


1組目  アルゼンチン出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Argentina

Would you mind my asking how old you are now?

I’m thirty

I’m not even joking I thought you are like twenty three or something

No no I’m thirty

This beautiful thirty years old girl from Argentina

I wanna ask you in this video about drinking

Do you like drinking?

I like drinking when I’m with friends

If I’m alone at home I wouldn’t be drinking

Same as me I don’t drink by myself at home

By the way how do you say cheers in your language?



I have to beep this

You know what XXXX means in Japanese?



I need to beep this

So what’s the legal drinking age in Argentina?


You started drinking since you were eighteen?

No, I started drinking probably when I was like


I would say that in Argentina

They start drinking earlier than fourteen

That’s quite early then

I used to like sweet drinks

Like cocktails and like ciders and stuff

When I used to go drink with my mates

For the first drink I used to order like

Cocktail with coconut flavor and stuff like that

And always my friends told me like Come on man! You gotta get some beers

Like not that girl’s drink

Is it the same in your country?

Do people say that? Or

You can just order whatever you want?

Yeah I think we can order whatever we want

We like Fernet

What is it?


What is that?

Spirit that we mix it up with Coke

It’s very popular in Argentina and

It’s quite strong

I feel like there some stereotypes People are saying that

Asian people are quite weak for alcohol

Like we can’t drink much

I could be true but it could not be true because

Some of my friends drink a lot

But yes true

I don’t drink much

Like one beer makes me pretty tipsy

How many beers can make you tipsy and

How many beers can make you drunk?

I would say three beers

And after five beers I’d be drunk

Five beers, that’s a lot

Like super drunk

Last question is gonna be like this

Do you have any interesting stories or

Cazy shi* happened because of alcohol in your life?

I was my first date with

With someone that I knew

It was my prom party of the end of school

And I remember this guy picked me up

And we started drinking I got so drunk and

And I threw up on him

It was so embarrassing

So you vomited in front of everyone

” Shi* happens ” We say

I regretted that the other day very much

Thank you very much for your interesting stories

2組目 メルボルン、イラク、ベルギー出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

Melbourne originally but I live in sydney now

I’m from Middle East Iraq

I’m from Belgium

You guys are very international aye?

I saw you guys from over there and

You guys completely look like party people

Do we?

What have you been up to today?

We were just hiking in the forest

Have you started drinking today?

We had pinot grigio at lunch

Literally already?

Today in this video I wanna ask you questions about drinking

Do you like drinking?

Of course we do


I love drinks

What’s the legal drinking age in your country?

Eighteen here in Australia

Same eighteen

Yeah eighteen as well

When I used to go to drinking with my mates

I ordered some sweat drinks with orange juice or something

Always my mate kept telling me

Men should start drinking with a beer for the first drink

Is it like that in your country too?

A little bit I think with

Probably maybe more straight guys are like that

And there is always some social pressure especially the beer

Some guys wanna be like that but not as much any more

I feel like there is some stereotype going around and

Which is basically that people think

Asian people are a little bit lightweight they don’t drink much

It could be true because I don’t drink much

One beer can make me tipsy

I wanna know how many beers let’s say Can make you tipsy

See I don’t drink beer so

So I’m more wine and spirits

How many glass of wine can you drink?

Quite a few

To get tipsy I would say

A bottle

What? Just tipsy?

I mean on the way to yeah

I wouldn’t say I’m super drunk I don’t know like

You are very strong huh?

Is it the right term saying strong?

Like someone who can drink a lot

What would be the term?

I just say heavyweight

Maybe it’s not that

How about you?

For me I could drink maybe around

Are you still healthy?


Also I could drink like a whole bottle of wine

Then after that maybe I could maybe sleep

One bottle of wine or six beers

Definitely this one loves

We live together and he loves drinking all the time

I think you guys have some stories because You drink too much sometimes

Do you have any crazy sh**s happened in your life? Because of drinking

Yeah I don’t know

I think I just get sleepy in my bed and

Very bad but yeah it happens

Yeah I mean of course I have definitely yeah

Maybe hook up with guys who I didn’t mean to Or something I don’t know

You woke up with someone who you are not willing to

Oh yeah

Thank you for your time

3組目 コロンビア出身の女性とイタリア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

where are you guys from?

I’m from Colombia

And you speak Japanese?

Not Japanese but I speak French

And I speak Spanish and a bit of Portuguese

Wow you are a multi linguist yeah?

Where are you from?

