


1組目 シドニー出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Sydney

What do you do as a career?

I’m an energy spot trader

Enery spot trader?

Sorry, I’m not smart enough to understand what that is

What do you do actually?

So we buy and sell electricity on the spot market in Australia so

We have a qualified generator in Australia

It’s called Vales point and

We sell electricity on the electricity market

That sounds like a good job

It’s interesting

Not everyday is the same so

In this video I wanna give you some questions about your value towards saving money

And also about money generally

In my country Japan we have a culture

Where we kind of like have to save money

If you are a proper adult, you should be saving money

So that’s our idea

Do you think that you have that kind of thought in your country?

Yeah definitely, saving culture is very high

Especially during the pandemic everyone just saved a lot of money

And now in order to but a house you need a lot money to put down a deposit

Like expensive real estate in Australia

Australia has one of the most expensive real estate in the world

And if you don’t have that initial some of money to buy a house

It’s very hard to actually live in Australia without having savings necessary to buy a house

In Australia as well you need to be saving money

I think this is one of the goals that you guys have in this country to purchase a real estate, isn’t it?

Because the value goes up


I mean it’s something we taught since we are young you have to own house, to buy home

And the only way to do that is to save money so

It’s a lot of sacrifices need to be made at the younger age but

Nowadays people are happy to delay that as long as possible

I feel like people are happy to delay

Because they want the flexibility to rent wherever they wanna rent

I think most of Japanese feel the same because

And also because of their work they go to different spots so they have to

It’s too unaffordable to buy in a place that is really close to work

But in saying that the pandemic has changed a lot of that so

People don’t need to live five minutes from their work twenty minutes from their work

They can work wherever they are because they are working from home

This is gonna be totally up to the person I think but

Some might say that saving money is essential you need to save money

Like you said in the future you might wanna buy a property

Or something happens in your life and

You will be needing urgently a lot of money

So for that you need to save money

On the other hand some people say life is one time life is short

Why are you thinking about just saving money?

Why don’t you spend money to explore more?

To enjoy your life

So my question is gonna be which person are you more likely to agree with?

I’m probably more incline to spend the money now sort of person

But I’m sort of in between

You need to have the balance of enjoying life now coz

I mean I don’t know if I’m saving money for my retirement and when I hit my retirement

I don’t know what sort of health conditions I’ll be in so

I don’t know how much I’ll be able to enjoy my retirement

So I mean it’s about finding the right balance that

Spend as much as you can now

But also make sure that you have enough savings for a rainy day and for the future

Absolutely, I agree with you

Last question is gonna be like this

Would you mind my asking hoe old you are now?

I’m thirty

Do you save money?

Yes, I do

Thirty years old from Australia

How much have you saved so far?

Twenty to fifty thousand

Do you invest too?

I’m looking to invest but right now the conditions are very bad with

High inflation and markets

Everything’s getting too expensive aye

Stock market is very volatile at the moment so

Probably mid next year or late next year I’ll look to invest

When you get forty years old how much do you wanna see in all of your assets?

At least two hundred thousand dollars

Do you think it’s possible?


Think about Australia because we have good real estate here

So I have bought a house and

Over the last three years the house has went from a certain level up to twenty percent higher

So that money you can just draw out of your loan put that towards investments and all

So there’s advantages in that but

You need to have savings in order to take advantage of that

Thank you very much for your cooperation

2組目 ブラジル出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


Brazil too

You guys have been in Australia for a long time now?

Two months

It’s my first week but I will stay here for eight months

In this video I wanna give you some questions about your value towards saving money

And also generally about money

So im country Japan we have a culture where people think that saving money is really important

You need to save money if you believe that you are a proper adult

In Brazil do you have this kind of culture?

Has anybody told you to save money since you were a kid?

Yes, my family has this kind of culture

But I think in Brazil it’s not common

I think saving money is for rich people

Coz with the most part of the population they work to pay bills

They don’t have money to save

So actually impossible for a majority of people

Another question is gonna be like this I think it’s totally up to the person but

Some people say saving money is really essential

You might wanna buy a house a property later on in your life

Or something happens so you might need money urgently

But on the other hand some people say life is one time, life is short

You have to spend money to enjoy your life

To experience as much as you can so

My question is gonna be

Which person are you more likely to agree with?

I am both

I need to save money coz I have the future but I enjoy my life

Me too

Last question and the main question of this interview

How old are you guys by the way?


Quite young

Twenty four

Do you save money?


Yes, me too

I need to ask you this question

How much have you saved so far in Australia dollar please?

Ten thousand

Ten thousand Australia dollars?

You are twenty years old yeah?

You are quite rich

What do you think?

I think twenty thousand

Now I know

You guys are rich people from Brazil

We worked hard in Brazil

How much do you wanna see in your bank account when you get thirty years old?

One hundred thousand dollars

I think it’s possible

Yes, of course

Fifty thousand

That’s gonna be big money in Brazil when you are thirty years old I think

Of course

Thank you very much

That was a difficult but thank you for answering

3組目 ドイツ出身の2人組の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We are from Germany

You look quite young how old are you?


So you finished high school and straightway you came to Australia?

That’s right

I’m just simply curious

Are you not gonna worry about the future? Like

You don’t start working and come overseas

Because the reason why I’m asking this question is that

Sometimes Japanese are kind of

Afraid of taking time, taking a break

Not working and do something they wanna do

Is it good thing?

I think take free time is very important so

We finished school and

That’s the best thing to do now to travel to see the world

To see different things and

We save money for doing things

For experiences?

Many people do that?

