【仰天】外国人に節約してるか聞いてみたら答えが意外すぎた Part1



1組目 アイルランド出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Ireland

Sorry, I’m not trying to be rude but

I have learned English for a long time I’ve studied English for a long time

Only the accent I struggle with is Irish accent

But you have a very mild accent I can understand

Yeah, I’m from the north if Ireland

So if you’re from maybe like Dublin or something it’s gonna be more difficult

What do you doing in Australia?

I’ve only moved so I’ve been here few days

What did you used to doing back in Ireland?

I was a digital marketing executive

You work in a company and do the digital marketing for the company?

Website and their social medias

We are doing the similar things then

So in this video, this is very random but

I’m asking the people here on Bondi Beach about

How you save expenditure in your life?

Because as you know probably Ireland too

Everything’s getting crazy expensive nowadays like day by day everything’s getting expensive

And I think people including me

Are forced to pretty much to the situation where we need to save money, save expenditure

So I’m gonna ask three questions around that sort of topic

My first question is gonna be like this

Are you satisfied with your income in the society now we’re living?

many people are forced to save money struggle to sustain their life

Are you simply satisfied with your income?

So I actually moved from Ireland because I was satisfied with my income

And I make more money with digital marketing over here

My friend actually makes more money as well

So we both decided to leave to make more money

Because I’ve spoken to many Irish people, right?

And they say Ireland is really expensive

And Australia is expensive but you think…

I think the side is worse actually than the north of Ireland

The money wise is pretty similar here in Ireland

But you get more money?

It depends city-wise

Sydney obviously would be the same as Dublin in Ireland

Rent is more expensive then that type of place

But it’s really good to hear that

Because you’ve moved on because you are not satisfied back in your country

And you change your life try to change

This is good! Because many people suffering

And struggling and complaining all the time

But you know majority of people don’t do anything just keep going you know what I mean?

So good on you!

Ok, second question it’s gonna be like this

In my country Japan there are many like goods which are made to aim for people to be economical

You know a shower head?


We have like a special made shower head

To save water usage and stuff like that

And also like how do call this one?

We have something like this

And like a power plug?

Yeah we have them too

But you can switch on and off

I think we have them too

Oh, really?

So you have this kind of like economical goods in your country?

Yeah we do well… I don’t know

Maybe we do that but I didn’t know that’s gonna be economical

You don’t know if that’s gonna be economical or not

I wouldn’t have thought of it as economical but it’s just

You just bought it?


You didn’t it really think about it

Do you have that sort of stuff in Ireland? Like a house appliances trying to aim to people to be economical and stuff or?

I don’t really know

So maybe it’s not that popular then?

Yeah well, I can’t think of the top of my head

I reckon you are like a smart side people you doing a good job

And then you don’t even know that so maybe it’s not really a big thing

There is economical stuff like obviously we have solar panels and

That’s really common in with new houses and stuff

But like house appliances I cannot think for the life of me, sorry

What brand comes up to your mind when you talk about house appliances especially in your country Ireland?

Oh God, I don’t know

Like Samsung?

Korean Brand comes first

So the last question and the main question of this video it’s gonna be like this

Some people try not to go out to eat too much

Mayne like try to minimize to one time a week or something

Some people try to wake up early and then make a lunch and bring that to their office

And some people only purchase their food in their supermarket when it’s on special only

Simply do you try to save or minimize your expenditure in your life?

Yeah well, definitely from being here

At home not so much but here with coffees and stuff

I would have drank coffees out all the time

Whereas here I try not to

Just cause more expensive here and

It’s something I really enjoyed at home

But it’s a luxury

You think so?

Yeah well, drinking coffee every day and it costs me

Eight dollars is not the same as what it was when I was stirring at home

It’s more dear so

So especially about coffee

You try not to have a coffee outside you try to make it by yourself

Yeah one or two at a day

Ok! Make a coffee by yourself

Don’t go to Starbucks maybe

Oh, I’m not judging Starbucks but

Thank you very much

Enjoy your day

2組目 イギリス出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from the UK

You’re gonna be the perfect person to ask this question today because

I think UK is very expensive country to live in nowadays

It is nowadays Yes the cost of living has gone up

Energy prices

Lots of price rises everywhere really

So literally everything’s going more and more expensive nowadays

Energy, gas, petrol, diesel

Even hotels, traveling it’s more expensive now

What do you work now or?

