


1組目 シドニー出身の女性2人に擬音について聞いてみた

Where are you guys from?

Sydney Australia?

Okay, would you mind my asking how do you guys are?

I’m twenty one.


Today’s Sunday, What do you do usually on Sunday?

We go to church.

I go to church.

Well this is not church, What are you guys doing?

We had a party yesterday, So we’re spending the day in city.

Alright, drank a lot of alcohol?

Yeah, can you smell it?

No, did you have that much?

No, I’m okay now.

So today I’ve been asking people on Pitt Street in Sydney about imitation sounds of animals and something else as well, And I’m gonna give you some Japanese imitations, the way we do. Could you guess what animals these are?

We’re guessing , okay.

”Wan wan” What animal is this?

A dog.

A dog, did you know?

I was gonna say a whale.

How do the dogs make noise in English?

”Woof woof”, “Meow” cat.

“Meow” cat.


That one was obvious.

How do you say that?



A bird.

No, not a bird.

Paon do you know?

A sheep.

No, it’s an elephant. How do elephants make noise?

I can’t do it.

You can’t do it? Don’t be shy.

I actually can’t do it.


That’s so realistic How about this? “Chu chu”

A bird, a little parrot.

Mouse, rat.


A cow, a sheep!


Yeah same.

Moo moo it’s a cow.

Yeah like moo.

You say moo?


Okay, last three these ones are not animals, Something you hear in daily life for example, “Gatan gaton” What’s this?

A door bell.

Oh, that’s smart.

It’s not correct though.

Oh what’s then?

It’s a train, “Gaton goton”

How do you make noise like train?

Choo choo

Something like that?

Gacha gacha You don’t know? No idea?

When you open the door, “Gacha” When you close the door, “Gacha” In Japanese we say that, So how do you make the noise?

There’s no noise.

There is no specific one?

Last one “Dokun dokun” You hear this everyday.


Footsteps, No, “Dokun dokun” You hear this everyday, do you know? Heartbeat.

How do you make the noise?

Isn’t that “Lub-dub”?


Heartbeat? “Lub-dub” In English?


I’ve never heard of it.

Me either.

Okay, interesting.

I think it’s just her language.

Just her language?


Alright, because you guys are looking very nice, I wanna take a thumbnail, could you get a little bit closer to the camera.

It’s the first thing you see on it.

Yeah, smile alright perfect, thank you very much guys.

2組目 インド出身の人に擬音について聞いてみた

Where are you guys originally from?


In India do you guys speak Hindu?

Hindu no, Hindu is a religion and we speak Hindi.

Hindu is a religion and Hindi is a language.

Okay so you guys fluently speak Hindi, right?


Because every state has their different different language so yeah.

Like every state, every city has their own language, India is a very diverse country.

So that’s why like I’m from West India but I’m settle in Deli.

It’s North India.

Yeah North India.

So I can speak Hindi, Marathi, English but I can also understand Haryanvi Rajasthani.

So many languages there, every part of them had a dialect, So the accent even if he speaks the common Hindi language the accent will be different, so that’s why I said we are not very fluent.

Oh, yeah. Does every one speak English in India?

Most of the people.

Most of the young generation they can.

What do you think so?

Because I think like as we mention, Hindi is a common language but now as people are moving abroad for studies and all, So everybody now speaks English and that’s why now English became a common language in India as well.

But you won’t be finding Hindi in most of the states in India because like in South India or in East India they have their own regional language like Tamil, talugo, Malayalam.

So they prefer English as a common.

If we are meeting an Indian stranger we’ll start English other than Hindi.

It’s so interesting because you guys have too many languages you still understand each other, So English is the one that everyone can understand.

Before it was Hindi but now it moved to English.

Oh right, interesting. I’ve been asking about imitation sounds in your country, I’ll give you some noise and please guess what animal this is okay, In Japanese I’ll do it.

Wan wan is a dog.

Okay, “Baw baw”.


Um a cat? “Meow”

It sound like English.



It’s lion.

Lion? How do you do it?

It’s sound “Haw”

Moo moo

Is it cow?

Yeah, you understand?

Yeah it’s “Moo moo”

Chu chu

It’s sparrow.

No, it’s squirrel?

It’s rat, it’s the same.

Meee mee


Sheep, How do you do it?

It’s the same “Meee mee”

Ka ka



That’s similar. So these are not animal imitation sounds but something you hear in daily life, “Gatan guton”

Is it a train?


Chuk chuk


Is it cutting something?

Or smashing doors?

Yeah, when we open the door.

How do you say?

Like whatever the sound “Bun”

You hear this everyday “Dokun dokun”


Heartbeat, yeah.

Du du

Almost similar yeah, Japanese and Hindi.

