you do for work?

I work in IT

Do you need that much muscle to do the IT job?

Yeah a lot of emails, so finger get tired

I’m a content creator from Japan

And today here in Bondi Beach

I’m making a video about people’s life

I wanna know about your life

How old are you now, by the way?

Twenty seven

So we’ce got a bar chart for you to do

This is a hundred, maximum Happiest time

And this is a zero, so average

Minus hundred

So the bottom is really unhappy time

So ten years old, twenty years old

And you are around here

So could you give me a bar chart on this?

Simple bar chart

Yeah definietly

Okay, okay, whoa whoa whoa

What happened there?

Oh, whoa whoa whoa whoa

Very dramatic!

I need to sak you

Okay, so here it is

You were very happy when you’re a teenager

And what happened around this time?

I think it’s more just I’m confused

WIth what to do with myself in life

I was a bit, little bit lost in what I want to

You know, do myself in the future

It’s kind of funny who I was

You know, obviously it’s coming up now

You know, I’ve got a lot of good friends around me

A great job

I feel like I’m doing pretty well

For myself, I feel pretty happy so…

How do you think you could find what you wanna do in your life around this time?

What was the key?

I don’t know really what I did I just…

Looked at people around me

And just try new things

Try different work, different jobs, different hobbies

And eventually I found my click of people

Doing pretty well, I’m pretty happy

Okay, stay with the good people

And give it a go as much as you can

And then you found like something you like

Yeah exactly

Okay, so the last question

You are here pretty good

You know, everyone wants their life to go up

Even like, better than today better than tomorrow, right?

What do you think you need to do

To make your life even better from today?

I’m pretty happy with the way things are at the moment

I think just more advice for everyone and other people would be like

Not to really worry about what other people think about you

People are gonna say negative or good things no matter what

So just do what makes you happy

You only got one life

Just do, you know, whatever you wanna do

If you’re not hurting anyone else and that’s it

YOLO You only live once


People tend to listen to other people too much

But it’s actually your life, so…

Yeah that’s right

Thank you very much

Please enjoy your day!

Thank you

5組目 スペイン出社の男性に聞いてみた!

Here I am with?


David from?


Yes, Barcelona

I’ve been to Madrid and Barcelona

And that was, I think, ten years ago

It’s a beautiful country, eh?

It’s beautiful

Beautiful country with a beautiful food

Ah-ha, 100% and I think that Barcelona has

The most beautiful people, food and the architecture in the world

Very special

Yeah very special

Okay And you are holding a camera

Are you a photographer?

Just for fun I take photos for fun

I actually do events sometimes

So I work in retail Monday to Friday

And then on my spare time I just take photos

What do you sell?

Well I sell, actually, hospitality supplies for very big businesses

So cookery and like cooking devices and stuff like that

I don’t hear much Spanish accent from you

I’ve been in Australia for six years now

Yeah, a long time

Because, like, same as Japanese

Spanish people also have a Spanish accent

Yeah, very thick accent, right?

So I’ve been here for six years more than six years now

Good on you

Thank you

We are smart people, then


Okay, I’m a content creator

Who makes the contents about like different cultures and different people’s opinion

Today I’m making a video about

People’s life experience

I think we can learn so many things from by knowing people’s life and

How they dealt with the hard time and good time

Let me ask you some questions, please

How old are you, by the way?

I’m thirty two

I’m thirty two too

What a coincidence

Okay, so here is a bar graph that I want you to do

So this is like the highest in your life

Average, minus hundred

And this is the lowest, yeah, obviously

So ten years old

Twenty years old, thirty years old

And you’re around here

Could you write up and down of your life on this, please?

I’m gonna give you a pen

Okay, so I think I’m go..

Oh, whoa whoa whoa

Like this…

And like this, like this, like this

So here it is, like this

And what happened here?

So when I was a kid, I was very different

So when I was a kid I was very creative, very effeminate as well

So people don’t really understood me

And I was really shy

And my family also didn’t really know how to handle who I was

So from a very young age

I was always very flamboyant

Very happy, very gay, let’s say

And I was really conflictive

When we were younger I think it’s a different generation

And completely different from now, I think

That was a hard time for you

Yes and that’s why it was like down

Because when I went to school I was bullied a lot

Like I had a lot of like people wouldn’t hang out with me

People wouldn’t want to associate themselves with me

Because I was very different

And that made me really really sad

So when I was a little kid, I had like

I go through these sort of a little bit of depression

And then until O was like ten, eleven

And then around that age, I turned it around

So I went from like being really shy to like…

Find something within myself that people liked

And then I was able to like communicate to other people and just like

Make fun with other people and start hanging out with other people

And then like, start going up?

It started going up and…

Actually that helped me to integrate with people

And then it was up, up, up, up

And then until when I was eighteen

There was like a little down

Yeah, why was that?

Because I wasn’t being myself 100%

Oh, I see

You were kind of like a pretending to be accepted by people

Exactly, exactly 100% like that

So I wanna people to accept me for someone that I was not

And then I learned “No, I have to be myself”

It doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight or black or white like…

Everyone’s human, right?

So I learned that I had to live my life truly who I was

Definitely, because we can’t just keep pretending

It’s who I am!

And there’s nothing wrong with who I am


That was the lesson

You know, so Japan is one of the Asian countries

And I think it’s definitely nowadays that sort of thing is accepted

But not like Australia

You know, many people have a hard time

It doesn’t have to be necessarily sexual minority

But those kind of people

How do you think they should deal with the fact?

If they’re having a hard time What do you think?

There’s nothing wrong with who you are There’s nothing wrong with being yourself

The only thing that will make you happy is to live your life

And you’re not doing anything wrong by being yourself

You’re not hurting anyone

And it’s beautiful that we are different

We bring different things

We bring different points of views, different opinions

That is life Life is diversity

Life is diversity

And the more diversity it is

The more happier we’re gonna be as humans

That’s why it’s beautiful

Especially here in Australia, everyone’s accepted

That’s why I think we got rich life here


And then again you went down and went up

So what happened?

So this is the last question

Yeah, this is more related to like, relationships

So I fell in love with someone

And that didn’t work

S**t happens, you know?

I know! Yeah exactly S**t happens

And the thing is that I don’t regret anything about that I don’t regret anything in my love to be honest

I went down because it was a time in my life

Where I had to rethink what I wanted

You are sad

And you need to think again

Yeah, exactly

So you go through a times in your life

Where like you’re sad because you’re losing you’re separating from someone

And another message that I have to say is that

Don’t be afraid of separating from someone

Because you will always have yourself

And you have to love yourself first

Don’t stick to people that are not good for you

Love yourself

And you will find that people that will love you

It’s not the other people It’s actually you

Who makes yourself happy


Okay, great lesson in this five minutes

I love it! Thank you very much!

Thank you!

Muchas gracias

