


1組目 バンコク出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Are you from bangkok?

Yes, at Bangkok in Thailand

Sawadee kap

Sawadee kap

Do you work or are you a student?


Oh What do you do?

Online marketing

Oh, you are very smart

Beautiful and smart Everyone’s happy

Okay, so I do street interviews in the world

interview people and find cultural differences

like different people’s opinions on everything

Today, I have some questions about Asian men Asian boys

First question

Where do you think I am from?

Can you tell by my look?

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Okay


I might be from Hong Kong I will tell you soon

So this is my third time visit in Thailand

I love Thaikand

So hot now?

Too hot

39 degrees outside Okay

I love food I love buildings, culture and..

You like Thai food?

Yeah, so much Yeah

Spicy food Gaprao, Tom yum goong

Yeah, I love spicy food, everything

And beautiful girls so beautiful

My favorite is Lalisa

My question

If you have to choose one person to be in a relationship boyfriend, girlfriend

Except Thai people

Do you think which country men do you choose?


Why do you think so?


White skin?


They got big eyes

Big eyes

So, are white skin people more popular here?



So, I am from Japan

Ehh! Really?

I like Asia very much Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong

Okay I’m so happy

Last question

What is your image about Japanese men?


Yeah and you are cute

Cute? We are cute

And small

A little bit short

Oh, interesting

How do I look okay?


Thank you

Khob khun Krab

2組目 バンコク出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much fro your help

Are you from Bangkok?

Yes, I’m from bangkok, Thailand

Do you work or are you a student?

I am a student I’m studying now

Now I’m in 12th grade

12th grade?

Which is high school?

High school


How can all Thai people speak English so well?

I don’t know just like we have English in…

In school?

Yes, it is important in school, you have to take test

You have to study

But I am studying Chinese programs

Chinese program?

So, I have to study English four or five periods for one week

Oh, really?

But you also study Chinese as well?


Well, so you speak three languages?


How come people are so smart? Oh, my God

But many young Thai people can speak English?


Wow This is amazing

Okay, so I do street interview in the world

To see differences in culture, different opinions

Today, this beautiful lady from Thailand

I want to ask you your opinions about Asian men

First questions

Where do you think I am from?

Can you tell by look?

At first I think you’re maybe from China or Korea

Because you look like.. you lool like that

Oh, really?



Second question

This is my third time visit in Thailand

I love Thailand so much

Nice food, nice buildings

Beautiful ladies as well

Yeah, I like Thailand

Many Japanese people come to Thailand as well for holiday

And now I want to ask you

Many Japanese guys like Thai girls

If you have to choose one person

One guy to date to be in a relationship

Except Thai guy

Which country man do you go for?


America? Because they are rich


I don’t know it is going to be rude or something

I like the color


Many Thai people like white color?

But I like a different color

Oh, like not Asian…


Okay, I need to ask you

If it is Asia only, which country?


What makes you think so?

They are rich and smart

Yeah you think so?


And they work hard, too

I really love someone that works really much

Okay I work hard now I really work hard

Okay, so I am from Japan


I don’t look like Japanese?


Yeah, I am from Japan

You’re a lier now

No no

I am from Japan

And this is the last question

What’s your impression or image about Japanese men?

What do you think about Japanese men?

Okay, the first

You got to be honest, yeah?

First, Japanese man work hard, too

But I don’t like Japanese men

Because some families or Japanese men just

fInd a housewife


I am a working woman too

I really love to work

I see That could be true

I mean, not everyone, but that’s still here

That kind of culture


Ok, interesting

You know about Japanese culture a little bit?

Yes, I know a little bit

You had a Japanese ex-boyfriend?


Thank you very much

Khob khun Krab

3組目 バンコク出身の2人組の女性に聞いてみた!

Are you from bangkok?



Sawadee kap

Sawadee kap

Do you work or are you a student?

