


1組目 コロンビア出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?

I’m from Colombia

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

Twenty nine

Twenty nine

You guys look pretty young

How old do I look by the way

Twenty five

Twenty four

Thank you very much

I’m thirty one

Are you?

I am

So in this video simply I wanna ask you about your life

How’s your life?

Are you loving your life?

Yes I am

Living on Gold Coast is completely a dream

How about you?

It’s like a paradise

Interviewing on Suffers Paradise

And you said it’s like a paradise

It is a paradise actually! It’s true

Is it better than living in Colombia you think?

It’s easier and you have a really good life here

Like money-wise and lifestyle and everything you mean?

Lifestyle and living next to the ocean

Make everything completely fantastic

I live in Sydney but

Living close to nature makes you feel very … Simply goog

It is like it feels like you are in a holiday everyday

That’s true That’s how I feel

But we are all human I feel down sometimes

Especially when I’m working too much or

Simply something happens to my life

I’m pretty sure sometimes you feel down too

When you feel down What would you do to lift your feeling?

In my case going to run

Exercise is a really good idea

I love dancing so I always put some music in my place

When all my families are working

I just put music and I just go to dancing in the living room

So I’m always dancing or moving

I feel that music helps a lot so

Even you are feeling down or you are feeling happy

Music makes you feel better

And ice cream hey

Last question

Do you have something particularly you do in your life

To make your life better or to make your future better?

For example I have lots of viewrs who study English

Because they wanna build their skill and

Maybe they can use it in their future

Maybe they can get a good career or something

Do you have something like that? Do you do something like that?

We as international students because we are so

Taking the decision to come over fifteen thousand kilometers from our home and

Putting that as a goal that you said like

We are going to do something We are going to study English or

Putting your goals makes you just try to catch them

So you always make sure that you have something to achieve

And just go for it

What do you do? Do you have something like that?

Pretty much the same

You do together yeah?


Set some goals you want to achieve

dosen’t matter if it’s really big

Now I think that it’s really important to be with someone very positive

Because of your laughter and smile I feel very positive

So I would say thank you very much for your time And thank you very much for your cooperation

2組目 シドニー出身の女性2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We are from Sydney

Would you mind my asking how old you guys are?

I’m twenty two

Twenty one

I’m thirty one so I’m the old one

In this video I wanna ask you simply “How is your life?”

Are you loving your life?

I think my life is pretty good

Definitely loving life

I love that

Why do you think you like your life?

I think like it’s a Monday and we are on Gold Coast We are not at work

Definitely traveling around Just a freedom to do that

That’s fun yeah

The fact that you have the time and opportunity to be able to do that make you happy

Even you are happy sometimes we go down

Maybe something bad happens to your life

Or sometimes when I work too much I feel down

When you feel down, what do you usually do to make you feel happy again?

It’s a hard one I think

Doing things to like slowdown and unwind

Sometimes work is stressful so

Trying to have time to yourself I think

Definitely time to yourself

And just doing things you enjoy that you know make you feel better

What do you enjoy?

I love my dogs I’ve got two pugs

Hanging out with my dogs, seeing friends

Swimming, going to the beach yeah stuff like that

So lot of my viewers they say they are willing to learn English

Or they do something to make their life better Make their future better

I do YouTube and my business to make my future better

Even I work daytime as well

Even a small thing do you have something you do to make your life or your future better?

Definitely my job I work for airline

I’ve tried so many things over the years

I just decided to do something that makes me happy

The hours are crazy, all over the place but I love it like

Just having the job that I do and I wake up wanting to go to

That definitely makes my life better

That is really great because

Not many people actually have a job that they actually wanna do

So we are lucky to be able to do this and do your job, right?

How about you?

I think trying to have a balance in my life and

Exercising and taking care of myself

Doing things to kind of better myself

Life balance and exercise

Not working too much but you try to have time for yourself

And also at the same time exercise

I always do that too actually

Thank you for your time and enjoy Gold Coast

3組目 フランス、コロンビア出身の女性2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?



