


1組目 イングランド出身の男性に聞いてみた!

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What you’re eating your lunch

It’s ok

Where are you from?

I’m originally from England

But I live stuff there Bondai

Where about England are you from?

I’m just at London

Ok good looking man from England

This interview is going to be about

What do you think about Japanese girls?

First question

I don’t know if you have any Japanese female friend know or not

Do you think

Honest answer

Do you think they’re good look to you?

They look hot?

Yes I don’t know having Japanese friends

I ought to think Japanese girls good looking

Japanese girls good looking

Okay I think England girls good looking too

I prefer a Japanese


I don’t know liking English girls as really


I prefer a different nationality

Why is that?

I don’t know I guess like

Just being English

It’s common for English

I don’t feel bad looking

But I just like brother someone’ s like different things English

Make sense I think same as me

This question might sound bit random

You know some Japanese girls naturally have black hair

They tend to dye hair to brond or brown hair

What do you think about like

What I say

Asian girls have dyed hair like brond brown

I think it’s a lie

If it’s not like, it like well

That’s make sense?

I don’t have a issue with dark hair read but I think

If you girl like from black brond

That’s obviously dye it’s nothing good

But it’s baby highlight and stuff I think it’s that’s right

That’s true make sense

So you said you don’t have any Japanese friends but

Have you ever been to a date with Japanese girls before?

No I haven’t date Japanese girls



So in front of me That’s Japanese girls she is my friend

Don’t pretend because she is there

Some people foreign people European people South American people come to Australia

I feel like sometimes men think

Japanese girls a little bit easy take on

You know after drinking

They apparently call it KFC

Do you think in this all? Have you ever heard something like this?

I don’t think here in Australia

I think if you go to Tokyo

I think pro receptionist

It might easy if basis Japanese girls like westernia

It will be easier

It’s basis depence on the girl

I wouldn’t say here in the case coz

I think most people quite

Used to farther you know just like white people

Coz white people every where

So I would’s say here no

Thank you for helping me

Good looking man from England

Don’t worry guy

2組目 シドニー出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?

I’m from Sydney

And you?


I need ask you

How many times train?

I’d say seven days

Seven days a week?

And you?




So good looking man from Australia

This interview is gonna be

What do you think about Japanese girls

Do you have any Japanese female friend?


Do you?


What do you think?

Are they attractive you? Are they hot?

Some of the mar

But you prefer more Australia girls?


How about you?

Some of Japanese girls are then

I have seen beauty pageant

Japanese girls are good looking

That’s good

If I choose from all the Asians

I would say Japanese girls

That’s beautiful

Many Japanese girls

They originally have black hair

But many of them change their hair color

To brown or brond hair


Which one is better? Black? Brown? Brond?

Any women looks good is no probrem

Any of them?

I don’t matter

How about you?

Yes I mean it depence on the confidence of girls really


So if they like it you think it’s okay

If she’s yellow it looks really confident doen’t really matter

As long as she is hobby

That’s true

So you never been to date with Japanese girls?



In front of me thier is my Japanese female friend

Don’t pretend because of her

Then must be fact

That foreign boies think

Japanese girls

Easy to take home?

Do you have this kind of image?

Or have you heard anything like this from your friend

Not really

You never really think about it

Not at all

Never been in the position

Never been in the position

So you don’t have this kind of idea?

Idea no

Do you have any question?

Can be any question about Japanese

Why do Japanese girls always

Choose Japanese guy?

Why Asian always date around with Asian

Asian lady with Black guy You don’t wanna be

That’s true

You don’t see often

But Asian do date with White guy that’s a lot see sometimes

I have a Croatian friend

Used to a lot of Asain women

When you go to the club they pick up Asian women all the time

Because he has purpose precise taste you know

You know what I mean?


Vision is very

Because very responsed to White person Is that make sense

I was go out Asian girl

I don’t think I have same rock him

Do you know what I mean?

Why you don’t know a lot of Asian women

Kind of Afracan guy

What do you think?

