


1組目 ドイツ出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Germany.

Have you been in Australia for a long time now?

No,like three weeks

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

I’m nineteen

You literally graduated from high school and came to Australia straightaway almost

Last year and just wanted to go backpacking and yeah

I’ve seen many German people do that

Is that for experience or for your learning English?

Is that a good thing?

Yeah I feel like it’s all of the above

Like some experience Live your own if you are like just out of high school

Without parents like in a different country with a different culture

It’s really fun and

Meeting a lot of new people is really nice

And you can learn how to deal with people and stuff as well


I’m just really surprised coz

You literally graduated from high school and came to Australia three weeks ago

And you can speak English like this

That’s crazy from Japanese perspective

I’m a Japanese YouTuber who makes contents that show differences and interesting facts

Between Japanese culture and foreign cultures

Today I wannna ask you about xxx education in Germany

Do you have this education in school?

Yeah,we do We have like in biology

I think we have like in third grade I had xxx education for the first time

Third grade means … How old were you?

I think like ten

Could be similar to Japan maybe

I remember I learnt that when I was like eleven or something so

In Japan it could be a part of PE

In Japanese education we basically learn

How boys and girls physical change appears

And that we learn how people make babies and

There are some like diseases exist and how to prevent that happens and all that

What do you learn in that kind of education?

It’s similar to your xxx education

But I think in third grade we don’t about like diseases

We just learn like about human body and how it changes

Doing puberty and stuff and

Then we have like xxx education again at eighth grade

They showed us also how to put xxxxxxx On like plastic xxxxx and stuff

You do that? The practical class

This is interesting

Because this is the fact I’ve seen on Google

Like apparently in Western culture You use whatever the plastic thing and

You literally put it and you learn how to do it

You do that actually?

We did that like

Only once and everybody was pretty nervous

I thought it was like a thing you only see on tv at first

But we actually did that with our teacher

I mean it’s a good thing though

Last question is gonna be like this

I interview like this people quite often and I’ve heard

In some countries people talk about this kind of stuff with parents like

Sometimes parents teach kids like

You do this, how to do this, don’t do this And stuff like that

Do you think it’s common that you talk to your parents about this kind of stuff?

Yeah, I think it is well

Even before third grade my parents gave me a book

Where you could see like what happens during puberty

It was like child friendly

I think I was like seven or something

Okay so it’s a proper educational book for kids?

And my mum went through the book with me

So I could understand everything and like

I think it’s different for everybody

But I think most parents in Germany like Talk to their kids about this

I know that Germany has a good educational system so maybe it’s a part of it

Thank you very much and I’ll say danke schoen

2組目 コロンビア出身の男女に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?



Are you guys a couple?


Would you mind my asking how old you are?

Twenty seven

You look very young

Twenty eight

You build muscle aye

You don’t have to hide it

I’m Japanese YouTuber who makes contents that show differences and interesting facts

Between Japanese culture and foreign cultures

Today I wanna talk about xxx education in Colombia

We have some subjects about xxx education We learn that in school

Do you have this in school?

Kind of you know

It’s because taboo and Because of Catholic Church and everything so

We are very religious

So not that much

Most of Colombian people are Catholic?


You can’t do it before you get married or something like that?

So you don’t have much about this

Usually our parents They make the education about this


They start talking to you but not really into the topic

Just a little bit “You have to be careful”

But they don’t tell you like the way you have to follow

They just say like “You have to be careful” “Don’t do this”

But how? It’s like “How are we gonna do this?”

Because they don’t know so

How do you learn? We can’t assume that everyone knows how to make kids

How do you learn then?

Just experience you know what I mean?

Probably you are gonna make a mistake and you don’t know probably

So you are gonna learn with the mistake

That’s the Colombian way

Wild aye

So you don’t learn that in school but you usually learn that from parents

And you learn what to do and how to do from experience

Just go wild and put yourself out there

I know that Colombian people are very close to their family

Coz I’ve had some Colombian friends

They are always talking to their parents Like always on the phone

Can you talk about this stuff with your parents?

It depends you know

But for example with my parents it’s normal and

If they don’t want you to make like the mistake

Getting birth early

They have to talk to you

So many people make the mistake in your country?

A lot of teenagers

Because there is no xxx education That’s why

We need this, right?

I’m very happy that I talked to you guys

This was really interesting

Thank you very much guys Muchas gracias

3組目 オーストラリア出身の男性とインド出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Western Australia

I’m from South India so I’m Indian

Would you mind my asking how old you guys are?

I’m recently twenty

Quite young

I’m twenty one

I wanna ask you an Australian person and an Indian person

About xxx education

Do you have this education in your country in school?

Not in school

So in India xxxxxx assault is like a huge problem

Yeah I’ve heard of it

We have literally nothing taught about

Like safe xxx and xxx education

Nothing in school?

Nothing! Not even like

Not even one class, not even one seminar or nothing like

Your friend is also surprised

It’s quite bad

I’m gonna ask you about that later

Do you have this in school?

We have xxx education but

It would vary between school

I assume private schools would have a lot more focus on it but

In my instance

We didn’t even get that whole banana xxxxxxx thing

We never got that

We never get that in Japan as well

But I’ve heard that in Europe the practical lessons happening there

When did you start learning that in school?

How old were you?

Thirteen fourteen

What did you learn?

I think they taught me how important xxxxxxx was

They taught me

Mostly about STxs and STxs

That was the main premise

They really wanted me to know every different type

We learn that too I think

And that’s really majority of what we skimmed through

Didn’t they teach you like how to make babies and stuff?

