


1組目 シドニー出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?

Sydney Australia

What are you doing today?

Just here for my sister’s hens weekend

She’s getting married so we’re celebrating before she gets married

That’s good on her

Congratulations to your sister

Thank you

What do you usually do in hens party?

Because we don’t really have hens party in Japan

What’s hens party?

So it’s just like pretty much their last weekend going out before they get married

So yeah she’ll just be Today we are just shopping coz it’s during the day

We are staying in the city for the weekend

And tonight we’ll go out

Maybe do a bit of Karaoke

Get a bit drunk and then

That’s it pretty much

Just party every night

Maybe go to a xtrip club who knows

Who knows where the night will take you

Only women are invited to hens party?

Yeah, that’s right

This is a good thing to learn

People don’t really know about this

In this video I’ve been asking people about height

Do you think that height is important when you consider dating with someone?

Yes, I think so

When I used to use Tinder

I saw sometimes girls write on their bio like

You gotta be taller than five point seven or like

Which is a hundred seventy five centimeters or

Something like that

Do you honestly have your like borderline of height?

Not really like as long as they are taller than me

Which most people are

How tall are you?

I’m actually a hundred fifty two centimeters

By they way do you guys use centimeters or feet?

Foot like both

Five foot one

So last question

I get lots of comments on my video from people who are willing to come to Australia for like

Working holiday and studying English and stuff like that

People care about height

So I don’t know what kind of image you have about

Japanese men but

Could you guess our average height?

Generally about five foot six

Five foot seven around average height

Same as Australian people

Do you think Japanese men are quite skinny?

Or Japanese men are quite bulky?

Quite bulky like

I’d say you are a bit bulky so probably a bit bulky


Thank you for your time

Enjoy your big weekend, hey

Thank you

2組目 マスウェルブルク出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Muswellbrook New South Wales so Pretty rural

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

I’m twenty five

What are you doing?

Just coming see the sites

Haven’t really been around Darling Harbour before so

Come out and have a dinner with family and

Just go for a bit of run around and have a look

Having a good weekend, hey?

Yeah, it’s been good so far

So in this video I’ve been asking non-Japanese people about height

Do you think that height is important when you consider dating with someone?

I personally think somewhat within a certain range so like

I don’t know like

If someone’s too tall I probably wouldn’t have a chance anyway to be honest so

Other way around like

I don’t think it’s really problem with height to be honest

I’ve never found it being a problem personally so I think it’s good

Sometimes I was surprised since I came to Australia

Some Australian girls are really tall

When I used to use Tinder

Some girls write on their bio like

Must be at least six foot tall?

I see that all the time and I just have to swipe left

That’s not gonna make.. It’s too sure that I don’t have six foot yet so I don’t think it’s gonna happen

Sometimes you see you gotta be taller than six foot or

Five point seven which is like a hundred seventy five

Which is me and

Do you have like the borderline of height when you think about relationship?

I don’t think I’ve got a specific number or anything

I don’t care really what they look like

I think it’s a person It’s probably more interesting than the height basis I think

Personally I think that’s how it should be

I wish more people are like that

Personality, init?

That’s it! I think it’s how it should be yeah

Height doesn’t really matter as long as she is a really nice person

I agree with you

I get lots of comments from Japanese people

Who are willing to come to Australia

Or like any other countries for studying abroad or Working holiday whatever

They care about height

I’m like this height and do you think it’s

Do you think I’m gonna be too short in the country?

Do you think people care about it? Or whatever

I don’t know how much you know about Japanese men but

Could you guess our average height?

Probably like five foot six or seven

Exactly correct! So we are five point six

Do you have an image that Japanese people are quite Shorter than Australian?

I think because the way media portrays it

I think it’s a very generalized idea that

People think that they are a bit shorter

So that’s the things I’ve seen overtime

I’ve never been over there so I couldn’t say from a personal experience

But just from what I see on media platforms and things like that

That’s what happens so

About the culture too like

Japanese people are respectful

Japan’s like this, high-tech, tall buildings

It’s all about media hey

Absolutely yeah

That’s the biggest point to be honest

It’s portrayed from media so I think it’s

I won’t say stigma but it’s a very portrayed idea That’s how I would say

Okay thank you very much for your time

You are really good at talking

I’m trying to

Thank you very much

No worries anyway

Have a good one

3組目 オーストラリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


Are you nurvous?

Don’t worry I’m more nervous than you are

I do this every week but I still get really nervous so

Don’t worry about it

How old are you by the way?


Alright in this video I’ve been asking non-Japanese people about height

Do you think that height matters when you consider dating with someone?


Not at all

What matter then?



Personality I guess

Anyway when I used to use Tinder in this country

Sometimes I saw in girls bio saying

You gotta be at least five point seven or like A hundred seventy fivr centimeters or something like that

Do you have like your borderline of height when you look for someone?

Or like it doesn’t really matter if he’s shorter than you?

Dosen’t matter

I’ve dated someone shorter than me

No problem at all?

As long as he is a nice person, hey?

I mean he did something right

You do something right

You get this beautiful girl

That’s the lesson we are learning today

Last question

I don’t know how much you know about Japanese men but

Could you guess our average height?

Five point seven

So a hundred seventy five

So you think Japanese boys are quite tall?


Or mixed

Either really short, either tall

Okay this is interesting

Because I already asked two groups of people

Or actually two people

And I thought their image about Japanese pr Asian men

I thought they think that we are quite short but

Five point seven is not too bad I’m five point seven

I don’t wanna say not too bad to myself but you know

Well anyway I’m okay yeah? For you



4組目 シドニー出身の女性2人組組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

Sydney Australia

Sydney Australia

What have you been up to today?


In this video I’ve been asking non-Japanese people about height

By the way do you guys have a partner now?

No and yes

When you considered dating with your partner

Did you think about height?

Does height matter?

Not really I don’t think it matters

My boyfriend is a lot taller than me He is six three

And I’m five three so

He’s a lot taller than me but I don’t think height matters

Six three he’s very tall huh

But even he was shorter than you It doesn’t matter?

No, I don’t think it matters

As long as the personality is good

And you enjoy the time with the person I don’t think it matters

How about you?

I agree

Pesonality over

Everyone’s saying personality!

Are you sure?

I feel like since I’m short it’s not really a problem but

Maybe for like taller girls

Like for taller girls they would probably say something different but

Most people are taller than me so

Yeah Australia girls are quite tall

So maybe I don’t think about it because I don’t really have to worry about it but

Girls who are taller they would probably have to worry about it so

You have a partner now but when you look for a partner

Do you have your ideal height?

Over six foot

So maybe

You prefer taller than shorter

Yeah a litte bit

A little bit

Am I too short?


I don’t know how much you know about Japanese men but

Could you guess Japanese men’s average height? What’s your image?

Five six

That’s short

Five eight

So a bit taller than me

Tiny bit taller

This is interesting because

I thought, let’s say, Western people Western girls assume that

Japanese or Asian men are

Little bit short

I thought that’s the image you have but

Actually not really

Quite tall

Thank you very much girls
