【衝撃】外国人から見てもキムタクってかっこいいの?調べてみたら驚きの結果に – Part1



1組目 イングランド出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

What country are you from?



Do British people say “I’m from the UK”

Or usually say “I’m from England”

Or like “Wales” or…

Yeah Either really

Either It depend on the person

Because I hear sometimes the UK sometimes England

Sorry, it’s a very different topic but

It’s interesting to see there is England, Wales in World Cup

But in the Olympics games it’s always the UK


Ok, it’s almost lunch time

What is the typical lunch for British people?

Like a sandwich or a panini



Is that gonna be enough? Soup?

Soup and bread



So I’m a content creator from Japan

I make contents about different cultures and

Different people’s opinion

Today, I have four pictures of Japanese celebrities

Male celebrities

Who definitely look handsome to Japanese people

So, I want you to give a quick look at them

And tell me I want to find out if they look good to you

You know, you guys are from the UK

So let’s have a look together

Okay, so the first one

He is a Japanese pop idol

He’s quite old now, but

He looks good to us

Yeah, he is handsome

Yeah, he is handsome

Can be popular in the UK as well?

Yeah, I say so

He is a most famous baseball player

Yeah, definitely

Oh! Interesting

Less though

Not my type

Not your type

That was quick


What about the fourth one?

Not my type either


He is actually from Korea

He is a member of BTS

Yes, I recognized him

You recognized him?


So, BTS is really popular in the UK as well

Yeah, massive

But you are not a big fan of that kind of a …

No, he just looks really young

Too pretty

Too pretty

But so they are very popular, so that means

Many girls like that kind of looking in the UK

Yeah, One of my best friends facies him

Oh, really?

Okay, interesting

When we go to the UK

A man with the beards and mustache tend to be more popular to girls or…


Okay Grow your beards than

On the other hand

There must be some like a off-putting factor

I don’t like guys whatever, it could be about fashion

Or it could be about appearance

Some people don’t like the guys with long nails

Yeah completely no

Yeah I can’t do long nails

What is the biggest off-putting about men?

Looking too young or too pretty

I don’t like pretty

Okay More manly man?


I like a pretty man

I can’t help it

Oh, you can’t help that

So beautiful ladies from the UK

Last question

Who is the best looking man in the world to you guys then?

Chris Hemsworth For me

Is he from Australia?

He is from Australia

Chris Hemsworth

There is a few, but maybe like

Bradley Cooper I would say

Bradley Cooper from The Hangover

I’m a big fan of the film

They’re good looking

Okay, interesting Thank you very much

You’re welcome

2組目 タイ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

What country are you from?

I’m from Thailand

Yeah, same Thailand

Thai girls are beautiful aye?

Thank you

Sorry, this is a very unexpected question, I guess

But what is the typical lunch for Thai people?

Actually Thai people eat noodles

Noodle? Phat thai?

Yeah, phat tahi

The rice noodle

And the egg noodle are popular too?

Yeah the yelow one


So I have some question that I want to ask you today

So I make contents about different cultures

Different people’s opinion and all that in the world

Today I have four pictures of Japanese celebrities

Famous people who are definitely good looking

Handsome to Japanese people

So I want you to have a look at them

And tell me

If they look good to Thai girls’ eyes as well

FIrst one

Have you ever seen him?

Do you know him? Maybe not?

No, I’ve never seen him before

You have seen him?


So, he is quite a good age noe

But he is a pop idol in Japan

And he is an actor

What do you think?

Yeah, for me, he is good looking

He is handsome

How about this?

He is a baseball player

Yeah, he is good looking too

Yeah, same

What about this kind of look? He is an Actor

Can he be popular in Thailand, too?

I’ve seen him, but I don’t know the name

You’ve never seen him?

I don’t know the name of the movie

Oh, you have seen him?


I’ve seen him, but I don’t know the name

The name of the movie

Maybe you’ve seen him on Netflix or something?

Okay Interesting

Yeah, I know

He’s not from Japan, aye?

Yeah, he is from Korea

Okay, so he must be very popular then

Okay Interesting

So who is the best looking in these four?

I’m sure it’s number 4

Ok K-POP starts are too strong

Too good

In your country

Do the boys with a beard or mustache tend to be more popular to girls

Or no fasial hair?

Yeah, some girls like a man has beards

But some people don’t like it

Ok, it depends

It depends in the girls

How about longer hair or shorter hair for boys?

I’m not sure

Do you like long hair?

More like an idol looking?

