【仰天】外国人に節約してるか聞いてみたら答えが意外すぎた Part2


Part1の続き 17:42~


4組目 イタリア出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We’re from Italy

Yeah, we’re from Italy

That’s why you guys are fashionable aye

I went to Milano, Vinice

I’m very typical tourist but

I loved there

I had a Panzerotti you know?


What is it? It’s not pizza

It’s a bread

Yeah, it’s sort of a bread with like tomato sauce and mozzarella

And it’s also fried I think

That was so good

And a Chocolate Italiano


What do you guys do in Australia?

We are exchange students at UTS

What do you study?

I study business

And I study psychology

Psychology? I’m stressed

I need your help working too much

I help you

You can help me please

In this video this is very random but

So you guys are a student, right?

You can’t spend too much money every day, right?

Of course

Perfect people to ask this question

I’m interviewing people about how people save money save expenditure in their life

Because you live in Australia maybe Italy as well

Everything’s getting more and more expensive nowadays

It’s crazy

You know you go to a restaurant?

Oh Gog…

Everything’s so expensive now, right?

So I think people including me

Are forced to be in a situation where we have to think how to save money how to save costs in our life

Let me ask you some questions about it please

First of all, I don’t know if you work casually sometimes or

You get the money to sustain your life from your parents

Is your money enough to live comfortably now?

Well, I’m a full-time student so I don’t work

And I completely rely on my parents now

Van you live comfortably?

Well, I try me best like save some money

For example when I go to university

Instead of like going to the foodcourt we have that inside the university

I bring my own packet lunch I cook my meal at home

Every morning?


It’s pretty cheeper

Yeah, much cheeper

I reckon because there are many international students

With a rich parents so they go to the food court

And they spend so much money

But you don’t do that

You cook by yourself and bring that lunchbox

Some pasta yeah

Do you have a comfortable life with the money you have?

Yeah, I’m a student but I’m also a babysitter in Italy

So I have enough money to spend to do what I want to do

And but also I need to save them

Sometimes when I’m in Italy for example I don’t go to the hairdresser

But some friends of mine cut my hair

At what age did you come to Australia?

Just two days ago

Oh you literally came?

Yeah, like a weel ago something like that

Because you speak good English I thought you’re here for a long time

You said you are from like a big city in Italy?

No, I like in a small village

And you too?


How much you used to get the haircut in your local hairdresser?

It depends on what you want to do your hair

But maybe just like..


How much is it gonna be in an Australia dollars?

Like €89~90?

How much is it gonna be in a Japanese yen?

I don’t know

Joking! Oh, it’ll quite expensive yeah?

Oh I see, so you better ask your friends that’s true

This is also very random question but

I think Japanese has very like Japanese goods that are made to save money, save cost

For example, like a shower head we have like a special shower head

So people change to that shower head because that shower head use less water and you can save the water usage

And also we have a power

What is it? Socket?

So you have this one, right?

But each of them has a switches on it

So you can switch on as well

Because if you leave it on it keeps using a little by little it costs as well

Ok, to save energy

Maybe in a month’s time you can save

Like a few dollars to $10 or something I’m not too sure but people use that sort of thing

Do you have that sort of things in Italy?

And are they popular like the goods to save money?

People care about it?

I would say not that much

But for example, like my family

As like some tips to try to save a little

When we at night, when we go to sleep who is which of the TV, the kitchen appliances we are literally just to get off from it

Because the light when it’s off it’s still light and it consumes

So we just try to

So your parents do that?

Yeah I do as well

You as well as here?

No, at home

Have you ever seen like those kind of goods to save money in your country?

That type of shower or something like that?

Like goods to cut the cost

Because in Japan it’s so popular people are chasing for this

I don’t think there’s something like that in Italy that type of.. no

So people don’t really care about the small things?

I don’t think so

Not too much?

Not too much

Ok, interesting

Thank you very much



5組目 アメリカ、スロバキア出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

From the United States

I’m from Slovakia

So far

How did you meet each other?

We live together at school

You mean like in Australia?

You’re a uni student


What do you study?

I’m studying environmental science

I’m studying law

You guys are two smart people

I shouldn’t be talking about it because I have no idea about that sort if field

What sort of job are you going to get after uni?

Some type of environmental consulting

I wanna travel a lot

Are you gonna be a lawyer?

Yeah I probably i try to

Future rich people

In this video, this is very random but

I interview people here in Bondi Beach today

About how non-Japanese people try to save money penny in a daily life

I think especially in the US everything’s getting crazy expensive nowadays

Inflation is crazy

And in Australia too, we feel it

So I think we are all in kind of like a situation where we kind of have to save money saving expenditure

How about Slovakia by they way?

I mean it’s really expensive right now

It used to be pretty cheep like the food

And everything is getting so expensive

So inflation’s happening! It’s real

So my question is gonna be like this

Are you full-time student now? Do you work?

I worked back home but not here

So let’s talk about back home

Was your income enough to have a comfortable life at that time?

Uh, not independently

Like I still needed to borrow money from my family

But enough money to live, but food and go out

That’s good

How about you? Did you work in your country?

Well, I live in London actually

Because I’m a student exchange right down here

So I used to work at H&M

But like a part time job

My parents support me because I’m a student

When was that? How long ago?

Like half yeah ago actually

You don’t have to say exact amount but

How much can you get per hour working and in kind of a company?

It was like £11 per hour?

Which is?

Oh my God, i don’t know

Like 20 bucks?

No, like 16 maybe I don’t know I’m not sure

That’s not gonna be really enough

Because London’s really expensive in that


Second question is gonna be like this

This is totally like different thing

But Japan has very Japanese stuff which means that we have some goods which are made to save like costs

For example, a shower head

You know some shower heads specially made it to use less water than normal ones

And many people use that many household use that in Japan

And also I don’t know how you call this in English

But I have a picture we have something like this one

Oh yeah, like a power strip

But you can turn off each, turn it on and off

SO you can save a bit of electricity usage

And those kind of goods to save costs and stuff like that it’s very big in Japan

Do you think people have that dort of thing

And care about this in your country?

I’d say more here than in the states

Like at out apartment you can turn off the power outlets and stuff

And then not really much in the United States

We are not as good about conservation

No, people don’t really care about it like small money

Same in Slovakia no one actually thinks about it which is pretty sad

Ok, so you don’t have this kind of good yet

Not popular

It’s not popular, it should be more

Coz Japanese people love it

Love as well love sushi, you know?

Oh, I love sushi

Ok, I’m very happy to hear that

Last question is gonna be like this

You know like I said it’s expensive world nowadays

Some people try not to spread too much money in a supermarket

Like I try not to purchase stuff which is like a full amount

I only purchase something is on sale like 50% off or something

Many ways to save money but

Do you guys in your daily life do you guys try to save like pennies? Do you try to do something?

I mean I’d say cook at home

Mainly to save money like meal prep, my meals try not to go out as much

Like lunches and stuff?

Yeah, lunches and breakfasts

You wake up early morning and cook?

I mean before we came here we made breakfast

Oh, really? Even on a day off?


And you do the same?

I do and as long as like save my money

We’re not buying like water bottles at the shop I get like free water at our dorm

So that’S the way I do that as well

That’s gonna be big money if you calculate it like whole year

Oh, well

What do you cook for a meal usually? Sandwitches?

I hope you don’t eat sandwich every day aye?

No, chicken rice, eggs, geggies, the basic stuff

All right, healthy for you and healthy for wallet

Ok! Thank you very much yeah

It’s a random question but

I hope you enjoyed it too

I did enjoy so Thank you very much