I came from Italy

In this video I wanna ask you guys questions about drinking

Do you like drinking?


In my culture we drink a lot

We like partying

And I lived in France for a bit of time

And I think it’s more for a pressure so

It’s normal for them to drink wine or something in like normal dinner?


So they drink more frequently Less quantity but more frequently

Do you drink?

I enjoy drinking sometimes with right people but

I guess right now I’m not a big drinker

Like I’m focusing on training so

It doesn’t really match with it

What’s the legal drinking age in your country?

In Colombia it’s eighteen

And in Italy?

I don’t wanna say anything wrong

I think sixteen

That’s quite early

Maybe sixteen for wine and beer

And then like spirits are from eighteen

Is it like that?

Yeah I’m pretty sure

However most of people start at


That’s early aye

What about in Japan?

I think it’s twenty I’m pretty sure it’s twenty

When I used to go drinking with my mates

I used to order some like sweat drinks like ciders and stuff

But then if you do that my friends always told me like

Why do you do that? Get some beers

Is it the same in your country? Like

You should be getting a beer for the first drink

I like to start with beer But I also prefer like wine as well

So I think I like wine, gin, beer

Let’s say you guys are having the first date And you go to drink with him

And if he ordered some like sweat cocktail or something for the first drink

You don’t feel anything? Is it okay?

Yeah, it’s fine

We tried yesterday a spicy margarita and it was really good

Margarita is sexy you know

How about in Italy?

Men should be drinking beer for the first drink?

So it really depends on the occasion

Normally with friends you can start with beers but

Normally on Saturdays we go for cocktails or wine

So it’s not like you should be drinking beer or something?

We’ve got a full range of alcohol

People are saying that Asian people are quite lightweight

I can’t drink much That’s true

How many beers can make you tipsy?

My drink number is two

Maybe four

Like Corona

Four Corona can make me tipsy

How many beers do you think you can drink a night?

I don’t know maybe…


If I really wanted do

Yeah if you are with a right person

Last question

Do you have any interesting stories, funny stories or

Some crazy sh** happened because you drank too much? Coz you got too drunk

I went to Japan with my siblings

And we went to this Karaoke and you pay I think it was twenty euro

And you get unlimited drinks


We chose gin tonic and

We just have the best time ever

It was the first time my sibling saw me so happy

And I was singing quite a lot

And I loved the experience Karaoke experience was amazing

That’s a good story because you know

“Nomihodai” the free drink is really dangerous

Because it’s a very Japanese stuff

And I’ve seen in Tokyo that many foreigh people come to Japan

Omg drinking is so cheap

Drink drink drink yeah… and then…

They sleep on the street

We didn’t do that but we had a very good time

Arigato gozaimasu

When I used to live in the UK I went out for a couple of drinks with my friends and

Because then we moved to a bit more drinks

I woke up in Manchester

Be careful yeah? Don’t drink too much

I drink water

Stay healthy guys

Thank you very much

4組目 ドイツ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Germany

I went to Germany actually like eleven twelve years ago

And you speak German?


I can say danke schoen though

It’s beautiful country and I was surprised because

Your food is actually amazing

That’s what I found on the first day

How old are you by the way?

I’m eighteen

In this video I wanna ask you some questions about drinking

Is eighteen okay to drink in Germany?

Yes, so you can drink beer and wine and stuff like that When you are sixteen

Really? Sixteen?

And when you are eighteen you can drink spirits and everything

And when did you start drinking?

How do you say cheers in German?


Oh my god wait That’s so difficult


I like sweat drinks

Cocktails and stuff like that

But in Japan if you order a cocktail or something For the first drink

Especially I’m a man

Your friends say

Why are you drinking something like that?

Why don’t you get a beer for the first drink?

Do you think it applies to the German culture as well?

Yes, also for boys

I’m very lightweight

After one beer my face gets red and

I start feeling tipsy

Me too

Oh you?

You are a beer country Germany

How many beers can make you tipsy?

Zero point five litter beer?



That’s a lot yeah? Two litter

Yeah I think

Do you remember how many beers you had in one night?

It’s doesn’t have to be beer but

Maybe six or seven

When you are with someone Maybe someone good looking you can drink a lot?

Last question is gonna be like this

Sometimes people make mistakes

Have you ever waken up next to someone you don’t know?


Hopefully that won’t happen to your life yeah

Coz this is a good country to do that

We will see what will happen in the next week

Thank you very much for your story
