

1組目 シドニー、オーストラリア出身の女性2人に聞いてみた!

How are you guys?

I’m great

How are you doing?

Very good

How are you?


You guys look like having a good day

Where are you guys from?

From here Sydney

Today I’ve been asking people questions on Bondi Beach about traveling and people

Do you guys love traveling?


I love traveling I just haven’t done enough of it

Yeah, same

Where have you been?

Been to

The US and Bali

That’s it


So much fun and

And then I went to Vanuatu as well

So you went to Bali Indonesia

Have you been to any Asian countries before?


Why is that?

I just haven’t


Are you guys pretty young?


Like twenty…


How old do I look by the way?


Oh no I look bad

I was gonna say twenty-eight

I’m thirty-one

Wow! You look great

I look great

That’s a good thing to hear

Main question

Where am I from?

Where are you from?

Yeah, where am I form?

Like you want us to guess?

Can you tell?

Where are you from?

You asking about Asian countries?

Do I look Asian?


Where am I from?

I have no idea

I wanna say Japan

I just have the vibe from you

I was gonna say Vietam but I don’t really know

The answer is I’m from Japan

And wow! This is the first time someone guessed correctly

So this is the second video of this kind of topic

I did that once in city on Pitt Street

Everyone was like


Singapore? Like

No idea at all

I know it’s very difficult

Because if I see Swedish people

Norwegian and

Finnish people in front of me

I think it’s impossible for me to tell exactly where they come from

So I understand, no offense but

For you guys to be honest

Is it very difficult to tell where I came in Asian country?

Like at least China, Korea, and Japan

Is it difficult?

Yeah, I personally can’t distinguish myself

You can’t distinguish?

But I think that with everyone

Like I rather ask them where they from instead of an assumption

Yeah true

So you see many Asian people in Australia

But when you see them, you can’t really tell by looking

It’s impossible?


Two more questions

When I said could you guess where I came from

What did you concentrate on to guess?

What did you have a look?

My accent or my look?

Your face and your accent

My face and my accent

I just intuition I don’t know

I just felt like you are from Japan

You just have this smile from you that is kind and

Feels like Japanese

Kind and Japanese

People are smiling now

Which is good

Last question is gonna be like this

So like I said I understood it’s very difficult to tell especially Chinese, Japanese and Korean but

Could you at lease tell that I’m not from South Asian country?

But you said Vietnam

So is that south?

Oh no South east

It’s geography now

Could you tell if I’m not from South East Asia or South Asia or

West Asia, Middle East?

I don’t think I’ve met enough

I don’t think I’m cultured enough to be able to tell the difference

Me too

So it’s difficult


Thank you very much for your time

2組目 マレーシア、中国出身の女性2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?



I have filmed with Chinese people before but

This is gonna be the first time with a Malaysian lady

Alright, exciting

What do you guys do here?

I’m currently working for Service NSW

Service NSW that’s cool

Sound very busy in Corona time

How about you?

I’m a music teacher

That’s really cool

I used to

I used to wanna be a singer when I was teenager

You should sing a song now

Nobody wants to listen

It’s a random question but do you guys like traveling?


Yeah, of course

Where have you guys been?

I’ve been to Europe

I’ve been to

The US?

Yeah the US


South East Asia

Like Indonesia?

Indonesia and Thailand, Singapore

What’s your favorite country to visit


How about you?

Not that much for me

Just the State and

Any Asian countries?

Indonesia Bali

So this question is totally not about this topic

But I just wanna ask

You have a tattoo, right?

You are from China and you have a tattoo. It’s a cool thing to have a tattoo in China?

Or is it a bit of taboo?

I think it’s normal like nowadays

“Young people” “Young generation”

Okay so no problem now?

Yeah, of course

Cool, interesting because

That’s the stereotype for Chinese people, hey?

I’ll tell you why

Main question

Can you tell where I am from?


I think maybe Malaysian or Indonesian

You are from Chine

And you think I’m from Malaysia or Indonesia?

You are Chinese too? Don’t tell me you are Chinese


I am from Japan

You’re right


Was it easy for you to tell?

Your accent

I still have a bit of Japanese accent

I’m pretty good with accent

So when I asked you

You just focused on my accent and you picked up it?


Was it difficult for you to guess?

Yeah, it is difficult

So usually

I do have the stereotype for Japanese people speaking English

They’d say “CONPYUTA”

That’s what I know

But year I love Japan

But my English was not so Samurai?

Your English is very good

Not too Japanese Japanese

The reason why I asked about tattoo

Because I’m from Japan

There’s still like a stigma to it


And I thought China is similar but

I think it’s changing, right?

Kind of

Old generation

Maybe my parents generation

They’d think too much or

But we just do like a little bit like

If I want hide it

I can just wear socks

And I won’t put it on my neck so that’s normal


So you are from China and for you as a Chinese person

Is it difficult to tell especially like

Korean, Chinese, Japanese By looking?

By looking


A little bit difficult?


How about you?

I don’t think it’s that difficult but

It’s not that obvious as well

Because it’s so multi-cultured here so

You can’t really tell until you speak to the person

And you try to pick up the accent

Or maybe some people are very obvious

They look like Chinese or Japanese or Korean

Otherwise it’s hard

It’s hard to difference

You guys have been here for a long time no?

I have been here since twenty thirteen

About five years

Thank you very much

I was very happy to be able to ask Asian ladies

Because I’ve been asking Western ladies

And I know that it’s difficult

But I wanted to ask that

If you guys can tell

I just finished watching the Netflix show Alice in borderland

You know that one?

