【驚愕】外国人に聞いた『あなたの一ヶ月の生活費はいくら?』- Part2


Part1の続き 18:21~


3組目 南アフリカ出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We are from South Africa

You guys are couple or?

Yeah we’re married

South Africa to Australia is really far isn’t it?


We’ve been teaching English in South Korea for the last year

And we got some family in Aus

So between contracts we’ve visiting Aus for about a month

I like your eye’s color by the way

Looking pretty nice

Your eye’s color is really cool too

Blue and green what am I?

I don’t know

So you guys are English teacher

This is very random but in this video I’m interviewing people

Here in Sydney some questions about money

What people use money on

And also what sort of value that people have towards money

FIrst of all, do you consider yourself as a frugal person or an extravagant person?

I think we’re somewhere in the middle because we do enjoy saving money

And it’s very important for us to save as much as we can

But we also like to set enough money aside

So that we can make a long term process to save

So we need enough money to enjoy ourselves as well

That is true

You wanna enjoy at this moment

So people tend to spend all money in

But also if you wanna enjoy your life for long time

You actually have to kind of sacrifice at the moment

Are you a frugal person?

No, I’m with him I’m definitely with him

I’m definitely the most saver

She is more frugal

So you’re working as a teacher and approximately how much do you get per week

If I could break it down to AUD

Per week after tax we would get about just under a thousand AUD

That’s a lot of money

That’s quite a lot of money

how much do you use in a week then?

Fifty percent

Fifty percent in a month

We save percent of our salary

That’s quite a lot too

Then you easily can save up to like two thousand AUD a month

That’s a good saving

What do you use the money on the most in your life?

Is it rent or you have any hobbies or?

I’d say rent contributes to a lot, bit part of salary

And then after that I think food is the most important part

Food is really expensive

We try to save on thing like coffee

We grow our coffee beans and make own coffee

Instead of buying coffee every day

Coz you know after a couple of years it really adds up to

Quite a lot if you but coffee every single day

And then we try and keep healthy and live a balanced life

So we try to get enough fruits and vegetables as possible

Which can be really expensive depending on where you’re

In Australia, it’s not as difficult to find affordable

Fruits and vegetables which is really great

And meat is also quite affordable

But then we also enjoy experiences

I think that’s where most of our money goes to

And that includes like go into nice restaurant every now and then

But I think for the part balance is where it comes to

You really know what you’re doing in your life

Because not many people can explain so smoothly

About how you use money

We think about it a lot

Like we plan and we think about where our money goes to, what we wanna do in our life

You guys are very down to earth

Is that a right term to use?

So you said you save money to enjoy your life in a long time

And also like you’re saving money to but a house in the future ir

Absolutely, that’s the dirty thing we wanna do

So the last question is gonna be like this

What is the most important thing for two to use money

So we definitely want to have property

So that’s the main thing we’re saving for

But we’re big foodie as well

Just experiencing our life and also not holding back

Coz we’re in our twenties and we just wanna make the most of it

But still be responsible, obviously

So you’re balancing like you need to save

But at the same time you need to enjoy your life too

So half goes to saving and half goes to the experience

Beautiful couple from South Africa

Thank you very much

Please enjoy your time in Australia

4組目 アデレード出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you ladies from?

We’re from Adelaide south Australia

What do you do?

I just work full time at a cafe

I am a student

What do you study?

I’m studying speech pathology third year

So what are you gonna be after uni?

A speech pathologist

Ladies this is very random but

In this video I’m interviewing people here in Sydney some questions about money

How people use money and

What sort of values that people have towards money and all that

FIrst of all, do you think you’re good at managing money or bad at managing money?

I think we’re good at managing money

So you ladies are very frugal you say?

We spend it on what we think we need

Not like recklessly spending money

But you don’t go crazy

It’s always in control

More comes in than what goes out

More comes in than what goes put

So you work in a cafe and how much do you usually get approximately a week

A week umm like eight hundred dollars

You get eight hundred dollars and how much do you spend in a week

It would depend on like stuff that I need petro; and food

You drive yeah?

Yeah, I drive so petrol and that is a bit more expensive

Probably in a week, I would probably spend like a hundred two hundred dollars

Is that it? You live with your parents yeah?

That’s good

But only like a hundred to two hundred dollars you save a lot of money then

Saving a lot of money

After you get a bachelor degree or master degree you work in the sort of field

How much can you get per week?

I don’t know I’m not sure

How much do you wanna get per week?

Hopefully a lot

I know the starting salary for speeches around 70, 80k

So I’m not sure what that equates to per week

Probably like a thousand two or three hundred or something

And you spend only like a hundred to two hundred dollars a week

A week, I’m the same probably

Wow! You’re good at managing money

We gotta afford to come here, go on holidays

That’s why you can go on a holiday

What do you spend the money on the most in your life?

So petrol definitely

In Adelaide, the most common form of transportation is car

Not public transportation like it is here

So petrol absolutely

And food, groceries and petrol that’s the most

You save a lot of money and do you have any reason that you save money or

You just save money for the rainy day

Well, I’m gonna Europe in June

And I’m staying there for six months for holiday

So I’m saving money for that

I was a backpacker when I was younger

And I saw many Australian people in Europe

And they’re like I’m taking like a year off

And I’m like what the we can’t so that in Japan

Your boss is not gonna be mad at you?

No, well my boss is actually my mom so she’s ok with it

But taking time off uni and then going back

Why do you save money?

So I’m going tagging along for not as long

I’m only probably gonna two to three weeks in Europe

So we’re doing Portugal and Spain

And then I’m just saving to move out

I’m just saving to save at the moment

I don’t to spend it so I save it

So anytime you can move out

Yeah, I’m just waiting to see what happens with that

The last question is gonna be like this

You know people have a different value on money

People have different things that they want to spend the money on in their life but

What is the most important thing for you to spend the money on?

I can say also like what do you not mind spending money on

Well, I think I have a mentality since I’m young I can get the money back

So I’ll save it on things that give me like memories and I’ll have fun while I’m young

That’s why you going to Europe

Exactly, saving money to have fun

I think for me right now is how I’m feeling

What do you think? What’s the most important thing for you to use the money on?

I’d agree I try not to spend so much on materials

And put it in experience

so I’m saving money to spend on like this trip now

And Portugal and stuff like that concerts, night life that kind of thing for me

That’s definitely good

I did that when I was younger but I also a lot of money on the material thing

Coz I wanted to show off “Hey, look at me I’m rich”

But it’s nothing actually

But the memory stays in my mind, so that’s good

Beautiful appearance and beautiful inside as well

Thank you very much! Enjoy your day!