Cute looking

On the other hand

What is the biggest off-putting factor of appearance

Like something you don’t want to see from boys?

It could be about their look, it could be about their fashion, anything

Maybe look dirty

Ok not tidy person

Not good looking, not clean

I’m not sure

Not clean person


Okay so last question

I know you like K-POP idol, but

Who is the best looking man in the world for you?

For me, I’m sure it’s an actor from China

Chinese actor?

What is his name?

His name is Yang yang

Yang Yang

Let me Google it

Oh, this guy?

Yeah, this guy

He’s got a nice Chinese look as well

Different from Japanese

Okay, he looks good


What do you think? Who do you think?

For me, G-Dragon

Oh, G-Dragon

He is famous in Japan too

You like this kind of look

K-POP starts are popular in Thailand as well


Who is the most popular man in Thailand then?

Thai start

Thai start?



Sorry, the last one


He is half Thai and half Japanese


Nadech Kugimiya

Oh, I don’t think Japanese people know him

But he looks good

Okay Thank you very much

Khob khun krab

Khob khun krab

3組目 アメリカ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

What country are you from?

Of course, I’m from the United States

There are not so many Americans in Australia

What’s happening?

I don’t know

Too busy?


Is it true that Americans work a lot too?

Because Japanese people are workaholic, pretty much

Yeah, I think they have the same sentiment in the States

Because people in Australia, you take it easy

They’re relaxed

This is after lunch time

And I’m pretty hungry because I’ve been working since this morning

I want to ask you

What is a typical lunch for American people?

Hmm, I mean, good question

I feel like the working role has the good old salads

Maybe if you’re feeling really hungry

Hamburgers or something

Oh, burgers! Hamburgers!

That sounds very American

I’m a content creator from Japan

I make contents about different cultures

Different people’s opinions and all that

Today I have four pictures of Japanese celebrities

Who look absolutely fantastic to Japanese people good looking, very handsome

But I want you to have a look at them

And I want to find out if they look handsome to your eyes

You know, American people’s perspective

So let’s have a look Is that okay?

Ok, the first one

He is from a Japanese idol group

But he’s quite old now

Yeah, I think he is cute

He is cute!?


What about the second one?

He is cuter

But he is younger, so maybe that’s why

Ok, do you know him?

No, I don’t

He is a baseball player from

Los Angeles


In the U.S. I mean, he is from Japan

Is he alright?

Yeah, he’s cute

Okay, What about this kind of look?

This kind of look can be very attractive to Japanese people

He is an actor

Yeah I will say he is cute though

But I think the baseball player is cuter

Okay The last one


Actually, he is not Japanese

He is from a K-POP group called BTS

Oh, yeah, I’ve heard of that

You know BTS

Is BTS big in the US as well?

I think so

So, you know BTS, like Korean K-POP group,

They look like him

I think they’re looking good

But so many American girls also like

That kind of an idol looking face, do you think?

Yeah, I feel like he has makeup on right now

I don’t know it’s interesting

Very feminine

It’s interesting Very feminine


Not my type

Okay, then who is the best looking in this?

In all of them?

So I think it’s the baseball player

Baseball player Ok

People with a beard or mustache can be popular

To girls in the US

Or no facial hair is better in the US?

Yeah, I think I like a guy with some facial hair

With some facial hair Okay

I think right now that’s a big trend

With the mustache and the beard

Okay, I look alright, then?

Yeah, you look great

Okay Thank you

Clean shave is always good as well

Yeah, that’s true

Well, make it tidy That’s the thing

Make it tidy, even if you have a beard and mustache

Okay another question

On the other hand

There are some factor that can give you an off-putting feeling

What do you not want see from boys? What is your pff-putting factor?

Like look wise?

Look wise, fashion wise and anything

You don’t want to see something like this from guys

I think if they have nails painted or

Wearing make-up

Just have a really long hair but I think it’s too much

That’s a bit too feminine to you


You like manly men?

Yeah, manly men

I can feel from you

Okay, so the last question

Who is the best looking man to you in the world?

Robert Pattinson

Okay, I got to google him

I would say that or

The Hemsworth brothers

Chris Hemsworth

Because I work too much I don’t know really famous people

So what did you say first?

Robert Pattinson

Okay, let’s have a look

He is a British guy!

He looks…

He looks good!

He looks not too cute

He looks matured, sexy looking

I like him, too

What about Japanese people?

I think they like him

Okay Interesting

Thank you very much

Thank you Enjoy your day
