【驚愕】海外の美男美女に「初体験はいつ?」と聞いてみたら凄い事になった – Part1



1組目 イングランド出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from

We are from Melbourne

What do you usually do?

I’m a hairdresser

That’s why you’ve got nice hairstyle

And I’m a social worker

So I work for an indigenous organization

And I help indigenous children through the systems

Helping people Helping people to look nice

Okay I like you guys already

I’m from Japan and In interview people

About something serious sometimes, like finance and also about life

But also at the same time, I do something casual

And today I’m interviewing people about

At what age they have had their first experience

Because from our perspective, Japanese perspective

Western people are quite open relatively to Japanese people

So let me forgive me ask you some questions

Around the tipic

That’s ok

At what age did you have your first partner?

Yeah 16 probably

Not too early

No, not really

Because I thought in Australia

People get their boyfriend girlfriend at like


A lot people do

That is very common yeah

Oh, I see

Do you still talk to the ex? Whatever, the partner?


Not anymore Forgot about them

They live in your past

Do you consider yourself as a extrovert, kind of like a party person

Or you’re more like a quite, introverts kind of person?

We’re both very in between

We don’t really go pout too much like clubbing

But we are very sociable

We’re very sociable but we don’t really go out partying and stuff like that

But we like to hang out with friends a lot

It’s more casual

Not a going out setting, more of a casual setting

So, you’re somewhere in the middle


I’m not quite sure how much you know about us Japanese

But when it comes to okay, intimacy

In the impression that you have towards Japanese people

Do you think we are quite active to it

Or not really in your impression?

I would say not so active

Not in comparison to the way that a lot of western cultures are

Yeah, definitely

Like, I feel like you guys have more reserved

I think it’s just really normalized here to be very like, open about it and very, like..

It’s the standdard

Within our age, those things like intimacy or like

You know other or certain types of intimacy

Are very, like, common and like, sometimes they’re misused

And people use them for their own advantage

A lot of the time intimacy isn’t really pure

My experience

There’s a lot of wandering eyes and things like that

Within these countries that I’ve observed

But it’s not really nothing to be ashamed of to talk, or to talk about

I think it’s not really like anything to be ashamed of

If you are very open with that of if you are very reserved

It’s just like very dependent on personal preference

Yeah, I don’t think it’s in either way

I feel like it’s good

Especially because, it is very normal

Intimacy is a very normal thing to experience

So, it’s like in some areas

So, we’re originally from Mildura

That’s live very country

We’re very open regarding intimacy

Everyone knows

Oh, I thought are you going to say we’re a little bit closed?

It’s different

I would say, like older generations they might be a little bit more conservative, but

Towards our age, people are very open and

There’s a lot more going on in the country than

What you think there is

There is a lot


How about this?

According to our research, we Japanese

Most of Japanese have had their first experience at around, like, 19 to 20

Do you think it’s quite early or late

Relatively to Australians then?

I wouldn’t really say that’s early or late, to be honest

Like, I feel like 16 is very, like, early

But, like, we’re from a smaller town, obviously

So it’s like, that’s sort of the only thing that people do

Does that makes sense?

You got nothing to do

That’s literally it

“That’s literally it” I love it

No, but I don’t think 10 or 19, is late or too early

I think younger generations now

It is more common to lose your vir**nity

Or have intimate relationships at a younger age

I feel like it’s a good age to be 18 or 19

There is no right or wrong

That’s true

I feel like it’s a good age, like it’s a good in between

Because I feel like that’s when you become your own person

You are developed inside as well

I feel like you’ve got a better mindset to make those decisions

Whereas when you’re a bit younger

You sort of feel forced a little bit doing those things

But those things are common in Australia

Very common

Okay, then

At what age did you lose your vir**nity then?

I think it was 16

With the first boyfriend?


Okay, so last question

I feel like Western people are quite close to their family

They are like “I can talk about anything” that kind of thing

Do you talk about these things to your parents?

Ahhh, no

Absolutely no

My dad is Muslim so I couldn’t absolutely not

Depends on the religion?

It depends on the family

Most of our friends

They know and very open in the house hold to talk

Talk about those things and have those partners come over

I grew up with my dad so it is awkward to

Asking boys over

But I can talk to him about more things now that I am older

Where I was more scared to tell him about

It is still awkward but

It is pretty common that parents do know those things

But it is just not our personal experience

But lot of our friends

We have been in a room where they are talking about things

And I am like “What!?”

For me that is what I could not talk to my parents about

But it is very, very common in Australia

I like it how it really depends on the family

Because you have the diversity here

So, it really depends

Ok, Thank you very much

Please enjoy your day

2組目 カナダ出身の男性に聞いてみた!

What country are you from?


Canada also

I can also hear your accent

Are you like a French side Canadian?

Yeah, Montreal

So English is your second languages yeah?


Today I am interviewing people about their first time experience

Which is pretty much at what age did you lose your vir**nity?

Because, you know, our Japanese perspective Asian perspective

Western people are really open to this kind of thing

So, we want to know the fact what’s happening in the world

FIrst of all

At what age did you have the first boyfriend girlfriend?

I will say 14

Never been in a serious relationship

But you’re having fun?

Yeah, exactly

Sort of

Is 14 early in your country?

For my first relationship it was not a big one

My first big one, I was 15 It was very serious

A very serious one at 15

Is it quite early to have girlfriend or boyfriend

At that age in your country or late?

For a serious relationship, it’s pretty early

Serious one

Because, you know, I found that in a Western country it’s hard to be in, like, a serious relationship

You have, like, a lot of casual relationships, but not serious

But in my country after three days, four days

We have things like Kokuhaku which means that, like, promise to the relationship

So, after four dates, I’ll say could you be my girlfriend?

