


1組目 フランス出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?

We are from France

Are you in Australia for a holiday?

A little bit for a holiday but for a wedding of our daughter


Your daughter lives in Australia?

Surprise! I heard

French people don’t speak English

But you speak English

Speak a little bit

In this video I’m asking people how they feel about their life after retirement

I’m from Japan and nowadays in my country Japan

Many people struggle to have a comfortable life

After they retire from their work with pension

Not enough pension so

I assume many Japanese people wonder “Why is it like this is Japan?”

“How is the situation outside Japan?”

That’s why I’m asking this video and let me ask you some questions please

Would you mind my asking how old you are now? What’s your age?

Sixty nine

Sixty nine also

And you are a married couple right?

Do you work? Or you retired already?

We are retired

What did you do?

Music teacher

Music teacher

That’s a great job

And I assume you met in a workplace right?


Do you get like a pension after you retire from government in France?

Yes, we have pension

How old do you start getting pension?

Usually, it’s from sixty five

For me sixty two

Teacher is a government job right?


How much pension do you get per month?

Three thousand

One person or both of you?

Two thousand

Per month

That’s a lot

Do you think the money is enough for you to have a good life?

Yes, it’s enough

So many people in France have a good life after retirement?

Or it depends on the person?

I don’t know but it depends on a job

Many people are richer and I’d say many people are less rich

Are you in a high class or average?

Mudium class

Good life from medium class

I wanna make this video as valuable as possible so let me ask you

From the experiences you have

What is an important think for us young generation

To make our life after retirement comfortable and happy?

Some people say we should start saving or

Investing money as early as possible

Or some say you should have as many experiences as possible when you are healthy

The second one

In France now there is a reformation of pension

It will be different

Is it gonna be better?

I don’t know

Better for one and not good for…

Thank you very much for your cooperation

Merci beaucoup

2組目 クイーンズクリフ出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from sir?

I’m from Queenscliff

Which is you said around there?

On the hill over there

You must be living in a good house then

Well, it’s not a unit

It should be pretty good still

So you are from Australia and

In this video I’m asking people here in Manly Beach

How they feel about their life after retirement

Because I’m from Japan and

Nowadays people are really struggling to sustain their life just with their pension

And they must be wondering “How ‘s the life situation outside Japan?”

So let me ask you some questions please

How old are you by the way?

I’m twenty five

You look very young

My wife looks after me very well

That’s good

You are lucky

Do you work or you retired?

I retired in December two thousand thirteen

Which was when you were

When I was still working as an accountant

You were an accountant

In a country

So you worked in a company right? That’s not a government job

In this country Australia after retirement do you get pension?

Or I’ve heard you get superannuation

If you get no superannuation

The age pension is means tested so

If you earn so much you can’t get the age pension

Coz you are self sufficient

And it’s called self funded retiree

So what is superannuation basically?

It’s money you’ve saved

Or it’s been deducted from your wages or salaries and puts into a superannuation account for you

So when you retire you’ve got an account there with so much money in

So the account belongs to your bank account it’s not in a government bank account?


That’s really good

So you can secure your money at least

There’s big super funds run by the big financial companies

Like AMP and AMG

And you usually invest with them

So you were working as an account for your whole life and

On no I was on a family farm for twenty sic years

So I need to ask you

How much do you get per month?

Because Australia is an expensive country

Yeah it can be expensive depends how you live

Because I’m self funded

I only take what I need

And I’ve gotta take minimum each year

As you get old they make you take more

Coz they don’t want you to leave it

If a big balance’s there when you dix

Coz it turn to tax free government can’t get their hands on

At the moment I’ve gotta take

Ten percent of the balance of my fund every year

And next year I get older I gotta take twelve percent and gets higher and higher

Last year I got fifty thousand for my wife

And sixty thousand for myself

And put them a bank account and I draw on that

And if I get short I can always go back and take extra out of super fund so

Do you have a comfortable life after retirement?

Very comfortable

You said you have a very comfortable life right now and

Are you like a medium class in Australia or

Do you consider yourself like in a upper class?

I’d say upper middle class

I wanna make this video as valuable as possible so

I would say from all the experiences you’ve had throughout your life

For us younger generation what do you think we should do

To make our life after retirement comfortable

I don’t know what you do in Japan but if you get real estate

That’s one way to make money

So we’ve got this unit up here

We’ve paid probably a million dollars for this one bit over a million dollars

And it’s probably worths two and half million now

More than double then

That’s because we have a bit of probably boom

That’s what Australia people do actually

And we started off superannuation very early

When we first started off the rule was you double your money every seven years

That’s when we used to make decent interest

Not zero interest or one or ten percent now

Now it’s like that but before no

Thank you very much

3組目 シアトル出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

Seattle, Washington

Seattle, Washington, the US

And you are here in Manly Beach today are you on a holiday?


In this video I’m asking people here in Manly Beach how they feel about their life after retirement

Because I am from Japan

And there are lots of people who are really worried about their life after retirement

And also struggling to sustain their life to make their ends meet just with their pension

I assume people must be wondering “How’s the situation outside Japan?”

So let me ask you some questions about it

Would you mind my asking how old you guys are now?

I’m fifty five

I’m sixty five

And you are retired already?


What did you used to do?



In the US do you get pension or

What is it called? Social security after retirement?

It depends

If in my case I was a teacher so I have a pension

And I get social security too

I will draw in ten year when I turn sixty five

He’s different

I had a pension from my company but then no longer offer a pension

So those pensionsa re going away in United States in the private sector

But you still get some money from government to sustain your life nowadays?

