


1組目 シドニー出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?

I’m from Australia



What have you been up to today?

I worked in the morning and now I’m just chilling at the beach with my friends

What do you do?

I work as a petrol station

This beautiful girl works at a petrol station?

I’d come every day, hey

In this video I’m asking people about like personality and characteristics of men like

What kind of person in front of you makes you feel like

“This guy is a player, a lady’s man”

Have you ever felt like that to a person in front of you?

Yeah definitely

Have you been on a date with someone like that?

Yeah I have

It happens to people

According to Google

I googled it in Japanese

“Characteristics of a player, a lady’s man”

We call it “Charai” in Japanese

How do you call it in English? Lady’s man?

Lady’s man yeah


Definitely player

Characteristics of player in Japan

I have three of them

I’m gonna tell you about that and

Please tell me if you agree with it or

If it applies to your country as well or not

A guy who’s extremely confident

I guess it kind of depends

I would say yes

But then there is also very confident guys that Can be a bit misleading

You think that they are a player but it turns out that they are actually like nice guys

Actually a nice guys and just confident and

He has a background to be able to be confident

But it does kind of give off the impression of being a lady’s man

Do you like confident men?

I do like confident men

Confident is the key, isn’t it?

A guy who wears brands outfit

Gucci and LV

I feel like that also kind of goes with the confidence

I feel like I associate those people with liking a little bit to show off

Showing that they can like afford it

Which is kind of part of the confident I guess

A guy who does body touch on dates

So body touch you know when you go to restaurants like that or like

In Japan it’s not really accepted

So how about in this country?

I actually don’t really like touching

I think it’s a bit it can make people feel a little bit uncomfortable

But then I think like shy guys can also show off a little their

Personality by like their emotions with body touching

So doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing

So I wouldn’t say yes

It’s how you do it and where you do it

Where you do it

If you are outdoor and it’s like a public place

It’s a little bit like

Too much

You don’t want them to so that?

Last question

So simply what makes you think that This guy is a lady’s man

What kind of behavior is it going to be?

Is it like trying to kiss you on the first date or something?

I think trying to kiss you on the first date

And I think also where you met them or if…

Where is a bad place to meet people?


Normally nightclubs or like

Say for example you don’t give them what they want

They just like straightaway don’t show any interests

Then they are clearly there for the wrong reason

They don’t really care about you They are more like

Because they are lady’s men so

It just shows their intentions

That’s true

Many Japanese people come to Australia for working holiday and study abroad

They come to Bondi Beach

Heaps of beautiful girls including you

Is it a good thing to talk to girls on beaches and stuff?

I don’t mind talking to people like at the beach

But I think that’s also kind of who you are at the beach with like

If you are with a group of people then I don’t think it’s like

The appropriate place to like go off to someone

But I think it’s like if you are like with a group of like two girls or like three girls Then it’s like alright

But if it’s like a big group then obviously that

They are with their friends so it’s not.. I don’t know

You gotta read the air, hey

Thank you very much for your time! That was great!

2組目 メキシコ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

Mexico City

Capital city, init?

Capital yeah, capital of Mexico

So in this video I’m asking people like what kind of behavior

Makes you feel like the person in front of you “Player, lady’s man”

Have you ever felt someone in front of you is a lady’s man or a player

“Oh my god! This guy is a lady’s man!”

We call it “Charai” in Japanese

Well in Mexico we call it “Mujeriego”

There you go

I don’t know I don’t wanna generalize coz

Could be no but

I don’t know I feel like they will always be surrounded by girls

They’ll be looking like everywhere

When you are trying to catch the next one you are like

They are looking for opportunities all the time

They are like hunting

Or the famous ones like “Oh I’m not ready..”

“I’m not ready for the commitment…”

Giving you an excuse and trying to look for something

That’s the classic

“I don’t feel ready for a relationship” So that’s like a player as well personally


According to Google

There are some like characteristics of charai men in Japan

Oh mujeriego?

If you do something like this, It sounds like you are a player

So I’m gonna give you a couple of them

And just let me know if it applies to like Mexican culture

I’ll say like “Si or No”

A guy who’s extremely confident


Confident is a good thing?