In Germany young people of course

This is a different culture

So in this video I actually wanna ask you sone questions about your value towards money

And saving money as well

So in my country Japan we have a culture where people kinda have to save money

If you are like a proper adult you get to twenty five, thirty years old if you don’t have savings

Maybe your future wife or future husband’s gonna look at you like

“Is this person okay or not?”

You know what I mean?

Do you personally think that saving is important?

I think it’s important in a way that you have something that you are safe

For a rainy day

There is enough time in the future to save money and

Now it’s time to spend money

Spend money to experience and to enjoy the moment

From a German girl’s perspective how old do you think you should start saving?

It’s difficult because I can’t say the age

So I think that many German people start studying in their old age

Because young people want to travel first

And then they start studying or trying some new work or something like that

This is very different because in my country Japan

Usually at eighteen years old you finish high school and then you go to university straightaway

Or take a year to study more and go to university

But not many people go to university like when you are twenty five or something

So many people do that

It’s totally an okay thing to do?



When you think about getting married in the future

You love the person he7s really nice! He’s sweet!

And we are really matching

But then like I said he says

“I actually have no saving at all”

Oh mate, you are thirty years old

Are you gonna still think about getting married to the person?

Are you gonna be okay with it?

I think love is enough

Love is love?

Love is enough

It’s not a problem

You are not gonna marry to money?

Solid answer

Last question is gonna be like this

Young ladies from Germany

How much do you wanna save until you get thirty years old?

Enough to buy a flat

I think so a flat would be nice

Maybe a car too

I’ve got so much good knowledge from you guys

There is a very different culture between Japan and Germany so That was good to interview

And obviously people are happy to see beautiful ladies so

Thank you for your time “Danke schon”

Bitte schon

4組目 シドニー出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Oki doki, thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?

I’m from New Zealand but I live in Sydney

What do you do as a career sir?

I’m a lawyer

So in this video I’ve been asking non-Japanese

About their value towards money and saving money

Coz in my country Japan we have a culture where people we have to save money

But not for a specific reason

Usually a majority of people save money for a rainy day

Just in case

So that’s our culture

And I wanna ask you from your perspective of New Zealander

And Australian

Do you have that kind of culture in this country?

There is a bit because housed are very expensive here

So to get on the housing market you have to save

But by the same token especially young people

There’s a real drive to have fun and live fun

And worry about saving later

So you think that it changes in generation

It does

I’m mid fifties and people at my age are thinking very closely

With how much money they have saved to fund their retirement

But I’ve got a son who’s eighteen and one who’s fifteen

And my eighteen years old he has a part-time job

But he wants to spend his money to have fun

Whereas we want them to save

You tell them to save?

We think that he should save a little

We don’t mind if he spend most of him on activities

What about when he gets thirty years old?

There’s something for him

We might be able to help him to an extent

But I think you are right

It’s kind of thirty or mid thirties it’s the turning point

You have to think about the future as well

That was what it was for me

So the main question of this interview is like this

Would you mind my asking how old you’re sir?

I’m fifty four

I need to ask you so you think that saving money is really important, right and you save money?

I do

How much have you saved so far?

I’ve got about five hundred thousand in mu super account

And my wife has some

But that’s not a lot of for Australians

We have a lot more than that actually

Because if you start work at the age of eighteen with ten percent of their savings being docked

It compounds over the time

So even you say you have five hundred thousand

That’s not much in Australia?


A lot of wealthy people have a lot more than that

This is really good to know sir

Thank you very much for your honest answer

5組目 フィリピン出身の3人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?


All from Philippines

Would you mind my asking how old you guys are?

I’m twenty five

I’m twenty five also

I’m twenty four

Good age, perfect age

Did you used to work in Philippines?


What did you do?

ESL teacher

I’m working in a cargo ship

I’m also an ESL teacher

So in this video guys I wanna ask you about your value towards money and saving money

Has anybody told you to save money since you were a kid?

We’ve been told since we were a kid

It’s really important

By your parents?

Our parents always told us

This is totally up to the person but

Some might say saving money is essential

You never know what’s gonna happen in your life so

Save money for a rainy day

On the other hand some people say life is one time

Life is short you need to enjoy life

To enjoy life, spend money and explore the world

Choose happiness

Are you gonna choose happiness though?

Which person are you more likely to agree with?

Spend money yeah

That’s why you are here

I’m actually both

I believe that it’s essential to save money for the future

And also it’s essential to fulfill your happiness

That’s true

Fulfill your happiness

I would rather be saving money rather than roaming around, traveling

So last question is gonna be like this

You guys are twenty four, twenty five years old

And used to work in Philippines

In Australian dollars if you can could you tell me how much you’ve saved so far?

Since we’ve got here two weeks ago we’ve spent so much

I think I only have about a thousand dollars left

But you spent money on experience so I think it’s good

I’ve saved less than a thousand

But the currency is different so

Sorry, this is an extra question but

In some Asian countries when you get married

Especially ladies when you get married to your future husband or whatever

If they don’t have any savings in some countries people care

Your parents care about it too

They might disagree with the marriage if they don’t have any asset

Is it like that in Philippines as well?

Sort of

Because parents always tend to ask how much your parents has

Because it’s really important to know the detail

Do you think your parents are gonna care about it?

Yeah of course

But me personally of course even if my parents or husband has a job

I want to have a job also

Because I want to have my own bank account and my own money

I don’t want to…

You don’t wanna be just a housewife yeah you don’t wanna rely on completely your husband asset

I think it’s a big part also to have your partner’s bank account

But I also want to be independent

This is twenty first century

It’s the most important thing

I can’t always rely on my husband

I believe that I can do it myself

Thank you very much
