


1組目 アイルランド出身の男女に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We are from Ireland

I can see your Irish accent Beautiful

Still hard to understand sometimes

Are you guys having a day off today?

Yes, we are on our holidays so we just arrived

How much do you guys usually spend on a day off?

It would depend whether we are going out like for the night or not but like

We find here and Ireland It could be quite expensive and

Especially if you are going for a dinner

Dinner seems to be quite expensive out here

So we could about two or three hundred dollars easily

You must drink a lot aye

He pays most of the time

In this video I wanna ask you some questions about money

Because I saw on YouTube videos and on TV news

They are saying that everything’s getting more and more expensive in the world

Including your salary as well

You get paid more than before

Whereas in Japan it’s not like that

So I wanna find out if it’s true or not

What it’s actually like

People tend to use McDonald’s price to make a comparison so

In Japan I just came back from Japan actually

Cheese burger is like a dollar seventy cents Australian dollars

I like your reaction

That’s cheap

Big Mac is like four dollars thirty cents or sixty cents or something like that

We are talking maybe like six or seven euro in Ireland for a Big Mac

There’s no such thing like cheap McDonald’s anymore

That’s not McDonald’s anymore then

Eurosaver menu was a thing for awhile

Where there was certain stuff for a euro and

That’s kind of not really a thing anymore

Everything has creeped up slowly but surely

So you can feel?

Yeah absolutely

But you don’t notice coz they do slightly each time

And it’s only when you look back and go

I used to have this for this price

And then you see the difference

It’s definitely gone up a lot

Good story

Have you been to Japan by the way?

No, never We have to go

So I think Ireland sounds a bit expensive country to me

And also like Australia obviously

So as United Arab Emirates, Switzerland

How about this? Does Lapan sounds simply an expensive country to you guys or cheap?

When hearing what you just said no

Sounds cheap yeah

Look, it’s no our list to go visit anyway

Now it seems more appealing

Last question is gonna be like that

Because of economic stagnation of Japan

For about thirty years our price hasn’t been changed

So back in thirty years ago the salary is the same as now

Which is quite crazy

That’s bad

How about this in your country?

Do you guys more salary than before?

I would say so like

I’m a nurse in Ireland so

We would have started off at very low pay scale when I was first training

Now it’s slowly creeped up and it’s starting to be recognized a bit more but

Not a huge increase in salaries I would think

Definitely the last thirty years that has been

But not crazy though

So apparently it’s like two thousand four hundred Australian dollars That’s what we get as the first salary in a month

So two thousand four hundred dollars before taxed

A month?

A month

How much is it in Ireland?

Like I would say we get near what would be about

Four thousand a month in euro

In euro? That’s then…

Six thousand dollars

And that wouldn’t be a good wage

Like that would be a standard job like

But it costs living there It’s expensive so

So I gotta say you gotta come to Japan because

When you come to Japan you’ll feel like Wow, we are rich

We can do so many things

Come to Japan definitely

Thank you guys

2組目 インド出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from India

Are you having your day off today?

Yes, it’s Saturday I work from Monday to Friday so

What do you do?

I work for Australia Post

I wanna ask you how much do you usually spend on your day off?

Three, four hundred dollars

Like over weekend, two days?

Yeah two days

That’s a lot of money

So in this video I want to ask some questions about money

Because apparently in the world The prices are going up year by year

Including salary in most of countries

Whereas in Japan it’s not like that

So I wanna find out if it’s true or not and

What it’s actually like

People tend to use McDonald’s to make a comparison

So you are from India right?

So you can talk about your country

In my country in McDonald’s let’s say Big Mac is like

Four dollars ten cents in Australian dollars and

Cheese burger is like a dollar and seventy cents

Do you think they are more expensive than in India?

In India usually the price is around

Three, four dollars for a nice burger and some stuffs

But the market in India

Varies from the different… you know

Yeah, the class

So they also have a burger starting from like less than fifty cents as well

Not in McDonald’s but in other…

In McDonald’s as well

I haven’t been there for like five years now

They have a burger called McAloo Tikki

They used to be twenty five rupees

Which is

Fifty cents exactly

But it should be around fifty rupees now It’s almost almost double in the price

So everything’s getting more expensive

So you have like really cheap burgers to normal price burgers

And like fancy burgers in McDonald’s in India

This is nice to know coz we didn’t know that

Are you from a big city in India?

I’m from the capital of Deli

To rent an apartment Maybe to go to work you rent an apartment by yourself

How much do you have to pay?

