


1組目 ドイツ出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We are from Germany

You are from Germany too

Would you mind my asking how old you are now?

I’m nineteen

Just turned nineteen in July

In this video I wanna ask you some questions about your value towards relationship

According to a research about forty percent of Japanese men in twenty’s

Have never had a date

And also sixty five percent of Japanese in twenty’s

Have no partner

What do you think about this in your country

If you think of your friends

Do everyone always chase to get a partner?

Or do you see any trends that people try to stay single nowadays?

There is a trend that people are chasing relationships actually

Fifteen or sixteen in Germany many people search for a relationship

You should let it come naturally so

If you are twenty one or twenty two and never have been on a date

Or haven’t got a relationship

I think it’s normal like

Society is giving you a burden

That you need to have a relationship as early as you can

I think you just need to live life and

What comes to your way comes to your way

Don’t need to think about what other people are doing yeah

Just follow your nature

Do you guys have a partner now?

Yes, I do

Me no

What do you personally think a positive part and a negative side of having a relationship?

So if you have a partner

You can interact him or her whenever you want and

You have always everybody you can refer to

If you a person who likes to be in a community and to chat to somebody then it’s very good for you

Sometimes relationships after awhile they get toxic or something

You need to be aware of that

You guys personally think that eventually you wanna get married and

Have a lifetime partner? Or

Maybe eventually do you wanna stay single and prioritize to have your own time?

Which person would you likely to be?

I have a girlfriend right now and I really like to marry her

Because we match perfectly

I think it’s very good

To be with someone?

Yes, to be with someone

Same for me actually well, I don’t have a girlfriend but

I want to be married one day and have kids coz

I like to have a father role as well

And I want to be a role model for my kids

If you think so I believe you are going to be the person

So the last question is gonna be like this

Some people are not willing to have a serious relationship

Or not willing to get married

But at the same time they just simply wanna enjoy with a man and a lady whenever they want to

We can also call this “friend with benefits” right?

However, if you have that kind of person in my country Japan

It sounds a bit negative

You sound like a player

You sound like you are f**king around

How about this in your country?

What do people think if you have that kinda person?

In Germany many people have this

It’s not like your country

But it depends on how many people you do it

I think many people don’t like it if you

If you have twenty, ten?

Yes, like this

That’s very unattractive for most of people but

It’s also good to make some experience

But not too much

And you can also make experience with just one person

And that could be your girlfriend maybe

But in Germany it is okay but don’t do too much

What do you think?

I don’t want to judge people

I think everyone do their own

If they think that how it should be that’s how they want to be

Thank you very much guys Danke Schoen

2組目 ブリスベン出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Brisbane Queensland

You are Australian

Would you mind my asking how old you are now?

I’m twenty two

This beautiful lady from Australia

In this video I wanna ask you some questions about your value towards relationship

So according to a research about forty percent of Japanese men in twenty’s

Have never been on a date

And also about sixty five percent of Japanese in twenty’s men and women have no partner at the moment

In Australia

If you think of your friends

Do you think people are trying to have a partner all the time?

Or do you see any trends that people try to stay as single nowadays?

A lot of my friends want to be in longer relationships

But I know a lot of men want to have short term flings or

Just be single

Very short term or

Maybe they just wanna enjoy their life

Especially you said twenty two right? Maybe around that age

They wanna explore more maybe

Do you have a partner by the way?

No, I’m single

Are you taking like a partner application at the moment? Or

Are you like trying to be single purposely?

I got out of a long term relationship not too long ago so

I’m just being single at the moment

What do you think is a positive side and a negative side of having a partner?

Positive side is like you have like a complain like someone who’s like a friend

What was a negative side for you?

Sometimes you just wanna have a space yourself I guess

Do you personally think that you wanna eventually get married and have a lifetime partner

Or do you think that staying single is feeling better and

You wanna prioritize to have your own time?

I wanna have children and get married one day that’s just me

Last question is gonna be like this it’s a little bit tricky but I hope you wouldn’t mind

Some people don’t wanna get a serious partner and don’t wanna get married

But as a human being sometimes we wanna just simply enjoy

With a man and a woman whenever we like to

We can also call this sometimes “Friends with benefits” right?

However, in my country Japan having a person like this

Sounds a bit negative

It sounds like you’re a player

If you were a man, you were like a womanizer

What do you think about this you personally? Is that a positive thing or negative thing?

What do you think Australian people think if they see someone like this?

I think that people who are younger like see it as a good thing

Good thing in terms of like being able to have more experience?

Yeah I don’t think that there’s like too many people who look down on people who have like friend with benefits kind of situation

I think it’s much more open here a lot more people do it I think

So it sounds natural to you as well?


And you are twenty two and

From my experience you look very down to earth

You are not like a party person right?

I party a lot

Have you ever had someone like that in your life?


It’s good to hear that you can just comfortably say yes

Very different culture

Thank you very much

3組目 ネパール出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

So I’m from basically from Nepal so I’m here as a studying IT

AS long as you study IT one day you’ll get a really good job

Pays you well in Australia I guess

Hope so

How old are you by the way?

Turning twenty two next month

You are gonna be the perfect person to interview about this topic actually

Today in this video

I wanna give you some questions about your value towards relationship

If you think of your friends

Do you think people always try to have a partner? around your age?

Or like people usually stay single?

So basically in our culture relationship is taken as

A sign of purity, sign of born and commitment

Really strong thing? Not casual?

