


1組目 アルゼンチン出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?


Today is Wednesday,right?

What have you been up to today?

Some gym and chilling out

So in this video I wanna ask you a question about Physical features that

You and maybe people in your country tend to care

Like I said I’m from Japan In Japan

We have some physical features that can create a good image

And also of course a bad image

In terms of like looking good as a person

So I’m gonna take about them now

And just please tell me if you think

That you and also people in your country care about them

Do you or people in your country tend to care

If you have even teeth or not?

Straight teeth or not?

Is that a big thing in Argentina?

It’s not really important

Not many people do the brace?

No,not like

In other countries in South America they do but

In Argentina it’s not a big deal

Do you or people in your country tend to care

Their height?

Do you think many people care about height?

Yes but it depends on the profession that you are doing

If you are a model or if you work for social media or something like that

I think,for example,in Japan If you have like lower height than average

I think people tend to care like “DO I look okay?”Or like

“Do I look cool?”Or something like that

Isn’t it a really important things or not really?

I don’t think that is important

But for some people I think it is like

As I said like it depends on the profession you’re doing

Do you or people in your country tend to care

How hairy they are?

You know some people have really hairy skin or some people have nothing at all

Do people care?


Argentine people are very easy-going,hey?

What about this question?

If you had a hairy man there or if you had a man with completely no hair

The no hair one

Do you or people in your country tend to care

The size of their face?

Have you ever heard of it?

No,not really

But it’s a good question

I never thought about it

In Japan there are some typical compliments that Japanese people use quit often

But that can also create a bit of question mark

Like I did to you

So for example what if you go on a date with someone or you see some friends like female friends and they say

“Wow!Your Face is so small!” What do you think?

I don’t think that is a compliment

you don’t think it’s a compliment?

How do you feel?

It makes me feel different to others like

If you think like my face is small,it means that

Normal people don’t have small face so…

I don’t take it as a compliment

You don’t take it as a compliment

So in Japan we say that

Because the girls wanna have a smaller face

A skinnier face so

You look better I think

But I think it’s not gonna apply to other cultures

What do you think about “Wow!You are really skinny”?

Is that a compliment?

It is

It shouldn’t be

It shouldn’t be?

That’s a good one

We don’t need to talk about other people’s body

Who cares?It’s not important like

It matters like all over the world

If you are skinny,everybody tends to think that you are more beautiful or you are going to be more

Find better shops or whatever It is like that

It shouldn’t be like that

Like Victoria’s Secret uses all the skinny models and stuff like that?

Everybody wants to be a Victoria’s Secret angel

But I don’t think that is healthy at all

I think it’s changing though It’s changing nowadays

So last question

Simply what kind of compliment makes you happy?

About my smile and my personality

You have a good smile or like you are funny to talk or something like that?

I like to spend time with you You are a funny person

Airight,thank you very much for this What is it?Four minutes,five minutes?

I feel comfortable to talk to you

You are really good at talking and you have a nice smile on your face

Thank you very much

2組目 イタリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


What have you been up to today?

Just going to the beach

with your boyfriend

But your boyfriend is camera shy

Standing behind the camera

Today I wanna ask you in this video about like Physical features that

You and also people in your country tend to care

In Japan we have some like physical features That can create a good image

And also of course a bad image

In terms of like looking good and stuff

So I’m gonna talk about them and just after you listen to them

Please tell me if Italian people also care about them

Or you also care about them or not

Do you or people in your country tend to care

If you have even teeth?


Many people do the brace when they are young?


So it’s an important thing in Italy?

It is in Italy

Do you or people in your country tend to care

Their height?

In north yes

But in south not really

No coz there are many short people in the south

I’m a person who likes soccer,Calcio

Italian people are not so talk actually

Yes it depends

Do you or people in your country tend to care

How hairy they are

Girls care a lot

You mean girls care about themselves?

Yes but also about the boys

So like for Italian girls you have to have hair

Girls absolutely not but men yes

Men should have hair?

Men to be men should have hair

If men shave off all their hair It’s like a bit…

Who are you kinda thing?


Do you or people in your country tend to care

The size of their face?

Have you ever heard of it?

Not really

Never heard of it?


I made a question mark upon your head

I’m ganna tell you why I asked this question

So in Japan we have some typical compliments that Japanese people use quite often in Japan

That can also create like I did

A bit of question mark to people overseas

What if people say as a compliment

“Wow! Your face is so small”?

What do you think?