Yeah, Indian always love Japanese anyway.

How do you say hello in Japanese?


I’ll say thank you, Arigato gozaimasu.


In Hindi?


Dhanyavaad guys.

3組目 サウジアラビア出身の男性に擬音について聞いてみた

Where are you from?

I’m from Saudi Arabia.

Do you speak Arabic?

Yes, we do, We speak Arabic.

Assalamu alaikum.

Waalaikum salam

Okay, this is the first time I film with people from Saudi Arabia.

Exciting, I have a lot of cameras in front of me, your friends are filming. Three of his friends are filming behind the camera, Is everyone From Saudi Arabia?

What do you guys eat for lunch usually?

Well lamb rice.

Rice with?


a lamb?

Okay, is typical?

Traditional food.

Traditional food, yeah. Today I’ve been asking people in Sydney City about imitation noise, I’m gonna say some imitation noise of animals my language Japanese.

Could you guess what it is?

I’ll give it a try.

Wan wan

Maybe a cat?

What sort of cat makes noise “Wan wan” Anyone? Dog.

A dog.

How do you make the noise in Arabic?

Haw haw

Very different huh?

How about this? “Nya”


In our language? “Meow”

Okay, similar to English.

How about this “Paon”

Maybe cow?

Elephant, How do you say it?

I don’t know.

So, okay. “Moo moo”?



Sounds like someone’s trying to shit in the toilet.

Mee mee?

That’s sheep.

Yeah sheep, how about?


You are really good at it, Do you have a sheep in your house?

Not in my house, In our farm.

Do you have a farm?

Oh nice, “Chu chu”?

No idea.

It’s a rat or mouse, how do you make the noise?

No idea about that.

How do you make the noise?

No noise?


No rat exists in Saudi Arabia?

We have rats but we don’t have as a pet.

We don’t have as a pet too.

That’s why I don’t know the sound.

Okay, they are very quiet in Saudi Arabia?

Very polite. “Ka ka”


Crow, how do they make the noise?

Ua ua

Sorry, this is my image but all Saudi Arabian people are rich?

No, not all.

Because it’s an oil country, right? Like Lamborghini, like Dubai no?

Most of them.

Even in Dubai not everyone’s rich?

Yeah, but i’d say most of the people are rich.

Yeah, most of people in Saudi Arabia too?


Dokun dokun?


Sorry, I was giving you the answer like this “Dokun dokun”.

Human beatbox mate, alright. Thank you very much.

4組目 中国出身の女性2人に擬音について聞いてみた

Thank you very much for your help guys, where are you from?


It it true that you guys eat Yum cha in the morning?

I think it depends on province, because we are normally from north and middle west, we never eat it.

Yeah, normally just people in south.

China is massive and it depends on where you live.

The food differs?

Interesting, so for me Chinese food is mostly spicy.

Because it’s Sichuan.


Yeah south west, People in north we don’t normally eat too much spicy food.

So it really depends on the place yeah?

So today I’ve been asking people in Sydney City about imitation noise, I’m gonna give you examples.

And could you guess what animal it is?

Yeah, sure! Japanese?

Yeah, in Japanese.

Wan wan?

A dog, we use the same like “Wan wan”

Okay, “Nya”

Nya is absolutely a kitten, we say “Meow”

Oh, so you guys closer to English, “Meow”

In Japanese it’s “Nya”



Yeah, sort of lion, tiger.

How do you make noise like lion?

We don’t have a specific sound for lion.

Yeah, because it’s too far from us.

Moo moo

Moo is a cow?


In Mandarine?


Chu chu?

Um, birds?

Chu chu mouse, rat.

Mouse sounds like “Chi chi” it sounds like chicken.

Mee mee?

Mee is a sheep.

We are the same, “Mee”

I think this is worlwide same.

How about this? “Ka ka”?

A crow.

We are the same “Ah ah”

Okay , so you say just “A”

Okay, we just say “KA” Alright, I’ll give you three more but these are not animals.

It’s like noise you can hear in daily life.

Okay “Gatan goton”

Ah, the train.

You didn’t know?

How do you make the noise?

I think we have the same tone like “Kaka kaka”


Very different.


Something’s just broken?

You could say something.


Yes, when we open the door or when we close the door, We say “Gacha” you know like the door knob “Gacha” like twist the door knob. How do you make the noise like door?

We don’t normally have that.

You hear this everyday “Dokun dokun”?

We hear this everyday?

Even now?

Yeah, see?

Your heartbeat.

We are like “Bon bon”


I thought because Japanese and Chinese languages are pretty similar.


So I thought it could be more similar but it’s pretty different actually.

Can you say it again?

Dokun dokun

It’s first time hearing it.

Thank you very much for your time.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Thank you, you too.