No, I’m retired

What did you used to do?

I used to be in furniture manufacturing for a long time

Yeah, for forty years

And we used to make domestic upholstery and a bedroom and dining

That’s cool job!

I used to work in a furniture shop actually too

Moving furniture and stuff and that smart side but yeah

So in this video I’m asking non-Japanese people here in Bondi Beach about

How people save money I mean expenditure in their daily life

Because like you said everything’s getting expensive even in Japan as well

And people are struggling to sustain their life comfortably

So first question is gonna be like this

You get Pension or like Social security sort of thing from the government, right?

I have a pension it’s a National pension

I’m not gonna ask you how much you get but

Are you satisfied with the money you get from the government and

You can live comfortably now?

I can live yes

But I also have a Private pension too

To build it up I would find it very difficult to live

As I would like to live on just a national pension

So you can sustain your life but just with the national pension

You can’t live like how you want to live

But because you have a private pension you can live quite comfortably now

I think so

I reckon Japan has many like goods which aim for people to like save costs

A water usage and electricity usage and stuff like that

Like a shower head this is just an example

We have a special shower head that use less water than normal ones

And also like a power plugs that

You have a switch on it

So you don’t have to put it out all the time

You can just simply turn it off

And you can save a little bit on the electricity usage

Do you have that sort of things in the UK to minimize costs?

We do

I personally have a shower head

And it mixes this more oxygen, more ais with water

So you think you’re getting the same shower but you’re using far less water

So you literally have that?

I have it already

That sort of goods are quite popular in the UK?

Or people don’t really care?

So so, if you’re conscious of weathering to save money and save water too

Even in the UK we’ll vbe have plenty of rain

The cost of water is rising too

It’s rising?

Absolutely and then

The thing is that if you make small savings in little places it all adds up

So a little bit less driving

Less eating out, less traveling on the train and

Most will help you

And entertaining yourself at home as opposed to going out

That’s probably the way I do it

You try to save money in your life?

We do yes

Because we know that when we spend money

The cost has all gone up

So we know we have to save in order to just entertain ourselves to a certain level

You gonna be smart to entertain yourself without too much spending

That’s literally what I wanted to ask you

Thank you very much

3組目 オークランド、シドニー出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

From Sydney, Australia

He’s lying, he’s from New Zealand, Auckland

You settle down here?

He’s been here for like twenty years

So you’re allowed to say Australian


I was born here so my whole life

What do you guys do for career?

Oh, a lots of things

We do a lot of things

You work for yourself, by yourself?

Oh, that’s cool

He has his own business

He makes caramel apples

Caramel apples for the market

That’s sweet! I mean literally sweet

Pretty much

And I’m a stylist for advertising but then I help him with business

I still work for fashion companies so a lot of things

I like that sort of people doing their own thing

I literally stopped you and talk to you

Because you got the water bottle here


Because in this video I’m asking people here in Bondi Beach about

How people outside Japan try to save money I mean like expenditure in your life

Because you know everyday everything’s getting more and more expensive nowadays

People are struggling, you know?

So I reckon people including me

Kinda forced to be in the situation where we have to save money somehow

So let me ask you some questions about that

So the first question is gonna be

Business people are you satisfied with your income nowadays?

Can you live comfortably?

We do live quite comfortably as well it’s like it’s not that

The thing with us is that we don’t have like an income where it’s like over $100,000 a year

Wr don’t have a desk job that’s 9 to 5

But we can make money if we work harder

So because we have three jobs

It just means that we can either pick something up a little bit more

Or work a little bit harder on a different angle

So in terms of streams if income the good thing for us is because we have multiple

It just means that if something isn’t doing the best

We can actually make more money somewhere else

So if you work obviously like 20 hours every day

You can make more money but you’re not doing it

You’re not chasing money too much is that because..