I’m still student

We are undergrad students

Okay all right

So, I do street interview in the world

to find like differences in culture

and the people’s opinion and all of that

Today, I have some questions that I want to ask you

which are going to be about my appearance

and also Asian boys, about Asian men

First question

From a Thai girls perspective

Where do you think I am from?

Can you tell by my look?

Maybe Japan

Japan or China

Japan or China


Very interesting

Okay, so this is my third time visit in Thailand

I love Thailand

Thai food is good People are nice

Girls are beautiful

Yeah. You’re lying!

No, no I’m serious

Thai girls are beautiful, you know

Because I found that Thai people like white skin

But me, I think tanned skin

looks really healthy and beautiful

So that’s why I like Thai girls

A little bit tanned, “So good”

Yeah many Japanese guys like Thai girls

So my question

If you have to choose one person to date

But except the Thai boys

What country men do you want to date in Asia?

Oh, Korea

Why do you think so?

Because, like a K-POP idol

They are similar to us, we usually see them in online

I see they are so popular and you are really used to seeing them


For me, China

Why do you think so?

Personality, I’m not sure but it’s like their look and

I’m not sure, but I just like to watch their dramas

So, I see a lot of them and they are just handsome


Okay girls so I am from Japan


You got it!

And this is the last question okay

Like I said, many Japanese people come to Thailand

And also men like Thai girls Beautiful

Okay, what’s …

Can I say the answer?


Yeah, I choose Japan!

Khob khun Krab

Okay, so what’s your image and impression about Japanese boys?

What do you think about Japanese boys?

Nippon Boys!


MUJI? What do you mean muji?

It’s just style

Oh, really?

Minimal style

What is it?

So, it’s a brand MUJI



The MUJI, like a very simple and clean

Oh, okay

How about inside or like any other impression image about Japanese boys?


Oh. yeah

Really polite

How about looking?

Okay, you got to be honest

I used to watch something like Alice in Borderland

On Netflix


Most of them are really handsome for me

Okay, Thank you very much

Okay, because you guys are really nice sorry, one more question

In Thailand, when you look for a boyfriend, girlfriend

Do you use like matching apps or?

No, I don’t never

How do you look for a partner?

Like in real life

In your stay and we have seen each other like that


Class in university, or party like that

And then you talk to each other



Okay Japanese people who go to Thailand

Go to party and find these beautiful ladies

Thank you very much

Khob khun Krab

4組目 タイ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Are you from Bangkok or?

I’m not from Bangkok I’m from another city

Okay Not too far?

Not too far it’s three and a half hour from here

Oh, that’s very far

Do you work or are you a student?

Dental nurse

Dental nurse

So, I do street interviews in the world

and I interview people about many kind of topics

to see differences in culture and also people

Today, I have question that I want to ask you

which are going to be about my look

and also about Asian men

So first question,

From Thai girl’s perspective

You look at my face

Can you tell what country I am from?

I think you are from Korea

Okay, I look like Korean?

A little bit


I’ll give you the answer later

Second question

I think Thailand is so nice

I’ve been this country already twice and this is my third time visit

I love Thai food and like culture and buildings

and Thai girls are beautiful Thai girls are beautiful I think

Many people come to Thailand for holiday, right?

So this is a very popular country

My question is going to be like this

If you have to choose one person to be a partner

But except Thai men

Except Thai?

Except Thai

What country men are you going to go for a dating?




I think how can I say it’s up to our feeling

We don’t choose a country for me

That’s true

So the country doesn’t matter but

If you feel good and you are good


That’s true

Okay, I’ll give you an answer

I am from Japan


Close, close enough

Okay last question

What’s your impression and image about Japanese men?

Japanese men?

So romantic



What made you think so?

Maybe I just watched series so much

I just come back to watch on TV

Oh, really?

Oh, you like anime?


So you think Japanese men are romantic

Yeah, I think it’s up to the person

Yeah, it depends on the person


Thank you very much

Khob khun Krab