That would be okay

But if you are telling me “Your face is so big” That’s not good

That makes sense though because

Japanese,especially,girls say that yo especially girls

To sometimes boys too

Because if you have a smaller face You look like you have a nice body shape

So that’s why we say that

We don’t really care about the face

We are more like about the body

If someone said

“You are really skinny”

Is that an okey thing to tell people?

Absolutely in Italy yes

Last question What kind of compliment makes you happy the most?

Probably about the smile

Say for example when you go to a date and someone says

”You have a great smile” That’s a good compliment,is it?

It is absolutely

We learnt something good boys

Thank you very much

3組目 メルボルンとスコットランド出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Melbourne

Melbourne Australia

I’m from Edinburgh Scotland

The big city in Scotland

What have you guys been up to today?

We’ve just come from Bondi Beach

We’ve been there for a few days visiting some friends

So you’ve been on holiday pretty much?

Yeah we are here on holiday

That’s good

What do you usually do?

We are both university students so

I’m in my final year in university

Studying business and arts

So you are gonna make good money,hey?After uni

We’ll see about that

I’m hoping so

In this video I wanna ask you guys about like physical features

You think you and people in your country care

So in Japan we have some specific physical features that

Can create a good image and also a bad image in Japan

I’m gonna talk about them And I just simply want you guys to tell me

That can be the same in your country or people don’t really care or something like that

Do you or people in your country tend to care

If you have even teeth or not?

Do people care about teeth?

Probably a little bit maybe

Like subconsciously yeah maybe

In the UK or Australia would you say?

In both I would say

Yeah I think it’s quite important

I think more so in North America I lived in Canada for awhile and I think

I think people tend to really care about their dental care

But I think it’s probably quite important here still like

It’s important to have good teeth?

Do you or people in your country tend to care

Their height?

As a man what do you think?

Not really no

Not for me but maybe other people tend to but

Not really

No,I don’t think it matters too too much

Some people obviously do care a bit but it’s not a really big thing?

Yeah exactly


Personality,that’s the most important thing definitely

Do you or people in your country tend to care

How hairy they are?

Some people have hairy skin

I think that varies quite a bit

I think there’s a fare few people that actually do care about that

And you see it often like people shaving their chest hairs off and even legs


Men shaving their leg heirs off We’ve both seen that

Even in Australia?

More in Australia than the UK

In the UK I think they really like to let it grow but

I don’t know from my experience but I’ve seen

Because men I reckon men in Australia sort of do it for like swimming and stuff

So like you wouldn’t get that in the UK so much

In the UK it’s pretty raining quite often so you don’t really

You are not at the beach so much

It’s an interesting fact

Do you or people in your country tend to care

The size of their face?

Have you ever heard of it?

Size of their face?So…

What do you mean like?

Like the size of their head

I don’t really know

I don’t think so

You’ve never head of it?


In Japan there are some typical compliments that Japanese people use quite often

But I think that can create a bit of like question mark outside Japan

What if people tell you

”Wow!Your face is so small” as a compliment What do you think?

I’ve never had that


Like we said about the size of their face

It’s not something you are really in to talk about so

It wouldn’t be something you consider to compliment somebody on I don’t think

Doesn’t it make you happy?

I mean if it’s positive then yeah but I don’t really understand

I don’t take that

You don’t get the point,hey

So what do you think? You guys are men so I think it’s different answer from girls but What do you think?

”You are really skinny”

Not for men

I think if anything is more like around like your muscle you built rather than your skinniness

I think it varies

Some people like skinny guys Some people like muscly guys so

It’s one of those things it depends on

I wouldn’t really take that as an offense or anything but

But it’s not really a compliment

Fair enough

Last question

What kind of compliment makes you happy then?

Somebody who compliments my hair I suppose

Your hair?

I think it’s a nice compliment if somebody says They like my hair

Your sunglasses are cool I like your sunglasses

Something like that

Something I can understand

Because with like the size of the face,I don’t really..

No,I’m just being honest I don’t really understand

Coz it’s something that people don’t often say but

I think something I suppose is understandable which should be like my hair or my sunglasses

Like I like your sunglasses as well they are cool

What kind of compliment makes you happy ?

I reckon if someone’s commenting like your personality

If you are like funny or

The looks-wise That was a question

Is it all looks things?

Looks-wise or personality is fine

I would rather have someone says like “You are quite funny”or like

“Quite good chat” or whatever

Rather than I’m not that too bothered like someone’s like You got nice eyes or nice arms or whatever

Just I don’t know

Alright when Japanese girls come to Australia When you go to a date with a good looking man

Just say “You are very funny” and makes them happy

Even you are not really thinking so

Thank you guys
