



Thank you very much fro your cooperation

How are you today?

Pretty good

Thank you! Very good

Do you know “Ogenki desuka?”

Hai, genki desu

Genki desu

So I’m a Japanese YouTuber

Who interviews people about

Any kinds of topic pretty much in Australia

Because I live in Australia

And it’s a good place to do that kinda thing

Because Australia has a diversity

So in this video today I wanna ask you ladies about your life

And how the war affected your life

Which I believe is gonna be very helpful for Japanese people understand

What’s been really happening

And how that can affect normal people’s life like us

We are all same human

So you two are born and raised in Ukraine right?

Yes right

What was your life like?

What were you doing before the war happened?

I was working in an English kindergarten Last two years and then

Everything was fine in Ukraine

We traveled a lot

We work fun

We can meet different people from different countries

So everything was good and

It was just a normal life so

Nothing bad happened like a usual life

You went to run maybe in the morning You went to have a couple of coffee in the morning

You want to meet your friend somewhere That’s fine

So it was just a usual really good life

So you worked as a teacher in a kindergarten

What did you used to do before the war happened?

I studied a lot not twenty four but Still I studied and studied

What did you study?

I studied design and I’m an artist so

Tried to get better all the time and

I was interested at the same time In Asian culture so

I started to learn Chinese

And I have watched a lot of Anime

They inspired me a lot to create my art

Wait, is Japanese anime popular in Ukraine as well?

Yes, really popular

You were a university student or something?

I finished English language and Ukrainian language

I can teach Ukrainian language and literature

I’m the same

And in February two thousand twenty two It literally happened

I think not many people really expected that

This literally happens

Many people and many media were talking about it

But then it happened

How did you feel when that happened?

I could expect it

We knew that it will happen one day

It started eight years ago

And we had this experience before

So we knew that our territory is not so independent like it should be

Some regions are even closed for Ukrainians

So we expected that something can happen but

We didn’t expect it would be like now this time because

We never expect something like this

Maybe some operations there I don’t know but

The real war and genocide and

That’s another thing

We didn’t expect exactly this level of

This level of catastrophe happens like literally in your life time

But you say maybe most of Ukraine people were expecting that

One day it can happen if it’s like this

I found out about the war happened not from news

I was there near Kiev

And I just heard bombs

Not from news but suddenly explosion happened?

Woke up with explosions

I was in Ukraine and that happened

And actually before I was sleeping

And at five in the morning my friend from the center od the Kiev just called me

And she said just make your bag Small bag and just go away coz war started

They bombed us

And I just hung up and I was like a robot like in shock

I just got up and started to pack a bag

That’s it and then a few seconds I’ve heard explosion

So that was terrible Terrible feeling of dexxh

That is crazy

Because you were like normal people like us right

Go to work, complain sometimes

But on weekends, you have fun with your friends

And suddenly your life is in a serious danger and

I need to ask What did you do after that?

What happened to you guys? Where did you go?

We had a little bit different experience so

As I said I was working in a kindergarten

And then I just decided to rest a little Just for a short time

And I went to Europe just for a short time so

I was going to return to Ukraine like Maybe on twenty seventh of February

I had a ticket but I couldn’t return home

Just because everything started and

I remember that the same morning when I had this news

I called my grannie and I heard these explosions

Like when you were calling?

Yes, when I was talking with my grannie

When I was talking to her She was really nervous and crazy and

She said like “Don’t return to Ukraine”

“Just throw this ticket away because you can’t return”

She was talking to me and I heard these sound of emergency

I heard these explosions and

I was shocked

And I don’t know how she felt that time

Especially she is sixty six years old

Anyway she was really shocked and

The only one thing she could tell me that time was Don’t return, stay there and wait

This story is really important to tell people

Because what we see from news is like

War happend

Who’s wrong and who’s correct and

Everyone just looks sad

But we can’t really see the individual life

The life’s there

So you were… I don’t know if it’s a right term But you were lucky maybe

You were not inside the country

Yes, I think so

Sofia has another experience because she was in KIev that time

So you heard the bombings and

Like all the Ukraine was bombed that time

We went to a small city near LIev and

We’ve heard tis explosion from the center of Kiev

Because first they bombed Kiev

And small regions and small towns

And we were always afraid they will come very fast to Kiev, right? And

We live near Kiev

For ten days we were worried and we didn’t turn lights on

We didn’t eat, we didn’t drink coffee

We didn’t do anything

We just slept in a small corridor with all my family

My grand mother eighty six years old My sister, my mum

We were just in a small room near the door with our bags

We were ready any minutes just to run out the house

It’s really hard to listen to your story as well because

Like I said this is really different from what we see from the news and this is really realistic

I can see you are normal people enjoying life and

When you were running maybe you were ready to XXX Maybe one day it happen right


My grannie feels the same

She said like “I didn’t need anything now”

“Because I feel like that’s the end”

Like anytime I can XXX and

I’m ready for that

And it’s really terrible just to understand that Your relatives are ready to XXX

You went to another country you said after that

Where did you go?

