


1組目 アルゼンチン出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much fro you help

Where are you from?

I am from Argentina but I also have a parent from Italy

So I have both genes

Italian and Argentine halfie

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

So I just turned thirty three years today

Happy birthdat mate

So today in this video I’ve been asking non-Japanese people about sports

When it comes to Argentine

No one doubts you guys are pretty good at soccer

So we have actually now Messi One of the best ones in the world

So he is actually my age also a few more

I always love him as a player

And as a aperson

He’s like a good attitude guy

I don’t know hot to say that like

How he is is like We can feel that he’s a good guy

He is a good model as a person

Did you used to play any sports?

I did like gymnastics

In Japan we have a thing called Bukatu


Bukatu is like a sport club

That belongs to school so

In my case or for most of people

We have to join one of them

So it could be baseball club, gymnastic club or

Maybe boxing club or soccer

I was in a scooer club, Bukatsu so

Everyday literally after school Maybe around three pm or four pm until seven o’clock or something

We had to play soccer

So we played a lot even on weekend

Do you have something like this in Argentina?

In our school we usually had

But there’s not really competition or Not really like an important stuff

Like we used to just play on streets by ourselves

Like playing in a ground

Like street football?

Street football

At the beginning it was kind of street football

And that’s how people start Good players start like that

So it’s like a harder way to learn


Yeah naturally

I believe it’s because we didn’t have We as a country

To afford property, places to train and to do this kinda

Not many people can afford it to join a proper club or something

It’s really interesting to know because

We are very systematic

We join a club in school and

If you are good in competition, maybe you get scouted From a professional team or something

And then you get payed because of that

After the professional

We are good at some sports in Japan

But I don’t know how much you know about Japan but

When it comes to sports

When it comes to Japan

What kind of sports comes up to your mind

Something like with a sword

We have Kendo

Kendar, is it?

Also fencing

Fencing comes up to my mind

Yeah I think it’s that sport

Gymnastic we are pretty good actually

Gymnastic is so f***ing huge you know like


Something like that?

I don’t know like…

That’s the real fact so

Thank you for your opinion

Muchas gracias

2組目 ブリスベン出身の女性2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?



So you two are Australian girls

What have you been up to today in Gold Coast?

At the beach getting some photos

Are you Instagramers or something?


I could tell that’s why I talked to you guys

To these pretty looking girls

I wanna ask you some questions about sports today

It’s very random Do you guys play any sports or

Have you ever played any sports?

I don’t play sports but she plays

I play Touch and oztag

Is it like touch rugby sort od thing?


When it comes to Australia I think you guys are pretty good at rugby and maybe like swimming and stuff, right?

So I wanna ask you how you get better in these sports

In Japan we have a thing called Bukatsu

Which is like a sport club

That belongs to school

So when you are a student

In my case everyone had to join the club

And play a sport everyday after school

Even in weekend sometimes

Let’s say we finish school like three o’clock or four o’clock

And you play sports until like six thirty or seven o’clock everyday literally

Every afternoon?

Every afternoon I used to play soccer

Do you have something like Bukatsu in your country?


It’s like a hobby you do like twice a week maybe

How about rugby?

You definitely have a good looking gib man, right? Who plays rugby

If professional, that’s your full-time job And you get paid to play that’s what you do

No one’s professional from beginning

You just train

Or you do as like a subject at school but

You just like train

You don’t really like do it for hours on it

Do you have like a club team for like youth?

There’s like a younger Broncos team which is like the Brisbane

And they make the way up

So maybe younger generation like Maybe fifteen or sixteen they join the youth team

And practice twice a week or something?


Not everyday?


How do you get that good?

So last question is gonna be like this

This is a very random question as well but

We have some strength on some sports in Japan

I’m not too sure how much you know about Japan

But when it comes to Japan What kind of sports comes up to your mind?

I don’t know

I don’t know

Badminton or something?