I think it’s a good thing

Girls we can be confident and

We are not gonna be like playing around so

I guess it’s a good thing

A guy who wears high brand cloths, outfits


Half half I’d say like


Half half

A guy who does body touch on dates

I don’t know like in Mexico but like

Ah I was like booty touch

Not booty touch

That’s too much

Nah like that or like

You are touching their face or something like that

In Mexico it is a normal thing but like

Even we are friends like not even if you are not dating you’ll be like really touchy so

I think we are actually like really touching like

It’s like “Hey, hello” like We are very touchy

So I don’t think it will be like a sign

This is a different culture

Coz we are always like “Oh hello”

And when I just moved here it’s like

You need to stop touching people I was like …

So it’s a Latino culture, hey

So simply what do you think is the sign of like a lady’s man or like a player?

I don’t think so coz

I feel like you just kind of like..

You just find it and feel it naturally?

Yeah you know like

This guy is just gonna be trouble

I mean you still date him

Coz sometimes… so it’s like okay

Thank you very much for your help

3組目 ドイツ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


In this video I’m asking people about like

What kind of man looks like a lady’s man or like a player

Have you ever felt

“Wow this guys is a player” in front of you?


Are there many men like that in Germany as well?

Yeah, there are

According to a Japanese article

There are some characteristics of like lady’s man

In Japanese we call them “Charai”

So charai men’s characteristics I’m gonna give you a couple of them

And just let me know if you agree with them or no, that’s fine or something like that

What about a guy who’s extremely confident

I wouldn’t say that’s immediately a lady’s man

I think confident can be a good thing

If they are overly confident..

That’s a bit annoying?

Stay humble

A guy who wears high brand outfit

They just have like different values so

I wouldn’t say that it says a lot about their character like their personality because well

Everyone’s different and

They can wear whatever they want so

So it’s not necessarily means that

They are charai like lady’s man


A guy who does body touch naturally on dates

Let’s say when you go to first date, second date

You know some people touch a lot

Whereas some people don’t touch at all

In Japan body touch is kind of like

Not really accepted

How about in Germany? Is it okay thing?

I think it’s okay like

People are probably more touchy in Europe

But I’d say like if it’s too much then

I’d be very careful so

But it sounds like relatively to Japan it’s a okay thing, hey

Last question

Simply then what kind of behavior What kind of person makes you feel like

This guy is a lady’s man, player, charai?

Well if I see him talking to every girl and like

Flirting with every girl and

The worst thing is when I’m on a date with a guy he’s like

Just looks at other girls

You can do that when you are alone Whatever you like

But not on a date

Yeah boys do that like on the street Look at girls

Don’t do that

Thank you very much for your time

4組目 オーストラリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are from?


Would you mind my asking how old you are?

Twenty one

In this video today I’m asking people about like

What kind of behavior makes you feel a person in front of you

is like a lady’s man or like a player

Have you ever felt someone in front of you is like “Oh my god! This guy’s a lady’s man”?


Have you been on a date with someone like that?


But you just felt it when you saw that kind of person?

When you are walking the streets lots of guys try to pick you up

Just lowlifes

Are there lots of lady’s men around here?

There’s a few but no one’s said anything today

So they must be like nice and respectful

So according to a Japanese article Apparently there are some like characteristics of lady’s man

I’m gonna give you a couple of them and just please let me know if you agree with them or not

A guy who’s extremely confident

It’s good to be confident

But not cocky

That’s a good word to know

A guy who wears high brands outfit

No that’s good because

Then they’ve got money and they are spending on themselves, which is good

So it’s not a lady’s man sign or anything like that?

It’s like half half

Rubbing in other people’s face like

I have this and you don’t have it Is bad but

No, I feel like that’s not lady’s man

Okay it’s good to know Interesting

Last one A guy who does body touch naturally on dates

Is it normal in Australia?

No, not without their permission I feel like

And I feel like you have to get to know someone before they actually touch you at all

If someone’s really touchy It’s really like awkward and makes it weird

That just me though like I don’t know if everyone’s like that

Yeah it’s really good to know because I felt like In this country if you compare to my country

It’s more like okay to touch ladies on dates

Yeah I feel like a lot of men do and they think it’s okay but

Sometimes girls feel awkward

They just won’t say anything like

But there’s no second sate or something


Simply what kind of person looks like lady’s man or player

What kind of behavior makes you feel like that?

Is it like trying to kiss on the first date or something? What’s the no no sigh?

There’s probably lots of red flags

The first impression I feel like the first impression is really big

So have to be very polite

Respectful to women

Also the way they speak like

If they speak about other girls in a certain way, you can kinda tell

Like what kind of person yeah

Alright that was a good education

I’ll be careful

Thank you very much for your help

I taught you a good lesson yeah