We decided to go to Polish boarder because

All Ukrainian were crazy to run away to Polish border There were a lot of traffics

When we decided to go out from our house I was so terrible

And we felt this smell of smoke or something not iron in air

And we just took a car and we went to Polish boarder

And I saw burnt cars Dxxd dogs in the middle of the road

Yes I saw buildings not buildings anymore

Yes I saw dxxd cities

Just imagine one city absolutely destroyed

No buildings, no car, no people is these like

Ash is everywhere and that’s all

And people are hiding underground still without food and water

What you saw was definitely hard to see

They were beautiful Ukrainian cities and like small traditional buildings and all that

Suddenly it’s all destroyed

You went to Poland and you were in Italy

Now you are in Japan

What happened?

How you came to Japan from there?

So we got to Polish boarder

And then we took a bus to Germany

And then we found some kind people that Took us to their home

And then I lived there for two months

And then I saw something on Instagram

Just a post of one Japaneses guy that he helps Ukrainians

And I was like oh my god For so long I wanted to go to Japan

This is my chance

Even after all these things

Probably I deserve something better finally

It was the reason to change something

This war is to go away and change my life

And I took this chance

Thanks to Japanese people

That’s a really fair play to the person

So you came to Japan

So you came to and when happened to you?

Almost the same you know

We found the same post on Instagram

Maybe we contacted almost the same time this person

We didn’t each other before

And we didn’t know this person

So you know like just a post Someone said “I’ll help you go to Japan”

We don’t know this person We don’t know the situation We don’t know Japan for sure and like

Just decideed to go

Our bluebird you know

Were you interested in Japan even before that?


Like because of anime?

Anime yes, manga

You know Asian music because

Traditional Asian music is really good and

We go to Japanese restaurant a lot in Ukraine so

Sushi almost everyday

You are more Japanese than I am then

Even Japanese food for me it’s even I feel like mostly mine more than Ukrainian Quite comfortable food

We were interested in Japan before that’s why we felt like

If we have this chance now We will try

I was so happy I screamed like ahhh

Japan is waiting for me

How’s your life in Japan?

You must have something that you really like about Japan and also

This is really hard to accept or hard to live with in Japan

You know that because you started living in Japan now

I like this life here

I think I like almost everything now about Japan

A few things that are difficult for me is that

A lot of paperworks here

If you want to do something you should sign a lot of papers

We don’t have so many papers in Ukraine so

We love papers

It was like “What?”

And maybe humidity

That’s another thing We don’t have this humidity in Europe

So I think these two things and that’s all

You’re gonna face the Japanese summer soon

But people are really good

They try to help and try to speak to us

And Japanese people helps us to find a language school

They helped us to find a house

They helped ue with cloths and food so you know

They really help us a lot

That’s why we can feel ourselves really comfortable here

It’s really good to hear that as a Japanese

I don’t live here but I can proud of Japanese people

And yeah how’s your life?

What do you like about Japan? What do you don’t like about Japan?

I don’t like buttons

They are everywhere

In my hotel I pressed a wrong button and

Insted of opening the door It was an emergency button

In two hours police men came to help me from something

We were just drinking tea that time

Thanks god! He spoke English a bit

And I explained the situation that I don’t know anything

It’s my first time in Japan

He just asked me to teach him Ukrainian words

He said it was a long way to my apartment

Lucky he was a nice man hey

What do you do now in Japna?

Do you go to school?

We try to study Japanaese

Just for two weeks now but it’s reall good now

Asian language and

Feeling that you are here You can study it from the native speakers

Are quite comfortable and

Step by step you can understand people around you

You can buy something in the store and

You can understand or ask Can you pay by like a card or maybe with cash and

Now you can do something You can say something You can understand and it’s like

It’s an amazing feeling

That’s an amazing feeling when you are learning languages

You go to school too?


She’s the best student in our group

You sounds like a teacher hey like

“She’s the best student in our school”

I’m proud of her

What kind of future are you expecting now?

DO you think you wanna go back to Ukraine or

You wanna settle down in Japan?

I think we still don’t know

I mean we want to return to Ukraine to rebuild it to start everything from the beginning

And it will build new Ukraibe and it would be

All these millions of people will return to Ukraine and

We will build something amazing I think

Something better than before

We are ready for that

And we feel it We are all one person together

We are brothers

It would be amazing and

Now we want to have this experience Like with languages

Everything we see here It comfortable and

Maybe we will take something for us Like how we can organize everything

But we still don’t know how long it would be

How long we have to stay here so

There are many questions but we don’t know th eanswer

Yeah even in Japan of course we have pros and cons

You can use this experience to get all the ideas

Maybe bring it back to your country

It can be very helpful to rebuild your country

Because now we need it It’s destroyed and we need to have like

Everyone to create something new

You feel the same?

Yes, I believe that Japan woll teach me a lot

With lots of new things I will be wiser and maturer

I hope we will too

Last thing is that if you have anything you want to say to Japanese people

Yes, I have

Please talk to me more I’m lonely

Don’t be shy! Talk to these ladies

Really! Don’t be shy

They are not scary people

We are quite straight

So you can ask different questions and we are fine to answer them

We are fine to meet you

We have new days Thanks god we have it Began in Japan

We still want to enjoy this life

So just meet new people and enjoy this life and this moment

Ready to smile

Thank you very much for your help
