


1組目 メルボルン出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for you help guys

Where are you from?

From Melbourne Australia


Today is Sunday What are you guys usually do on Sunday

Usually just trying to hang out at the beach as much as possible

Go for a coffee in a morning at a local cafe and then

At night we’re probably trying to go for beers somewhere locally at a local pub

Sounds like a good weekend hey

And you’re literally now having Vitamin Sea that it’s called

Exactly right

We are trying to get some sun raising

It’s been a bit raining recently so

Anytime the sun’s out most of Australians are trying to get some sun

Hundred percent

In this video I wanna ask you guys about manners and common sense

Have you ever been to Japan before by any chance?


Where did you go?

Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka

Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka

Yeah same

Oh you went together

Do you know any manners and common sense that exist in Japan?

Have you noticed something?

Very polite

On a train especially it was very quite Everyone’s every civilized

What do you think?

One thing that I noticed is

In Australia it’s red for crossing

We still cross if there’s no cars

And in Japan they don’t cross

People listen to the street signs

That’s what people actually say


So now I’m gonna talk about five Japanese manners and common sense

After you hear these five

Could you tell me if they can apply to this country Or maybe not?

In Japan you gotta be quite in public transport

You noticed that right?

What do you think about here?

That’s never gonna happen here

People need to be on the phone all the time

It’s actually sometimes annoying that People do Facetime on the phone in Australia as well

Life your plate when you are eating

I think I do now since I’ve been to Japan

So it’s not a rude thing or anything?

No, not at all I think it’s normal

Depends what you are eating I guess

If it’s soup it’s no problem

If it’s anything else I probably wouldn’t do it

So it depends on what you eat, the cuisine

When you meet someone in a business setting We exchange business card

You know what I mean?

Do you do that?

We do that

I noticed in Japan you do two hands

Oh you know well huh?

In Australia it’s just like You almost throw it at their face

But you still do that


Talk about salary in job interview

I guess the employer generally tries to avoid the question

Coz they don’t wanna pay too much if they don’t need to

Then also the person feels bad about asking for certain salary so

But I think it’s quite common here to talk about it

I think that opinion differs yeah?

Coz in Japan it’s not a taboo but

I don’t think people do that

I think it just sounds like a greedy person or something I don’t know

We speak with Keigo when we talk to someone Older than you ror like Someone in a higher position that you in a workplace or something

We change the way we speak

So let’s say when you “thanks” We say “Arigato”

But you wanna say “Arigato Gozaimasu”

To demonstrate the respect

You know that

Do you have something like this? Do you change the way you speak here?

I think initially until you become familiar with someone

But there’s no formal language behind it

It’s just you try to be a bit more polite maybe

You wouldn’t say any slang words or anything like that

But we wouldn’t make it more formal like you guys do

Last question is gonna be like this

Do you have any original manners and common sense like

This is very Australian?

Maybe if someone asks you out for a drink You can’t decline it

You have to go for a beer

If someone say we are going for a beer

You can’t be like “Sorry, I’ve got something else to do”

You have to go for it

You don’t wanna say no anyway, Australian people

You don’t so that

Also if they are paying it’s a free drink so

Thank you veru much

2組目 イラン出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m originally from Iran

What do you usually do?

I’m a building inspector

I’m in construction

Good money, hye? In this country

Not bad

So in this video I wanna ask you as an Iranian person

About manners and common sense

Now I’m gonna give you five manners and common sense that exist in Japan

And after you hear these five

Could you please tell me if that can apply to your culture in Iran

Or maybe like it could be different or something like that?

In Japan you gotta be quite in public transport

You can be as noisy as you want It doesn’t matter

But I know in Japan they don’t talk

You noticed that?

I did

Because I was there with my ex-girlfriend she said

Don’t talk on the phone and I said

What’s wrong with it?

Very different culture

In Japan we lift our plate when we are eating

Dont’ do that

It’s not polite?

Sometimes I used to do it when I was a kid and my mum was hating it

When you meet someone in a business setting You exchange business card

So in a business setting I meet you And first of all we exchange our business cards

There’s my name, my company name and address and blah blah blah

We exchange them Do you do that in your country?

I used to I have business so

I used to do it before but not these days No one keeps the business card

What do they keep?

Usually what I do is to pass my website and the number

Because theses days people don’t keep the card in their pocket and

They throw it to the bin

Not really friendly to the environment as well

Yeah exactly

It’s like old fashion

Talk about salary in interview

Hundred percent! Of course

You want how much and how much do I get?

In Japan you shouldn’t be

I actually interviewed three people last week for my business

I told them what’s their salary expectation

You asked them?

Of course

Because if the expectation is too high

What’s the point? Like

Even they said yes, they are not happy

Of if it’s too low, maybe a different job

I wanna know that this is the right job for them

You work for money You need to know what’s the expectation

In Japan we sepak with Keigo

When you talk to people especially older than you

Or people who are on a higher position in your workplace or something like that

We change the way we speak

Do you have something like that in your language?