It’s like in our country

Girls are lot free to decide

Whether they want to change relationship

And have a socksual interaction with the gut she wants

So, they want to stay free, maybe


Okay I see

I don’t know how much you know about Japanese

But I want to ask you okay

When it comes to, let’s say, intimacy

In the impression you have, do you think we are quite active to it

Or Japanese people are more like quite?


Reserved do you think?

Yeah, I think you’re a little bit more reserved

I think, too Just a little bit

Just a little bit But you have that kind of image


I think you’re more like settled down person and

Trying to find the right person and

Less of playing around and everything

So according to research of a famous magazine

Most of Japanese people

Lose their vir**nity around 19 or 20

Do you think this is quite early or late, relatively to Canadian people?

Compared to us, it’s pretty late

Because usually us it’s like at 16, 17 max

What do you think?

The same thing

To compare to Canada, it’s a little bit late

But not that much

Not too bad

Let’s get into the main question then

At what age, have you done your first experience?


With the girlfriend? With the serious one

The serious one

So with the girlfriend before, at 14, you didn’t


Yeah, at 16 It wasn’t serious at all

Just for fun

Just for fun

Yeah, exactly

Okay, so is that quite early or late in your country or like, average?

I would say average

The people around you, you done that around that age?

Yeah, the same

Quite early

Okay so last question

You boys, from my perspective

Western people are quite close to their parents

You can talk anything about anything to my parents

I feel like that

Can you talk about this kind of thing with your parents?

Me, not personally

But I have a sister and she is very close with very my parents

She tells them everything


But me, I don’t know it’s more complicated I don’t feel like.. I don’t know

Yeah you don’t feel comfortable?


What do you think?

Me, I’m a lone child, so I’m just one in my family

But I’m pretty open with my socksuality

With both of my parents, they told me be protected and be safe

They tell you?


So, they don’t tell you don’t do it?

No, they tell me you have to be protected at all times

Even though you know the girl

You don’t know what she has

So, they’re pretty open and

They’re pretty supportive about that

Like, do you have concerns? And everything


Interesting, because I think in the most of families in Japan

That conversation doesn’t happen

I have the same conversation with my parents

It’s an awkward conversation

I can imagine

I’ll be like Yeah, I know, I know Yeah Okay

Thank you very much

3組目 サンシャインコースト、バーリーヘッズ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you ladies from?

Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Burleigh Heads, Australia

Oh, my God You guys are from very nice area

Beautiful beaches

Beautiful ladies from beautiful beaches

Okay What do you do for a career?

Sales manager

You manager?


You’re too sexy to be a manager, you know

I work in film and television

Oh, really?

I’m nervous now

Is my camera, okay?

The position, the lighting?


Not too bad, yeah?

I approve

I’m from Japan

And I interview people about something serious sometimes

Like about finance and also life

But at the same time, I do some casual videos as well

And today here in Gold Coast

I’m asking people about their well, it is pretty much like

At what age did you lose your vir**nity?

Oh my Hod Sorry I’m nervous too

Okay, so first of all, please let me ask because

From our perspective, Japanese perspective

Western people are really open

And especially Australian people so much enjoying life


At what age did you have your first boyfriend and girlfriend?


Same 14

Is it quite early or like a reasonable age?


I think that’s the average probably I would say yeah

I would say

14 years old They got the partner Okay

How old are you then now?



No You’re kidding me

You don’t look like 30

You look beautiful too 26

Do you consider yourself as a person who’s extroverts or

Sort of like a party person or

Like you’re more introvert kind of person?



I feel like I ebb and flow

Yeah in the middle somewhere

If I go to a party

And I’m really energetic for a little while

And I meet lots of people

Then I need like four days at home

I need to recover

I’m not sure how much you know about us Japanese

But when it comes to, okay, let’s say intimacy

In the impression you have towards us

Do you think we are active to it?

I think, probably as a culture

You guys are conservative

Conservative maybe in the public

But maybe in private…

We are wild



I love that

Is it like that?

Yeah, I agree


So according to research on Google

Most of us Japanese have the first experience around, like, 20 years old

Do you think it’s quite early

Or late, relatively to Australian culture?

Late Very late yeah

I think if one of my friends had told me that they lost or had their first experience at 20

I would think, like, where have you been these late couple of years?

What have you been doing?


What have you been doing?

What exactly have you been doing?

Let’s get into the main question

At what age did you lose your vir**nity then?


It took a time since after you got your first boyfriend? Yeah?

You have to ease in Give it a year

I didn’t I just went straight in

So, 14?


Although I had my first socksual experience then

I wasn’t actually really super interested in it

It wasn’t until a year later that I started pursuing it more

Oh, really?

So, me and my partner, we were kind of like, oh, that’s funny

But we weren’t really that interested in it

Yeah, you were not really enjoying it


You didn’t know what to do

You needed a manual way

It took a year to find the manual


Okay, It’s hard to be adults sometimes

It takes time

Last question

From my perspective

I think Western people and Australian people are quite

Close to their parents, family members you are like

“I can talk to my parents about anything”

Can you talk about this kind of thing with your parents?

Yeah, absolutely I can for sure

I tell dad everything


Yeah, everything

What do you think?

Yeah, same

We’re really open

I think it just depends on possibly because Australians, we all come from everywhere

So it depends on, your culture

From your grandparents, or maybe your parents You know?

So, with my parents, yeah I tell them everything


Yeah And we can laugh about it

Sometimes with my mom especially I tell her everything

And she would give me advice and

Guy advice and this and that

My dad probably not It depends

Because you’re a girl

Maybe your dad doesn’t want to listen to that

Yeah, he will be like “I don’t want to hear about it”

Okay Interesting Well, that’s

That’s a beautiful family if you can talk about this kind of thing

Thank you very much

Thank you so much
