


1組目 トロント出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Toronto Canada

I’ve heard there are heaps of Japanese people

There are tons

It’s a very multicultural city for sure

Like Sydney

Yeah like Sydney absolutely

By the way you are fit

You are ripped

You go to the gym?

I go to gym yeah I try to stay healthy

How often in a week?

Maybe five times a week

Would you mind my asking how old you are now?

I’m twenty nine

This good looking man from Canada

In this video I’m asking people questions about their first love

At what age did you fall in love with someone for the first time?

We say our first crush

You say first crush

First crush means you are interested in someone

First love means you are like really crazy about them

Crush and love are different yeah?

So which one do you wanna hear the answer? Love or crush?

At what age did you have your first crush?

I was really young when I has my first crush

I was probably like six years old I think

Who was that?

Her name was Alex she was in my class

Has anything happened with her?

I went to a different school I think a year after I met her so

And I was too young and there’s no social media at the time

So I never really kept in touch with Alex so I wonder how she’s doing now actually

Hope you are doing well Alex if you’re seeing this

That sounds like a romantic movie but

Unfortunately, it’s not a happy ending

It’s not over yet

I might find her

So that was your first crush and now I wanna ask you

In my country Japan apparently the average age for people to have their first partner

Is at sixteen years old

When was your first love?

At what age did you have your first partner?

I actually had my first partner at I was nineteen

It was my first year of university actually

I met her my first two weeks of going to school

I used to play basketball a lot and she also play basketball

You look like a person who plays basketball with that thing

So I actually met her in a basketball gym

Her name was Novi she was really nice

How long had you been with her?

I was with her for about four years

That’s quite long time

You must be a very genuine man aye

What do you think about people in Canada?

Do you think people start dating with someone maybe younger than sixteen years old usually?

It was vert late for me

Most people start dating maybe like fourteen

Fourteen, fifteen that’s kind of around yeah

But it’s never really serious

I mean I guess maybe when you were that age you feel serious but

I don’t know anybody that’s still with somebody that they were with when they were fourteen so

What do they do for dating

Because now we are an adult we can go to bars and

We can drive somewhere far

But what do they do?

That’s actually a good questions

Coz I didn’t have a significant other when I was fourteen

So but I think maybe they would like go to the movie theater together or I don’t know

Go get a milkshake after school together

Just little cute stuff like that I think

Like a romantic film

Having a milk shake together That’s so cute

That dosen’t happen to Japanese people

Maybe we have green tea together

That’d still be romantic

I’d love to do that

Maybe tapioca nowadays though

Lastly, let’s say what was the name of your first partner?

My first partner, Novi

Let’s say if Novi is watching this

Do you have any messages to her?

Coz you had the sweet first relationship with the person right?

She must be someone special to you

Novi, I haven’t seen you in a very long time but I hope you are still doing well

ANd yeah if you see this video

Wish we can act to be friends

You are really sweet man

Thank you very much

Sweeter than tapioca drinks

2組目 ブラジル出身の2人組の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

From Brazil

Brazil yeah

Oh my god

Brazilian girls are so beautiful

I’m a very honest man

How old are you?

I’m twenty eight

And twenty nine

In this video this is very random but I’m asking people here in Bondi Beach

About their first crush, first love

At what age did you have your first crush?

I think at fourteen

Oh my god I think it was like seven or eight like a crush

Not a boyfriend though

Who was he?

He was from my class

He was like a surfer like a cool boy

How about you? The crush?

It was just a popular guy at school

Nothing special about him I think all the girls liked him

It was just this guy, the best looking guy everyone just liked him

When did you have the first boyfriend then?

Yeah mine was about that age

I was thirteen

You were thirteen quite early

But my question is gonna be like this

Apparently, the average age in my country Japan for people to have their first partner

Is at sixteen

What do you think about this age?

I think it matters to wait to have a boyfriend

Coz someone if you are younger you just don’t have a right filter to decide who’s a good boyfriend or not

Like when you are thirteen you feel like you know it all

Like you feel like you are an adult so

I think we are really intense like

We just have a crush and we go all in

And we had on idea what we were doing but we just go for it

Latino people are really close to their family usually and

Thirteen, fourteen when you have a boyfriend and a girlfriend

Can you talk about this kind of thing with your parents?

It depends on the family like my family like I’m really close to my mum and my dad so

They always knew they weren’t always happy like

When you have a thirteen years old daughter and if she’s got a boyfriend like

They hated it and there was a big fight

But we do talk about it like

Coz it’s not like you have to do it behind

I don’t how…

Same for me but I think it depends

Now you can go to drink and get pissed or whatever

ANd you can drive for with your boyfriend but

At thirteen, fourteen what we can do is limited

Do you remember what you used to do on dates?

I’ve always lived on the beach so just like spending a day on the beach and

Going get ice cream and just like stupid stuffs like nothing much

I lived in a small town so we didn’t have a lot of places to go

Go to shopping mall something like that

This is not really related to this topic

But I’ve heard from my Brazilian friends that they said

In Brazil at nighttime even if it’s red light

You don’t have to stop coz it’s dangerous is it true?

It’s a thing like

You sholdn’t stop

You don’t get fine after nine

Just for security like for a safety reason

Especially if you are a girl on your own in the car

Like you just don’t stop at the red light when there’s no car, just go

This is a very different culture

Do you still talk to your first boyfriend?