I think they assumed we knew that

They assumed that you knew that That’s interesting

So you don’t learn this kind of thing in India

No, not even a little bit

How do you learn this?

I think pretty much it’s like between friends

Giggling about like

Yeah like this happens or like oh yeah exactly

Like watching xxxx and like You know just like oh like

I saw this the other day and

Apparently this is what happens

And also a lot from American tv shows

So I think a lot of the xxx education we receive is from media

And Western media not Indian media

Last question is gonna be like this

Is it an okay thing in this country or in your country

To talk about this kind of stuff with parents?

Because in Japan we don’t talk much about this

But I’ve heard that you have “The talk”

Did you have “The talk”?

I didn’t need “The talk”

I kind of already knew “The talk”

In the conversation I had with my parents about something similar to “The talk”

When I came out with them as bisexual

But only then that we really hammered down on the importance

And what the

Not the perspective but like

What they wanted out of me

In terms of like a safe enjoy of the practice

So that’s the talk?

Sorry I’m too Japanese I don’t

I just said they talked about “The talk” but

I’m not too sure about “The talk”

Is that the thing about “The talk” like the safety?

“The talk ” is the summary It is just

The small condensed version of

How babies are married

What is protection What is the bad part of xxx

And what is the good part of xxx

That’s the full package of the talk?

It’s spend like an hour almost

Do you have “The talk”?

Absolutely not Not even a little bit

Very conservative country

Pretty much similar to Japan like We don’t talk to our parents about anything related to romance, dating

A lot of people like literally the first time they talk about their partner to their parents

Is when we decide to get married

Which is like way later in their life

So unless there is something that happens like accident

Nobody talks about it Not even a little bit

We are learning the differences in cultures This is good

Thank you very much for your help guys

4組目 スイス出身の男女に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


Yeah Switzerland

Are you guys a couple?


Would you mind my asking how old you guys are?

I’m thirty two

I’m thirty one and almost thirty two

I’m twenty seven

Today I wanna ask you about xxx education

Do you have this education in school in Switzerland?

Yes, there is some

And I believe there is more now than when I was in school

Is it a part of like PE?

In my school it was a part of biology I think

In Japan it’s a part of PE

But apparently I spoke to a German girl

And she said it’s a part of biology

So maybe in Europe it’s a part of biology

Do you remember when you started learning this?Like how old were you when you started learning this?

I think for me it was about thirteen


What do you learn in the education?

First like the basic biology

The parts and how stuff works and then

Also xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What I’ve heard from the German girl is that

In Europe you have the practical class

You have like the plastic thing

And you learn how to put the thing on top

Did you have that in Switzerland?

Yeah, I remember once we did that

I think with a banana or something

We have a banana as well but also a glass thing


This is interesting we’ve never had that in Japan so

Last question is gonna be like this

In Japan I think comparing to Europe

It’s a more conservative country

We don’t talk this kind of stuff with parents

But apparently in Western countries

You have the thing called “The talk” with parents

Did you have “The talk” with your parents?

Do you talk this kind of stuff with parents?

I don’t think I have much of “The talk”

Except that I was at one point shown how to use xxxxxxx

Because me and my brother joke about

“Haha you are using xxxxxxx”

And then at some point they were like okay

This is how it’s gonna go

We will show you

And also if you get older

In this cupboard there are always xxxxxxx


This is interesting We never speak this kind of stuff with parents

So I think it’s a different culture aye

Did you have “The talk”?

Yes, I remembered that I asked my mum once

How it works

And then she explained to me

So you had “The talk”

Thank you very much guys

Where are you from?


He’s my cousin

I’m hoping you wouldn’t mind this topic that’s I’m going to ask you today

I wanna ask you question actually about XXX education

Japan is a bit of conservation country

It’s an Asian country

And also apparently it’s recognized as

A developing country for XXX education

Which means that they don’t teach much in school

Did you get this kind of education in school in Brazil?


Yes but not so much

DId you go to a private school?

No, public school

And you got it

And did you go to a…

A private school

This is a mystery

Because throughout my experience of this interview

Many people say “I’ve learnt so much because”

I was in a private school

So it sounds like in private school they teach you but

This case is different right?

Do you remember how old you were when you got this education?

I was around like thirteen

In the Japanese education they pretty much teach you like

How the boys and girls physical change appears and

How to prevent getting like diseases and stuff

What to do, what not to do and stuff like that

What did they teach you?

They teach everything

Even like how to put XXXXX and everything

Did you have the Practical class?

Yes, I had the practical class

Like the teacher she taught theory

Then after that everyone did the practical

She put everything and

We had like some quiz to answer questions about with each other

It sounds like you learn more detail than the Japanese education

When I was filming this video I’ve heard from people that in some countries

Not only schools but parents teach you like

Don’t do this

Talk about XXX

How about in Brazil? Did your parents talk about this?

Yes, my mum started talking about this when I was four years old

Four years old?

She taught me no one can touch me

And parts but just hair

And if I feel uncomfortable about that

I can talk with her and if

Or if I don’t feel safe with her

I can talk to someone else

I respect your mum That is really good

Because sometimes unfortunately Some adults are a little bit suspicious and

Touch… you know

If you’re really afraid to talk about this

Then the problem gets bigger

So really good on your mum

She always taught me like

No one can touch you nothing

Then when I was around seven

She introduced me more things about like

How XXX works and

No one should do it with me and that kind of things

Great education

Did you talk with parents about this kind of things?

Just a little bit

Mens are more free yeah?

My father talked to me when I was like fifteen

How to get a baby and XXX and everything

This is what I wanted to know

Thank you guys! Obligato!