Living in Australia is beautiful

Like today is a Friday, isn’t it?

Down the beach!

It’s a weekdays and you are not working

We’re working!

He’s worked this morning

And I’ve been actually just came off doing eight days in a row of work

So you worked hard

Between all of my jobs eight days in a row of work

I like it! Work is not everything

Money’s not everything

That comes in and out absolutely

Yeah, that’s true

You quite live comfortably but you have this water bottle instead of buying the water

Like fancy water from supermarket

Why is that?

It’s just easier

And then you can count how much water you’re drinking all day

Also I hate plastic bottles

So I’m not wat to like keep using single bottles

In saying that though I have been collecting bottles and can sand whatever for the last like three months

So there’s a program in Australia called Return and Earn

Basically you can collect like bottles and cans

And then they’ll give you 10 cent back on each one

So we actually just came for ding that this morning and I got $7

I mean I was gonna ask people how to save money

But I didn’t expect that…

You will make momey

I didn’t expect that I’m gonna see someone who’s saving the planet Earth you know?

This is good

So another question is gonna be like this

It is very like Japanese thing but

Japan has so many goods that’s a made to aim I mean for people to save like water usage and electricity usage and stuff

This is just an example but like a shower head

Some shower heads are specially made to use less water than normal one

Like a timer or something

Like and also you have like a switch on and off then

So you can easily turn it off when you’re like washing your hands and stuff like that

And also for example I’ll show you the picture

This stuff you know like a power how to call it?

Outlet, power outlet

Or I got it she tell me a board

But it’s got the switches on it

So you can turn it on and off

Because if you just leave the plug on

It’s using a bit of electricity

Japan has so many things to save money eventually

Do you have that sort of things in Australia

And are they popular?

Definitely they’re available

I don’t think it’s super popular

But you know what I think now with the rising cost of electricity absolutely

It’s definitely something that we should do be looking at

You know turning off the mode of at night

Turning off the TV after it finished

Everything off actually at the outlet probably make more sense

I don’t think we’re there at the point where we feel the need to so that

But it is a smarter idea

My mom used to turn it off

I mean to plug every like house appliance and like

I couldn’t be bothered to plug again and again

It makes sense I like it saves money

It’s one of those things you don’t think about until someone’s like

“Oh! Why don’t you do that?”

And you are like “Yeah!”

Why don’t you? It’s a smart idea

I’m stupid

I just literally notice that in Australia

Power plug already have the switches on the wall

Yeah, they do

But in general you think that those kind of goods are not that popular in this country?

I think it’s popular but it’s just one probably not used

They used as much we are thinking about it

We are not really thinking about it

It’s much as some people maybe with the big family

Exactly I think if we have a lot of people

It’s just ue two at home

And we only really use the electricity that’s in one room

We don’t really leave all of the lights on anyway

And if we’re in one room together

Usually it’s just a lamp

So we don’t tend to put like a lot of like things on it once anyway

So maybe that’s our way of saving

That’s what I wanted to ask you for the last question like

Do you guys simply try to save money like doing something?

I mean, look! To be honest I’m half Chinese

So I’m allowed to say this but like

Because I’m Asian and my mum is Chinese

She’s always instilled in me like the idea of being thrifty and like

“Looking for the best price!”

We buy stuff in bulk

If something’s on special that I love

I will but two of them

Because I know I’ll use that, right?

And I’ve started doing that as well

I’ve been dating with him five years

You got good influence aye?


So for instance my cereal which was in sale half price last week

So we bought two boxes

He’s like “Honey, I’m gonna get another one!

It’s a good deal”

I think just growing up that way my mum’s kind of instilled in me

But in terms of like purchasing and stuff like that

I always try to make sure I’m looking for the best price

or what else can I do?

The parents education influence you for whole life too

Yeah absolutely

That’s why I’m stingy

Sorry, Mom

I’m stingy

But we careful guys yeah

Cause I literally found like my favorite yogurt was on special and 50% off

So I bought like 50

I bought 50 yogurt and a half of them are rotten

After a month half of then are rotten

So be careful guys yeah

Thank you very much