Not casual

So it’s like the culture in Western countries like here and like Europe

It’s far different from ours

So it’s like we barely date and

Dating and that kind of thing started

Just like ten years ago

It’s a new thing

So the generation of our age and like five or ten years old generation that’s it

Otherwise before that people used to

Have like a good relationship some one fall in love with someone that’s it


Even my parents so

My mother and my dad married the days of dad was twenty and mum was sixteen

And I was their first kid and my mum was eighteen

And my dad was twenty one so

That was the condition and

Even now like they are in a good relation like super strong bond

We value the relationship the most

So your parents are still in Nepal right? And they are not your generation so

If you have a partner now

For you it’s a little bit casual

Especially you live in Australia

But maybe they’ll expect you to be with the person for life

I am in a committed relationship now

You have a partner?

Yeah she is in Nepal but

Surely she’s coming here

But even now still in Nepal if you have a partner

Usually you keep the partner for life?


So in terms of the Nepal culture honestly, what is a positive side and a negative side of it?

The positive side is like even if there is a constant issue in the relationship

We put pur effort together to solve the problem

We versus the problem

It’s not like you versus me

So that kind of mentality

Brings like proper family, proper value

And traditions passed by generation to generation and we are like that same from our ancestors

If I speak about the negative things

We can compare to Western cultures like we don’t explore people actually

And we don’t know what’s the best for us

So if we start one thing, that’s it

I mean the culture is amazing and beautiful

Because you can always have a partner and have a nice relationship

But at the same time when I hear your story

I feel like you are kind of stuck in a relationship and sometimes

Especially a lady, for example, wants to dixorce with the person

Maybe it can be a little bit tricky, init?

We put the relationship on the top

And we build together but if something happens

Divorce is not casual but we do

So you are not really stuck

So last question is gonna be like this

Japan is maybe in between your culture and Western culture

We are not too casual but we are maybe a bit more casual than you guys but

Some people don’t wanna get a relationship

Don’t wanna get a serious relationship don’t wanna get married

But at the same time because we are a human being

We wanna enjoy casually sometimes with a man and a woman

We can also call this “friend with benefits”

But I think in my country if you have that kind of person

It sounds a bit negative

Sound like you are a player and you are f**king around

What do you think about this in your country?

This can happen nowadays?

No, it’s like

It seems weird to the older generations

It’s not like that casual thing

It dosen’t happen much?


Different culture

Thank you for the education yeah I learnt so much

Hoe can I say thank you?


Namaste is thank you?


4組目 フランス、オーストラリア出身の3人組の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

From France

Yeah I’m from France too

I’m from here

These beautiful ladies I need to ask you how old you are now?


Twenty as well

I’m eighteen turning nineteen soon

You guys are pretty young yeah

I feel like I’m an old man coz thirty two

Don’t take me as a creepy guy yeah

Coz I’m gonna ask you things about relationship

Because nowadays in my country Japan according to research about forty percent of Japanese men in twenties

Have never had a date experience

Oh what’s happening?

SIxty five percent of Japanese twenty’s have no partner at the moment

This is a big number too

That’s so crazy

Now I’m gonna ask you what do you think about your country?

If you think of your friends do people always try to have a partner pr

Do you see any trends that people are trying to be single and have their own time?

Usually people date I think in France

Most of the people are in a relationship

At what age do they start having a partner and stuff?

Quite young maybe sixteen they start to date and to have a partner so quite young

As an example I started dating with my boyfriend like at seventeen

And we are still together

I feel nowadays yeah definitely relationship is like everybody wants relationship like

In Australia you have Tinder

You have all the dating apps so

Everybody’s just always looking for a relationship

And I guess people feel lonely if they are not with someone as well

Nowadays, is it like that?

Do you have a partner now?

Yeah I’m from France too

Yeah, I do


Everybody dates

Simply what do you think is a positive side of having someone and a negative side of having someone?

Positive is that you have like all the attention

Go with like other and all that stuff

And the negative side is that you don’t find yourself so

The negative will be that maybe you are always thinking about

The influence of your act like about your partner

But the positive thing is that when you are doing things together

Life is so much more beautiful

I feel that too yeah

Definitely having a partner is amazing like

You have someone that’s always there

But obviously I’d say that negative’s like you always have to worry about like actions you do like

It’s not just affecting you it’s affecting them as well

That’s true

So last question is gonna be like this

Some people don’t wanna get a serious relationship

Or don’t wanna get married

But we are human beings we wanna enjoy casually sometimes

Like you said Tinder is very casual

We can call this “friend with benefits” right?

However, if you have this kind of person in Japan

It sounds a little bit negative

You are like a player

What do you think about this in your country?

Is that a positive thing or a negative thing?

I think it depends on age before twenty it’s like

As you said as in Japan like it’s kind of womanizer or players

But after twenty it’s more casual

Many people do that not for a real relationship

But like friend with benefits yeah

Because most of people are thinking like

Because they want to enjoy the love and so

Because they are all like this it does not seem that bad

Yeah I think it can be seen as negative but

Like I feel like it’s sort of just being normalized as well

Coz like you are meeting someone and like

You don’t have to put a label on it

And I feel like a lot of people nowadays do meet their partners through Tinder and through like

Obviously not having a label but just like just mucking around I guess

Critical question, one more question

Ultimate question I need to ask you

Have you ever had a friend with benefits in your life?


Quite often before you had a partner?


No, I never

But you don’t judge people like that?

No, absolutely not

Yes, I have

Maybe I’ll move to France or Australia

Thank you very much girls
