


1組目 フランス出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?

I’m from France

What do you do in Australia?

I came here to work actually

You mean like working holiday sort of thing?

I’m actually going to try to move here for a long time maybe

What sort of occupation do you do?

Vet surgeon

A surgen for animals

You must be a very smart person then

Well I hope so

Looking beautiful and inside is beautiful

Couldn’t be better

I interview people in the world about many kind of topics

To see differences between our Japanese culture and the others

And today I’m interviewing people about their regrets

“I should have done this in my life” ” I shouldn’t have done this in my life” That sort of thing

My first question is gonna be like this

Do you consider yourself as a person who has done

Whatever you are interested in whatever you wanna do in your life? Or

Do you consider yourself as a person who has done who always listen to what people say

Listen to what society expects you to do or expects you to be?

I’ve done pretty much everything that I wanted to do

Because with the study I’ve done

I’d always heard that people are saying that it’s too hard

I have to have a plan B and everything

When you were trying to study to be a vet surgeon?

Before getting into school when you are in middle school or high school

People often said like you have to have plan Bs in life because it’s gonna be hard and everything

And I’ve just never listened to this

I get straight to do what I’ve always wanted to do

And I ended up having what I wanted so

Dose it mean that you trusted yourself at the time?

Like “I can do it” or?

Yeah I don’t know if I trusted myself but

Most of the time it was like I didn’t want to think about anything else and

It gave me the strength to go for what I wanted

You really wanted to have the occupation so

You didn’t wanna think about the others

That’s really good

Some might say “I wish I could go back to when I was like twenty years old because that was my best time”

Some might say “I wish I could go back to my childhood

because I wanna change this because that was not good”

“I should have done this” “I shouldn’t have done this”

In our life we always have something like that

Do you have any time that you wish to go back if you could?

I think I wanna stay as I am now

The only thing I regret is that I’m quite shy actually so

It would have been good thing for me to be more

How do you say that like

Outgoing, maybe a bit more confident to talk to people

To expose yourself maybe?

When I was younger I could have a bit more…

A bit more experiences

But I think you are doing well

Because I literally asked you to stop here

I was like “Hey, I’m doing this, Could you help me?” And you were like

Let’s try it out

You are already trying to improve

It’s the first time to have an interview right?


Doing well

How can I say good job in French?

Okay… That’s too French already

Forget about that

So my last question is gonna be like this

If you could be another person tomorrow when you wake up

What sort of person would you wanna be? Or

Would you wanna stay as who you are?

I would stay who I am no

As I said I have the job I wanted

And I’m right now starting a new life in Australia

It’s like everything’s going pretty well for me except from what I said with the previous question

Many people struggle to find the way to love themselves

Especially im my country many people struggle with that I think

And also struggle to find what you want to do in your life

I think you love yourself now

And you have something that you wanna do it’s very clear

Do you have any advice to be successful in that?

Well, it’s difficult I don’t think we can love all of ourselves

There is always things that we don’t like

Always things that we will want to improve and everything but

We have to stop thinking about what other people say I think

All the time like we have a lot of social pressure and everything on everyday life

I know that’s the case in France I don’t know if it’s the same in Japan but

You have to take a step back to consider what makes you really happy

And what motivates you in life I think

If you can find this you can pretty much find a way to be happy about yourself

That is so true

When I used to work in Japan I was so busy

I didn’t have time to stop

So I couldn’t really have time for myself and think about it but

It’s a strength as well

If you believe yourself, just try to have time to stop

And think what you wanna do

And then if you can stick with that maybe you can be a bit happier than now

Yeah I think so

Thank you very much

I randomly stopped you but I’m so happy that I talked to you

Merci beaucoup

こ2組目 アリススプリングス、シドニー出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Australia Springs Australia

The center of Australia?

I think this is the first time to see people from there

How about you sir?

I’m from Sydney

City people

What do you guys do?

Just existing at this point

I like the answer

What do you do sir?

I’m an artist

So the same thing I’m just existing

Just make something out of it

I’m a video creator I’m not an artist

But I’m still existing and I interview people

To see differences in different cultures and people’s perspectives from all over the world

I’ve done a lot of interviews about relationships and stuff but

Today I’m asking people a question which is pretty much like “What do you think should have done in your life?”

And “You shouldn’t have done in your life” maybe

“I shouldn’t have done this” can mean regret sometimes

So I wanna ask you about that but

The first question is gonna be like this

Do you consider yourself as a person

Who does whatever you are interested in whatever you want to do in your life? Or

Do you consider yourself as a person who kinda like listens to what people say or listen to people’s expectations?

Definitely do what I want

What do you think yourself sir?

I’ve always lived as free as possible in my own life coz

That’s the greatest achievement

Our life we’ve lived is the best art

That’s why you are an artist as well like

If you listen to people too much you’ll definitely not gonna be an artist

Yeah for sure like having an original thought is very rare in today’s society so

We all have to be careful of the echo chamber

That everyone gets stuck in all the different outlets and stuff at the moment so

Keep trusting your own instincts and living your own dream

Because if you are not living your own dream

Life’s a nightmare

Because you don’t wanna live in someone’s life

Or someone’s expectation it’s your life

Some might say I wish I could go back to when I was a high school student

Because that was the best time of my life

Some might say when I was twenty five I was so happy I wish I could go back there

Do you have that sort of time that you wanna go back to and change something maybe?

I definitely don’t wanna change anything

Coz this is it

So you love yourself, you love your life

So many people in Japan are struggling to be happy

It’s a simple thing but to be happy in their life

What do you think is a reason that you can confidently say that

“I don’t wanna change anything” “I’m happy”?