Not at all

I do like I follow him on Instagram

Let’s say he’s watching this video

If you have any message could you give him some messages please?

Hi, Will…

I mean it was really good you taught me so many things

But I do think it’s weird that like

Since this day… it’s just I don’t know maybe he just shold like reconsider XXXX

He’s just a weird dude

No joke! People talk

But I just want you to be happy and like

Go for mate go for it YOLO!

You only live once

I don’t know what to say so

Hope you are enjoying your life

Thank you very much

Muito obrigado

3組目 中国出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from China

Big city?

Not that big just normal small city from south

Would you mind my asking how old you are now?

Twenty seven

You look pretty young yeah

Maybe because of the fancy sunnies

WIthout sunglasses I still look young

Yeah you look young that’s true

In this video I’m asking people questions about their first love

At what age did you fall in love with someone for the first time?

Six, seven

It’s just my classmate the cutest one

Very typical and

Anything has happened with the person or not?

Now we are good friends on the future

In my country Japan apparently the average age for people to have their first partner

Is at sixteen years old

It’s quite normal

Some people start early like me

I started really early



Still there were few friends they had a relationship from then but

Most of the people, they were a bit like later than mine so

Yeah maybe someone started at eighteen, seventeen

Because I’ve heard that the education in China is really hard

They don’t allow

Coz they are afraid it would affect your study

So basically we kind of like sneak

But like actually our parents and teachers they all knew

They won’t be very strict and forbid you but

They will talk to you

They will say you should focus on your study first

Back then my first boyfriend his parents were super strict

So they were not happy?

Yeah they were not happy at all

This is really interesting

So generally speaking

In your country China

WHen you are a student, you should focus on study rather than having a partner

The only reason they are afraid is like they will affect your study

Coz you know in CHina we have to pass the final exam before uni

And that’s very important so

Parents care about it a lot so

What did you used to do when you had the first boyfriend? Like you said thirteen years old

Coz most of our life was all in school

So we just study together we eat together

On weekends you go on the street and have food

I didn’t think we go to too much movies

No time you need to focus on your study so

The main things like we study together at same time

So last question is gonna be like this

For the first boyfriend I don’t know if you still talk to him or not

If he’s watching this, please give him a message

Good luck

Good luck

Thank you very much

4組目 ブラジル出身の女性に聞いてみた!

This is very beautiful lady right here

Where are you from?

I’m from Brazil

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

Thirty six

You don’t look like thirty six

Unfortunately yeah

Fortunately, you still look good

In this video it’s very random but I’m asking people here in Bondi Beach about their first crush, first love

That’s complicated

That’s complicated?

At what age did you have your first crush?

Even when I was eight already loved someone

Who was it?

Like someone that studied with me at school

But I guess the first one ever maybe it was

At university when I was eighteen

That was like your serious love for the person?

And did you start dating with the person?

Yeah I was in a relationship with him but then like with in sometime I realize

This is not the guy?

Yeah I guess so

How old do you think people in Brazil start having a girlfriend boyfriend?

That’s a good question I think as you said like maybe sixteen

This is a very random question but

When I see Western films

They kiss in front of people

And you guys kiss in front of people but

For us Japanese especially I’m like a little countryside Japanese man

It’s too shiny sometimes to see

And I feel a little bit shy to kiss someone in front of people

Do you kiss someone in front of people?

Yeah I guess so

Don’t you feel shy?

No, I don’t think so

So it’s normal

It’s just like enjoying feeling happy so

What about this?

Can you kiss in front of your parents?

Yeah I think so

Because then you’ll let your parents know you are seeing someone

Different culture

So last question is gonna be like this

Let’s say your boyfriend from eighteen years old watching this video

What sort of message you wanna give to him?

I don’t know because I haven’t talked to him for like maybe

Ten, fifteen years so

I don’t know what’s going on with him

Do you appreciate experienced that you had with him?

I think I regret

It was good for us to be together but now when I look at it and I was like

That’s not gonna be good

Muito obrigado

5組目 ノルウェー出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


This is a rare opportunity for me to be able to interview a Norwegian person

Would you mind my asking how old you are now?

Twenty one

In this video I’m asking people this is very random by the way but about the first love

At what age did you have your first crush?

Six years old

Who was the person?

It was a guy in my class

Did anything happen with him or just nothing?

We were together like on and off


You said six years old and already started dating with the guy?


Just like kissing and yeah

That’s really early

What about people around you around that time?

SIx years old, people have a boyfriend girlfriend?

We start boyfriend girlfriend when we start at school

Your friends as well?

Yeah that’s normal

This is a different culture

It’s nothing special yeah? People do that

Yeah it’s normal

My younger sister as well

When she started the first grade she had a boyfriend and they kissed outside if our house

Sometimes I see people kissing in front of people like in public

You guys lkiss around here

But that for us is like

“How can you kiss in front of people?”

Don’t you feel shy?

No, I don’t it’s normal

Can you kiss in front of your parents though?

I’ve done that

So last question

I’m pretty sure you’re not with the person anymore right?

No, I’m not

If you have any messages to him

I know him now

We are friends

He must be a good man then

Yeah, he’s good

How can I say thank you in Norwegian?

Tusen takk

Tusen takk