So you speak French and you speak Spanish

Do you guys understand each other if you speak Spanish and French or not really?

We are working in that

Coz I’ve heard some like Brazilian people

Speak Portuguese to Spanish people

And they kinda understand

Or Spanish to Brazilian people they can understand so I thought like

Yeah Portuguese and Spanish are similar We can get a couple of words

So would you mind my asking how old you guys are?

Twenty one

I’m almost thirty

You look very young

I’m thirty one

I thought you are like twenty five or something

Don’t you get it something?

Thank you so much

I know how to complement girls

No, I’m serious anyway

Simply I wanna ask you about your life in this video

Are you guys happy? Do you like your life?

Are you loving your daily life?


It’s very different from France

Because in France I lived in Paris and it’s like a big city and

And there is no beach so it’s so cool here

Concrete jungle there

How about you?

I think there’s a good lifestyle here because of many reasons

It is better than my country

I’m a human and you are a human Sometimes we go down

Maybe something bad happens to your life or simply you are working too much or something

When you feel down, what do you usually do to make you feel happy again?

I have lots of friends here in Australia in Brisbane actually that is the best way to go up again

You catch up with your friends and have a party or something like that?

Having a party yeah we are Latino

Having party is the best way to go up

How about you?

I call my family and I listen to music

You call your family often

I noticed that

I used to live with French people I used to live with South American people too

They talk to their parents very often like

Everyday or every two days

Which is very… a lot of for Japanese people

It’s important for us

Do you do that?

I talk to my mum everyday

I don’t know why you don’t but

For us it’s so common

I have to talk to my mum everyday to say how my day was

The bone between you and your family

Makes you happy as well I think

It is important

Many young people watch my channel and

A lot of people are willing to learn English

Because they thunk that it’s gonna be helpful for their future

simply they wanna make friends to make their life more

Meaningful or something like that

Do you have something you do usually to make your life better

Or to make your future better?

I go to uni

What do you study?

Bachelor of business and entreprise

I’m gonna start uni as well And I’ll study IT

I’m working everyday

I’m going to the uni

And I’m trying to be better everyday

Trying to be better everyday

By doing your best in your life and also

Talk to your parents everyday which makes you happy, hey

So important

Thank you very much for your time

4組目 バリ、フィリピン出身の女性3人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m originally from Bali and moved to Melbourne And I moved here in Gold Coast


I have a lot of Indonesian friends

Are you guys all from Indonesian?

No, I’m from Philippines

I’m from Philippines as well but I live in Melbourne

Everywhere yeah

I’m Japanese living in Sydney so everywhere yeah

Simply in this video I wanna ask you guys

“How’s your life?” Coz

I saw you guys from over there and

You looked very happy, guys

How’s your life

It’s amazing since we moved into Gold Coast

We love the lifestyle, the weather, the restaurants Shopping centers are just perfect

I’m gonna come here and move

I’m looking at an apartment

Having a good life

Even so we feel sometimes down

Because our life gets hard sometimes

something unexpected happens to your life

I’m pretty sure even you guys are happy people You feel down

What do you do when you feel down? What do you do to make you happy again?

To make happy?

Happy is always my personal philosophy

So you cannot let yourself down because of the situation

In this life you have no control of anything

But you do have a control of yourself

How to react

Always support yourself

If I feel down I just go out, have a coffee

Walk around the beach

When I’m down I just ring up

“Who wants to go out?”

Have a drink

Let’s get lost and have a fun

So last question is gonna be like this

A lot of my viewers have something they do in their life

Maybe to make their life better or their future better

Do you have something you do to make your life and future better?


I used to have a couple of businesses

I used to have two different clothing shops and coffee shops

Now it’s time for me to relax and enjoy

Stock market


Mostly stocks

Stocks and NFT

I do that too actually

Just working

Working and go out

Have as much fun as you can have on weekend yeah?

That’s it

Especially if you are young Go on stock market right away

Exactly because if you have longer time You have a bigger chance

Thank you for your advice

Enjoy the time in Gold Coast

And hopefully you’ll find an apartment


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