Because anywhere you go there you are

You don’t worry too much about other people?

No coz it’s all in here

What do you think sir? Do you have any time that you wanna go back to?

I don’t have any specific time that I’d like to go back to

I do remember when I was a little kid

I thought my grandparents are quite lame

Coz they were all old and I was a little kid and

All I cared about was like soda and like playing games or something

But they were also like gardeners

And I think later in life you’ll realize those are real dope skills

And so sometimes it’s good to mix all the different cultures

Japan’s probably a lot better at that

In terms of keeping your elders with you

In the Western world not so much

I wouldn’t wanna go back and change that

Coz it is what it is but

That’s something that we should all be aware of

And also pertaining to what you mention about in Japanese culture

I feel like as an outside observer

You guys have a lot of social structures that are very legit

And that must make it hard to meet the expectations of your elders

And so

Looking within yourself is always the easiest way

To like break free of that because

No one needs to know that you might be thinking a bit differently about things

You don’t need to out wardly express it but

Internally, you know and understand it

Coz it’s your life at the end anyway

You guys are really good at expressing what you are feeling in your head aye

I’m surprised

My last question is gonna be like this

If you could be another person when you wake up tomorrow morning

What sort of person would you wanna be? Or

So you wanna stay as who you are today?

I’m always gonna be the same

So if you had another life you’d wanna be born as who you are again?

Yeah my soul never leaves me I’m stuck with it

I love that

How can a sentence can be so cool?

Coz it’s funny that Japanese wouldn’t answer like that

It’s very much a Western people’s sentence

That’s how I can describe my feeling

What do you think sir?

I don’t think I’d wanna be another person on this planet ever again but

I’d like to be maybe like a river or something that would be cool

The master Bruce Lee said water changes everything

It’s the most powerful force

Takes shape of whatever it’s put into

If it’s put into a tea pot it becomes the tea pot and

I don’t wanna miss quote the guy but water is the one

And river are especially I’ve been staying Bellingen lately

And there’s a lot of rivers there that make you feel a different way like


Moving clean water is like a phenomenal feeling physically

That’s so deep

That’s the deepest thing I’ve ever heard

I’m more like a Jackie Chan person but I liked that

I’m happy that I asked you to do the interview

Thank you

3組目 ネパール出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I am originally from Nepal but I’ve been in this country for ages now

So long nearly let’s say yen years or more than that

What do you do now?

I work as a bar manager

Today I’m asking people a question which is pretty much like

“What do you think you should have done in your life?” Or like

“You shouldn’t have done in your life?”

I should have done this can mean a bit of like regret as well

So I’m gonna ask you about that but

My first question is about you

Do you consider yourself as a person who kinda has done whatever you are interested in in your life?

Or are you a person who kinda like follows people and society’s expectations?

Being honest with you, no man I don’t care about what people actually say about me

I don’t judge anyone but

If someone judge me, I don’t give a f**k

That’s good though

I am the same actually

Quite many Japanese people worry about what people expect or

What people think about you because

You don’t wanna be recognized as a d**khead

Is that true that I heard like if you’ve got tats in Japan

They say you are a gangsta or something like that?

It’s more like this I’m gonna explain

It’s recognized as a negative thing in Japan

Having a tattoo but

Then you still get tattoos

Then people are doubting your personality then

You know that it’s negative but you still get it

So it’s not about really gangsta or anything

But people just judge you based on that

So the second question is gonna be like this

Some might say “I wish I could go back to my high school time

Because that was the best time of my life”

Or some might say “I really wanna go back to when I was twenty five

Because I’ve done this and I shouldn’t have done this and I wanna change this” whatever

Do you have any time that you wish to go back if you could go back in time?

I know what you are trying to ask but what I say is

As I said I don’t care what people say about me

I did such a nasty job in my life man, trust me

It’s good to be honest

So like I think when I look back right now that was meant to happen

That wasn’t my choice so I think

It’t not a regret but sometimes I feel like

F**k man

I shouldn’t have done that but at the same time

That was meant to happen so it’s a part of your life

So I sometimes I look at these videos

They say people take past in three ways

There are two types of people who takes their past

So one is like they just think about their past

And just keep on regretting

One is like they are still thinking about their past

But they are just surviving

And the other is like they just leave the past the way it it

They just try to grow up and I’m one of those

Because if you think about your past for ages or too long

Maybe that can be sometimes just an excuse

I’m from Nepal, right I came here and I don’t have a family or anything

Now I’m an assistant of general manager I’m the second charge of the company

So I started picking glasses

All these biggest night clubs in Sydney

Dirty glasses in drunk people

That’s my job man

So even you had a nad experience

I can’t say to everyone coz some people have

A really nasty experience

And I’m sorry for that, it’s hard to forget about it

Honestly, I do as I said I’ve done a lot of nasty things a lot of bad things

My last question is gonna be like this

I think that I can already see the answer but

If you could see be another person when you wake up tomorrow

What sort of person would you wanna be? Or

Would you wanna stay as who you are today?

Of course nobody wanna stay who we are now

Everyone wants to grow up right

But I don’t wanna be someone else

I wanna wake up as myself

Because t’s always good to be alive

But of course I wanna be somewhere on a big place

You wanna stay as who you are but you wanna grow up everyday

That’s the life and there is a saying

“It is what it is”

Very positive energy

From this good looking guy from Nepal

Thank you man enjoy your day

And you said you wanna go to Disneyland in Japan?

Whoever watching this from last five years I wanna go to Japan

I know a lot about Japan and

I did a research on my university

About Disneyland in Japan

That’s how I learned Japanese

I can’t speak a lot but I can say

Thank you very much! Enjoy your day!