In Persian we have actually kind of two different languages

One formal, one informal

And when you talk to your parents or someone older than you, it’s very different

So we have different “you”

You never say “you” in single

You say “you” in plural

Otherwise it’s rude

And there are many things that you have to say

In a polite way

Otherwise it’s not nice

Alright, last question is gonna be like this

Do you have any original Iranian manners?

We slept late

So we don’ sleep like nine, ten pm coz like

We say the person who sleeps at nine, ten is like chicken

What time you sleep?

One ish

Really? That’s normal?


Shops are open until ten, eleven

Dentist and clinics are open until ten pm

That was interesting to ask you this question

How can I say thank you in Iranian?



I thought it’s French

It is French but in Iran we say the same way, Merci


3組目 ノルウェー出身の女性3人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


This is Sunday What do you guys usually do on Sunday?

Go to the beach if the weather is nice

How about in Norway though Do you guys still go to the beach in Norway?

It sounds like a very cold country

What do you guys do? Hiking?

Hiking and go skiing

In this video we wanna talk about manners and common sense

Now I’m gonna talk about five Japanese manners and common sense

After you hear these five please let me know If it can be the same in your country or different

You gotta be quite in public transport

You can’t talk on the phone

That’s pretty much the same

If someone says hi, they’d look at you like weird


I’ve heard that Scandinavian people I mean the culture there is very cold

Strangers are very strangers

Very yeah


Coz here in Australia or even in European countries

People are very friendly in some countries

So it’s different, huh?

We don’t talk to each other on the bus

We seat by ourselves

So I’m very lucky one that I can talk to you guys Hello guys!

You guys are very friendly people

We lift our plate when we are eating

So when we are eating a bowl of rice

We life up and we eat

Do you do that?

We don’t do that

It’s considered as a rude thing?

That would be rude

If you came to someone’s house and You eat like this, that’d be weird

Like not a good manner

People don’t do that in Norway

When you meet someone in a business setting We exchange business card

And we have the way we exchange

Like it’s very polite like that

We don’t do that

We don’t have a special way We just hand in

Not like that


Talk about salary in an interview

I think it depends on the job but I feel like it’s normal

We sepak Keigo

Arigato is thanks

Yeah Arigato, thank you

But when you talk to someone older than you You gotta say “Arigatogozaimasu”

Do you have something like this to change the way you speak or like

A polite language?

No, we speak the same to everyone

To your manager in your workplace?

But it depends like if they are older than you’re more

You are more polite but

You don’t have any like special words or

So you just try to be polite but use the same words and stuff

Last question is gonna be like this

Do you have any like original manners and common sense?

You don’t say hi to people on the street

Unless you go hiking then you say hi to everyone

When you go hiking, you say hi to everyone

But in the street no

Only hiking?

“Hi! Have a nice day!”

I’m a very talkative person so when I go to Norway

I’d probably stay in a mountain yeah

Alright thank you girls

4組目 中国出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from China

And I’ve been here Australia about like nine years already

What do you guys usually do on Sunday?

Normally we just stay at home

Monday to Friday working too much so

But today you know after three months of raining

I think it’s a good time for us to travel to the travel or beach or enjoy the sunshine

Did you put a sunscreen on your face?

Not really

Are you crazy?

This is not China This is not Australia

I wanna ask you guys about manners and common sense

Have you ever heard any manners or common sense That exist in Japan?

They need to bow each other when they meet first

You don’t do that in China?

No actuaully

We just shake hand

Different culture

So now I’m gonna give you five common sense and Manners that exist in Japan

And after you hear these five Please let me know if that can apply to your culture

And if you guys do that in your country or not

You gotta be quite in public transport

Yeah the same It’s pretty normal

Lift your plate when you are eating

Do you know we lift plate in Japan?

Yeah the same culture like us

In China if you really enjoy the dishes

And you just life it up and eat all of them

That’s like respect to your chef

When you meet someone in a business setting You exchange business card

You know in Japan we have like a name card And we exchange it Do you do that?

Yeah we do

Yeah in China we do that a lot

In my opinion I think now coz of the technology

People just exchange the digital one and scan it and

You will get all the detail

Talk about salary in an interview

Honestly I didn’t work in China before

Because I came here when I was eighteen years old so

All the money I earned in Australia

I’m not sure as well

We speak with Keigo

Have you ever heard of it?


Do you have that in China?

Yeah we got that in China

But I think in Australia no

Easy going mate

Everyone’s mate

I like that

Do you have any original manners in your country?

Because my father he’s a very traditional guy

So when we are like eating on a table, we cannot talk

Just like quietly eating and finish That’s it

And every time when dinner starts

You need to wait for your grandfather or the oldest one On the table to start eating

And then you can eat

This is good to learn I didn’t know that

Otherwise you just wait

Oldest people sit on the table and then you can sit

Otherwise you stand up and wait

Younger ones always have to wait

Thank you very much guys