In a decent society

My parents like on a rent right now They are paying about fifteen thousand rupees per month

It’s three hundred dollars a month

Three hundred dollars and you can live in a nice apartment?

In a decent apartment we say

It’s like three bed rooms

That’s very decent

But if you see Mumbai That’s like you have to pay around Seventy, eighty thousand per month

That’s more than triple

In busy cities the prices are very high

Before I came to Australia Already Australia sounds like an expensive country

Same as America and some European countries as well

Simply does Japan sound like an expensive country to you? Or not really?

If I go anywhere from Australia Australia’s already expensive so I don’t think

If I’m earning in Australia I won’t be effected that much

From Australia to anywhere

If I’m earning in Australia

I think I can spend money in all around the world comfortably

Because Australia is already pretty expensive

The last question is gonna be like this

Because of the economic stagnation of Japan

For almost thirty years our price hasn’t been changed

Salary for thirty years stayed the same So thirty years ago ago and now The same salary

I can’t imagine how that can happen

Our average starting salary is like two thousand four hundred AUD

How’s the price situation in India?

Has it been getting up year by year?

Yes, it has been

In the last twenty years prices are like tripled amount

That’s a lot

I’m not talking about McDonald’s burger and other burgers

They have increased the price more than triple

It’s been five years since last time I went to India But if I go now

It’s probably the same price for like McDonald’s burger like If I’m gonna get a cheese burger here

If I get the cheapest burger there that’s gonna be a hundred rupee as well

Almost two dollars

Your story explains

How crazy the price’s still the same after thirty years in Japan

I can’t imagine that

How do you feel like if you go out from Japan? To other countries when you are spending?

I think thirty years ago Japanese people were quite rich

In many countries so like

When we used to go to Thailand or somewhere Everything was so cheap

But then like I said I came back from Japan recently

And when I went back to Japan I was like damn So cheap!

Yeah like ramen

In Japan if you put a bit of meat

It’s still like a thousand yes so like ten bucks or something like that

But here it’s like twenty seven dollars or something like that especially in Sydney

It’s expensive mate

That means thirty years ago you wouldn’t feel the difference

Coming to Australia or anywhere but right now

Two thousand four hundred dollars you said?

It’s expensive in Australia

You can’t… you know

You can’t really do a nice lifestyle outside If you earn Japanese yen

That’s the thing

Thank you very much

3組目 オーストラリア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

So we are from Apacambella(?) Queensland

Okay so Australian?

Would you mind my asking how old you guys are now?

Eighteen both

In this video today I wanna ask you guys some questions about money

Apparently, everything’s getting more and more expensive in the world

And I reckon in Australia as well

When people talk about money When people want to make a comparison They tend to use Macca’s The price of McDonald’s

In Japan Cheese burger is like a dollar and seventy cents and

Big Mac is like four dollar fifty or sixty cents

Do you think in Australia it’s higher than that or cheaper than that?

I reckon it’s higher definitely

Sounds quite cheap yeah a dollar seventy


Even before I came to Australia

Australia sounds like an expensive country

So as America, Uae, the UK and stuff like that

Simply does Japan sounds an expensive country?

It sounds like less expensive than Australia

I think it depends on where you are going as well

Last question is gonna be like this

For thirty years our money hasn’t been changed

So the salary you get is the same as thirty years ago

Which is pretty rare in developed countries I reckon

Do you guys feel that the price is getting higher in this country?

Yes, it’s definitely getting more expensive With the inflation but what we get has gone up as much

Alright so everything’s getting expensive but

Your payment is also going up so not much problem happening?

The payment not so much Like the payment kinda stays the same in a sense

So in that way that is what making everything expensive

I’d say payment’s probably growing half as much as the cost of everything else

That’s how you feel

So I think thirty years ago I reckon Japan was a really rich country

And Australia was still

Cheap for us

But now it’s like double than Japanese prices

I just came back from Japan last week and I’m like

Japan was really cheap so

I just wanna ask one more question

How much do you want for your first income when you look for job in this country?

Good question I’d say probably

Thirty five thousand a year would be nice

That would be enough to rent and live off pretty much and

If you can go from there that would be good

Jobs can range from like per hour like Coz jobs that are going like thirteen dollars an hour

And then others are like thirty dollars an hour so

I personally obviously like the highest paying

But it just depends what sector you are working so

Do you guys work?

Yes so I’m a apprentice electrician at the moment

Can I ask you how much you get per hour?

I get thirteen per hour and I’m full-time

I’m currently unemployed but

I was employed I was getting I think eighteen

Hopefully you guys will get a good job yeah And make a lot of money

Thank you very much four your help

Enjoy your day off