Similar to Squid game that’s very popular nowadays

Bur that one is good

Japanese show


I didn’t know that

Alice in borderand

Probably many people know it

I juts don’t know much about media

Thank you very much

3組目 ボンダイ、オーストラリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Bondi Beach

You’re from Bondi Beach?

You were literary born and raised in Bondi Beach?

Lucky hey

What do you do?

I’m a performer

Singer and dancer

That’s why she looks very fit

Today I’ve been asking people on Bodi Beach about traveling and people

I wanna ask you first of all

Do you like traveling and stuff?

Love it

I miss it so much right now

Where have you been?

Mostly the States

The States?

I lived there for a few years on and off

And I really miss going back there and I miss my family and friends over there

But I’ve never been to Europe

And that’s something that lockdown has taught me

That I need to go

So your next destination is gonna be Europe hey

Hundred percent

Have you been to any Asian countries?

I have

I have Singapore and Korea

That’s it

Singapore and Korea

Did you like it?

I did. I love it

It was for work so

Don’t get to see much of it but

When I was there I loved it

Main question

Could you guess where I came from?

I’d love to say that you’re Korean

I’m Korean yeah?

Or maybe?

Japanese but I’m not quite sure about that

So you guess I’m Korean or Japanese

I’m not too sure but


The reason why I’m asking this question is

Okay first of all, I’m Japanese I’m from Japan

I was half way

Very close because you know

I love Japanese people

You love Japanese people?


Very happy hey? We are very happy now

Why do you like Japanese people?

We used to have Japanese exchange students. Some and stay at our family home

When I was in primary school

Like homestay and stuff

So we had about six Japanese exchange students

That now are our family

We are still staying contact so

So you have a good memory with them

Yeah, they are amazing memories

They became family so

Very lucky students that are able to stay in a house in Bondi Beach

The reason why I’m asking this question is

Many Japanese people come here to study English and stuff

People wanna be recognized

I mean it’s nothing bad or no negative meaning but

People wanna be recognized as Japanese

Identity right?

But I know that it’s difficult for you guys especially to tell

Especially I would say Japanese, Korean, Chinese

Like Eastern Asian countries

Isn’t it difficult?


And I wish it wasn’t

I wish I knew exactly what I was talking about but

I also never wanna guess either

I don’t wanna offend anyone

People enjoy this content so

No offence or anything

Last question

I understand it’s difficult for you to tell. Especially Eastern Asian people where they come from but

Could you at least tell

People say I don’t look like Japanese anyway but

Japanese people watch this video

I did this video before and then they were like

First of all you don’t look like Japanese

And then I got like many ..How do you call it?

Many people guessed that I’m from Indonesia or Singapore

But could you at least tell that I’m from Eastern Asian country?


You can?

I can yeah

Alright interesting

Thank you very much for your time

4組目 ネパール出身の女性2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?


Nepal as well

Were you guys like born here or your background is Nepal?

Background is Nepal

So you were born and raised in Australia?


We came here when we were eighteen

Oh when you were eighteen

After high school

Coz your English is pretty damn f**king good

So I was like I was confused like

You guys are from Nepal but you sound like Australian now

We started in English-medium

So that’s probably why

But I think generally Nepalese are good at speaking English, aren’t they?

They are, yes

Secondary language in school

So pretty much everyone speaks English there

Most people

It’s very random question but

Do you guys like traveling?

Yes, we love

Where have you been ?



You live here now

Like me I haven’t traveled much

Recently just like starting to travel

Coz like we didn’t go traveling after high school

Came straight for bachelor so

Probably my next goal is traveling

Coz the lockdown happened. We were gonna try thought but lockdown happened. We couldn’t do it so

Where do you wanna go?

Bali Indonesia

I wanna go to London for some reasons

I’ll give you main question now

Where am I from?

Are you from Bali?

Bali Indonesia?



Close? Cambodia?


You guys are from Nepal, right?

Asian country, South Asia

Is it difficult for you guys to tell where I came from?


You look like someone from Nepal as well

Coz it’s like there’s a lot of people who’s resemble

There are a lot of cultures so

Probably you’d fall in whatever the culture

I’d say if you didn’t tell us

I think like I can tell you are from Nepal as well

You kinda look like

Even your country?


Yeah coz if you see how she looks somehow

A lot of people tell her that she is from Philippines or

Korea yeah so

So when I asked you where I came from

Did you look my face first or

Did you concentrate on something else?

I think we have seen more physical

Face yeah

So I am from Japan

It’s interesting because

I’ve been asking this to many Western people

And obviously I know that it’s very difficult for Western people

If I have like Swedish, Finnish

And Norwegian people in front of me

I don’t think I can tell

Very difficult, right?

But I wanted to check if you guys from Nepal

Asian people can tell

But it’s very difficult

It is

I know that it could be difficult to guess Chinese, Korean and Japanese

But you couldn’t even say Chinese or Korean

You said my country or

Even like Indonesia

So it’s completely difficult

It is difficult

What did most people tell like?

Indonesia or Singapore

Because I was guessing that probably they can’t tell if I’m Chinese or Korean but

Actually not at all

Like Indonesia Singapore whatever

I mean no offence

I’m happy to hear that but it’s just

Interesting to see what’s happening

Beautiful ladies by the way from Nepal

I’m very happy to be able to film with you guys

Thank you for having us

Enjoy your day yeah