Wee, I will eventually collect social security as well

Like I said in the start if the video many people are struggling in Japan because

They get like six hundred dollars Australian dollars seven hundred hundred dollars per month

And their rent is already like five hundred dollars or six hundred dollars

How can you live off a month with a hundred dollars and that’s impossible

Many people are saying that on news shows on YouTube

How much do you get per month?

And I know America is a very expensive country but

In America it’s a lot of the people who on social security

What they collect in social security barely covers what it costs for them to eat and to pay for the housing as well

So you would say many American people also struggle to make their ends meet inside the country?

Oh yeah

Right now I’m pulling any money

Because I’m too young to pull social security

And I’m too young to pull from my pension

So we are just living off his which is only his pension

We are living off of what we saved over the last forty years

Sixty two is the earliest you can get the social security

But it’s at a lower rate

And they have been raising over time the age which you get full social security

So like for her it’s sixty seven now

And they are talking about raising it more because

The social security system in United State is going to run out of funds sort of

Coz what happens is people who are working pay in the social security

And that’s what they use to pay out

But it’s getting to be so many people are collecting social security

And not as many is working

So the balance is going to shift to where

If they don’t do anything social security payment will drop to seventy percent of what it is now

Sounds like a similar problems happening as Japan

So you guys live with his pension

Would you mind my asking how much approximately you get?

About five thousand dollars a month

And that’s enough?

It is but our house is paid for

So the only bills we have are utilities and property tax

The poverty level in Washington state is what

Forty five thousand? Forty thousand a year?

Something like that

So we are above that but not a lot

Are you consider yourself a medium class or upper class?

We are middle

Last question is gonna be like this I wanna make this video as valuable as possible

So let me ask you

From all the experience you’ve had throughout your life

What do you think is an important factor for us young generation

To make our life after retirement comfortable and happy?

Start saving now

You return on whatever you save now compounds over time

Compounds interest

That’s where you can save a lot less now

And have the same amount is what you’ll have to save later to have the same amount

So our son is twenty four and he has already a retirement fund that he puts

It’s not a lot but he’s putting some money away

To help build that so that hopefully he can retire young or but a house or whatever

He’s more comfortable when he retires

But it’s a different time than it was when we were twenty four

In terms if?

Most people can’t buy a house it’s too expensive

They are needing all the money to pay rent

But you say at least stop buying all the expensive cloths and stuff

And start saving a little by little

And maybe you can retire a bit earlier than expected

And have a comfortable life that’s what we should do

Live simply

Save your pennies

Look for good deals

Don’t pay the top dollar

And that it helps

Thank you very much for your help

Enjoy the time in Australia

4組目 インド出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We are from India

Do you live in this country?

No, we are not living in this country my children are staying here

So we are here for the first time in Australia

How do you feel?

Very nice country

Very beautiful

In this video I’m asking people here in Australia

How they feel about their life after retirement

Because in my country Japan I don’t know if you know we have

Many elderly people and really few younger generation

So people are struggling to sustain their life after retirement

Because they don’t get much pension

Of course it depends on the person

But some people get like seven hundred AUD or right hundred AUD one month

But their rent is already six hundred

How can you live like this?

So some people have to work as a casual in a supermarket or

As a cleaner or something like that

Even after sixty five years old

How old are you by the way?

Myself is fifty six years old she is fifty five years old

And you are retired already?

No, our age of retirement is sixty years in India

And do you work?

Yeah, I’m working with X

X is a brand name of milk

The corporate they brand in India

Is that a big company?

It is a very big company

So you still work in a company and I need to ask you

Around that age in Japan like fifty five years old, fifty six years old

Eventually they’ll start getting a pension right after their retirement

I think sixty years old some people retire at sixty five years old

Do you get pension in India?

We are getting pensions in India

I need to ask you so you work in a big company and

Do you worry about your future with your pension?

Do you think you can live off with the pension?

See the Scheme of pension is like that

If I’m living a luxurious life today at present

Same will be continue after retirement also

The pension amount is like that

How much do you usually put in pension in your country? Like percentage form your salary

Percentage of salary almost forty percent

Forty percent in the pension?

Suppose my wife used to get one “lakh” rupees in Indian currency INR

Then she will be getting almost

One thousand Australian dollars

But one thousand Australian dollars is a big money in India right?

In India it is fifty thousand rupees

If I consider one Australian dollar is fifty rupees

And fifty thousand is very good amount in India

You can live really nice life

How much pension will you get per month?

I told you about my wife pension only my pension is a different thing

Three thousand and that is enough

In India it’s a big big money?

Yeah it’s very big money

Rich people from India

Not rich but we are

Indian people are known for saving economy we are living in saving economy

We are not spending economy

We are not living in the plastic money we are living in the real money

You will not find ATM card and credit card

We are not used to with that

We are spending in cash

And out of that suppose I’m earning a hundred rupees INR

Then I will try to save maximum thirty rupees out of hundred rupees

So thirty percent of the total earning will be the saving for us

From all the experience you have throughout your life

What is an important factor for us younger generation

To make our life after retirement comfortable and happy?

As far as Indian people concern myself concern

You have to save because

When you are kid you are a dependent on your parents

When you are elder you have to earn and to take care about your parents

In India we take care of ours

When my parents are ninety or a hundred years old

They used to stay with us

We will not sent them to old age people home

So that is what we are thinking in four lives

One is children you are dependent on your parent

Second one is you are elder one that is adult so you complete your study and then start earning

Then the mothers life is from twenty five or twenty six to fifty to fifty six there will be your kids

So you have to invest, you have to save

For after sixty, sixty five years old of you life

So it’s important to save money and also make your family happy

Indian people always prioritize family first yeah?

Family first

We don’t want to live separated family

We live with parents we live with brothers

We are all staying together

That will cut down your cost of living also

That is true saving society

Your husband is really good at talking

Thank you very much

How can I say thank you in Indian?