Maybe language are you?

And also culture is very similar

Korea and China

Asian culture is similar

So easy for us to make relationship

What about White guys?

Many White guys living in Japan

But you don’t see many African people live in Japan

That’s why

That’s why she said we tend to get a bit nervous

It’s difficult question to answer but I think it is

But no body make sense

Thank you much for helping file this video

You guys very awesome

3組目 東ロンドン出身の男性に聞いてみた!

What are you doing in Bondi beach today?

I just look walk down

I’m trying to heal my weekend wounds you know

You hung over?


You know I’m in a corner side

You live around here

Just 2 minutes right

Accord you just walk out down

Just see me look out you know

Good looking man from East London

This interview is about what do you think about Japanese girls

First question

I don’t know if you have any Japanese female friend or not

Do you think for you personally Japanese girl good looking?

Yes in old state my ex-girlfriend was she is quarter Japanese

Quarter Japanese? From London?

She is Australian

She is quarter Japanese French Japanese Australian


Me watching Japanese girls is


She was beautiful busy


That’s nice

So I reckon hundred percent

What made you think look hot

For me

It is eyes


Eyes is different from others

I just say, different I don’t know

For me , I like it

You like the difference

I like the difference too

Japanese girls tend to dye their you know black hair brown hair or blonde hair What do you think about it?

I don’t got preference you know

The girl is girl you know

Black hair or blond hair

Like pink blue red whatever

If take care of as besides

She spiking me and she is hot, she spiking me

So I don’t have a preference like

As long as they good

She is bomb thing , bomb thing

You used to date with quarter Japanese

If you have a chance would you go to date with like a for Japanese in Australia if you have a chance?

Hundred percent, I white

It maybe come today are you

Go on a Tinder maybe

Some people from overseas come to Australia I met

Japanese girls also think

They tend to think that Japanese girls easy to take home

What do you think?

I don’t know

When I was ex-girlfriend first time

I to do a lot of background

I can’t answer I have no experience just Japanese girls

And I am not anyone

I am not a chunk of meat

I have a heart and feeling a lot of thing

You got a nice heart

So you personally you don’t have any imaging about Japanese like this

No never


Next you tomorrow

I still seek

Alright thank you helping me

4組目 イタリア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?

I’m from Italy

Me too, we come from same city

Good looking people all the way from Italy

What do you think about Japanese girls?

Japanese girls very good looking girl

You think?

I think so,like I have to be honest all of them but

Most of them

They are really friendly

I don’t know I think Italian much similar or

Like a Italian girls?

Actually you know better than me

Because his girlfriend is Japanese

His girlfriend is Japanese

You know like Japanese people think that Italian guys good looking

Do you think Japanese girls also really good looking?

No as much as Italian

She is angry

You know Japanese girls naturally have black hair

But many girls dye their hair to brond hair or brown hair What do you think about it?

Black one

I think so yeah black is my favorite

But honestly I don’t like wigs like to change color their

I think you should keep their color

So you think for Japanese black hair suit

Hundred percent

You been dating with Japanese girls

How about you have you ever had Japanese girl friend?

No never actually I had been relationship with my Italian girl

Since 5 years

That’s long time

I already lover so

No Japanese

At the moment, but maybe in the future will see

Will see

Some people who comes from overseas

They think Japanese girls

A little bit to easy to take home

It doesn’t sound really good

But apparently so

What do you think? Have you ever heard something like this? Or

Do you have a image like this?

Absolutely no

You have a Japanese girl friend

I have also a different Japanese friend absolutely no

How about you?

Absolutely no

You don’t think so

Is it Italy is easier or same?

I think it is easier

Just a fred you know couple of drinks and then

Okay what we are doing

This is my image

They are a little bit more open minded

Like Australian girls

Asian girls I think really a little bit tight

Shy or somewhere I don’t know

I never experienced I can’t say hundred percent

That’s my idea

That’s why you think that’s perfect answer

What’s your name?


Ruca Nice to meet you


Thank you guys Thank you for helping me