That was a good one

I don’t know

You’ve never heard of it?

Well that was fun

Thank you very much girls and

Good luck for your Instagram yeah

3組目 イタリア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


Would you mind my asking how old you are?

I’m twenty

In this video I wanna ask you some questions about sports

When it comes to Italy Definitely a lot of people think about soccer

Do you play any sports? Did you used to play any sports?

Not actually

You are not really a sport person?

No, I’m not

Okay, that’s fine but

I bet you definitely know how it is in Italy

In Japan we have a thing called Bukatsu

Bucatsu is like a club that belongs to school and

In my case, in my school everyone had to join one of them

So it could be like baseball club, soccer club

Or even like boxing or whatever

Do you have something like this in Italy?

Actually in schools in Italy we learn to play sports like volleyball, basketball


Not really nut

Like the ninety five percent of boys in Italy play soccer in the afternoon so

In the afternoon you mean In a club in school or like a club team?

Yeah outta school

They join a club in theri city

Ninety percent or ninty five percent of boys

That’s a big number, hey

That’s how they become really good at playing soccer I thik

Everybody in Italy wish to become a soccer player

Do you have like a PE class in school?

Yeah we usually have two hours every week

That’s it?


So usually many boys join a soccer club

And maybe in a competition they play well

And maybe they get scouted from a professional team or something like that?

That’s usually how it happens?

I’m pretty sure Japan is pretty good at some sports

I’m not sure how much you know about Japan

When it comes up to Japan What sort of sports comes up to your mind?

I don’t know actually

You don’t know?

Have you ever heard any sports that Japan is good at?



This is the answer

I personally believe that Japanese soccer team is getting better

We are pretty good at boxing We are pretty good at gymnastic, baseball

But actually as an Italian person

You don’t know? You’ve never heard of it?

When I think about Japan, I think of

Street food and sushi

More like culture

Okay, that’s the fact we are getting today

Thank you very much


4組目 ドイツ出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

From Germany

Would you mind my asking how old you are?


In this video I’ve been asking non-Japanese people about sports

When it comes to Germany

I think most of Japanese people think about soccer


You don’t like soccer?

No, not really because it’s too big in Germany

Like you have sports show in the evening

And it’s called sports show but it’s only about soccer

No other sports

I love basketball, I love doing Parkour That’s my sport

The street sport

From point A to point B yeah that’s Prkour

But you have lots of friends who play soccer and stuff?

For sure I mean

When you are like six, seven around this age in Germany

Everybody is playing soccer

If you are not in a club then you are playing on the grass

So since you were a kid Everyone plays street soccer

So in Japan we have a thing called Bukatsu

Bukatsu is like a club that belongs to school

So everyday after school I used to play soccer

But that’s like a must thing We had to play

Even you don’t want to you have to join something

Do you have something like this in Germany?

Not really I mean

You have a normal sports class in school

But they do so many different kinds of sports but

You have this pressure stil That you have to play soccer because

Everybody is playing soccer like

If you whole friends group is playing soccer

You don’t like really like it but you want to spend a lot of time with them

You join also the club playing soccer

I’m sorry that you don’t really like soccer but

So many people are really good at soccer I bet

How do they get better?

They join like a club team or something?

I think they start like really early Getting into it like from Primary school Something like that and then they stick to it

Really many people

How about Parkour?

That’s not that big

You have like a community?

Yeah you have a big community also in Australia

Depending on city really

I believe Japanese people are quite good at some sports

When it comes to Japan

What kind of sport comes up to your mind?

I’m not really sure.. in Japan…

Table tennis?

Like fighting sports

Taekwondo something like that?

Taekwondo is from Korea but

Maybe boxing and mixed martial arts

But soccer doesn’t really come up?


Is it big in Japan?

It is big

We still have to build the skill yeah?

Have you ever heard baseball?

Baseball for sure It seems like for me it’s really American thing but


Thank you very much and

Danke schoen
