


1組目 オーストラリア出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help ladies

Where are you from?

We are from Bondi. We are locals

Would you mind my asking how old you guys are?

I’m twenty four

Twenty two

Quite young

So today in this video

I wanna know how Australian people get into a relationship

There must be some differences between Japanese and Australian

So that’s what I wanna find out

First of all do you guys have a partner?

Not at the moment

Not at the moment

Loving the single life


You have lost of opportunities to see new people

Many Japanese people come to Australia for working holiday and maybe like studying abroad and stuff

And sometimes when we come to another country

We might wanna go on a date with someone from another country

So I just wanna have a bit of tips from Australian girls

Simply like what’s your ideal first date?

What do you wanna do on the first date?

I think just keep it like low-key, fun

I think sometimes I don’t really like anything too dancy like

Just go grab drink somewhere

No dinner maybe like a drink and snacks or

Drink and snacks in a cafe or something like that?

Yeah like either if it’s a daytime date just like got for a coffee

Or just like a fun activitie’s also good

Or if it’s like an evening thing go for drink

I don’t know if that’s a Japanese culture thing

But Australian obviously we don’t mind alcohol at all

So which is like “Hey, let’s grab a drink” That’s a very standard date

But it doesn’t have to be too fancy

Definitely not

Is that a bit too much?

Save that for the second date

So that’ss the big no no for the first date

I don’t wanna go to a restaurant like a sit-down dinner

That’s also too much especially if I haven’t met someone

It’s like a big ask to commit three hours

Versus like a drink. I can have one or I can have five but like I can decide

That is very true

So it’s easier for you guys in that way

So the main question of this video it’s gonna be like this

In Japan we have a thing called Kokuhaku

Which means that… It’s pretty much like a confirmation of a relationship

So let’s say I’ve been maybe I met you through a matching app

And then we’ve been on a date three times

and after the third date maybe after dinner I might ask you like

“Hey, I started feeling something special between un”

“I want yout to be my girl friend”

So this is a confirmation

I get “Yes” or “No” and

We are officially maybe boyfriend and girlfriend

So we have Kokuhaku thing

Do you guys have something like this in your country?

I feel like we’ve got something like it but it doen’t happen. I wouldn’t say it happens after third date

Like I feel like it takes a little bit longer to get to that

I’d say three months

What do you guys do?

Obviously you go on a date more than a couple of times right in the three months?


You go on day to probably ended up like see each other. Meeting each others friends a lot of that stuff and then only

After you know that you are vibing aling you spend extra amount of time together then

It’s like “Okay, should we make it as official?” Like

Stop seeing other people

So this might be a little bit difficult question but

In Japanese language I say

I love you

But I think I love you is very

Strong word in this country

You are not gonna say it after third date, right?

No way

I run for the hills

That’s called love bombing

So what is “I love you”?

When do you say “I love you”?

I think when you are like

Once it established you are actually dating in a relationship

You have to already have the conversation that we are dating

And then only like I think even after that you wait until you say you actually love them so

From deep of your heart?


It’s more just like “Oh yeah I like you” That would be the equivalent of like…

It’s very different, huh?

Never say ‘I love you ” on the third date! Too much!

You are gonna run away

Good to know

Thank you very much girls!

2組目 オーストラリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


Originally not from here though

Where are you from?

I was born in Iraq

Oh really?

So your background is Iraq?

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

Twenty one

By the way have you lived in Iraq?

I lived in Iraq for four years and

I moved to Syria for four years and

I came to Australia

So you are basically from middle eastern countries

So in this video I’ve been asking people about relationship

How Australian people get into a relationship and stuff like that

There must be some differences between Japanese and Australian

Do you have a partner now?


Single at the moment?

For now yea

Loving a single life?

I just started a single life not longer actually couple weeks so

I’m enjoying it for now

That’s good

It’s summer now as well

What’s your ideal first date? And the biggest no no on the first date?

My ideal first date would be maybe a dinner

And then go for a walk after

Just taking easy?

Coz I don’t want it to be like so formal that it feels like an interview

Just want it to be laid-back

Just more a bit casual but

In a restaurant maybe have some a bit of nice food and

Bit of drinks maybe here and there yeah

What’s the biggest no no?

Bad breath like on the first interview

Bad breath

No one likes that

So the main question is gonna be like this

In Japan we have a thing called Kokuhaku

It’s like a confirmation

For example I’ve been on a date a couple of times with you already and

After the third date we went to dinner or whatever

And then I’ll say

I started feeling something special between us and

I want you to be my girlfriend

And I get like yes or no

This is a confirmation thing called Kokuhaku

In Australia do you think people have this?

Probably not I feel like here

Compare to like my past experience

I feel like everyone here likes to take the time with things

So not maybe after the first date or the third

Maybe a couple of months and then you start to have that conversation

So you have a conversation like that?

You have a conversation eventually

If you like see that it’s going

Somewhere but like

Obviously it has to come from both end

So it’s like you can’t just go up someone and be like

“Hey, this is how I feel about you” “How do you feel about me?”

If you are not receiving the same back like the same type of connevtion

So it’s a more natural thing

Naturally happen like

When you feel there is a time that you are both feeling on the same page

And then you are “Hey, maybe we are a couple?” Or something like that?

And then you may discuss it

It just depends I don’t know

Last question is gonna be like this

Since I came here this country I noticed that

Many people maybe on a relationship for a long time

They even have kids

But sometimes they keep like not married

Why is that?

Why do people do that? Do you know?

I think it’s for the sake of not being labeled

Because at the end of the day you guys know you are together so

What’s the plan and

What’s the paperwork for, is it?

What for? Like I mean

I personally would like to be official something before I have a child but

That’s because like in my culture we are not allowed to do those things unless you are married

In the middle eastern culture?

But here like because I grown up here it’s just

It’s not like that

A lot of people that I know aren’t married and have kids

Which is fine

There’s nothing wrong with it but you would expect a lot here

I’m making an educational content and

You are educating me so it’s good

Thank you very much for your time

3組目 シドニー、オーストラリア出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

Sydney Australia mate

Sydney Australia

Would you mind my asking how old you guys are?



Quite young

Today I’ve been asking people about relationship

I wanna know how Australian people…How Australian men look for someone to hangout with

First of all, do you guys have a partner now?

No, single mate

Definitely not

Let’s say we are loving our single life

Too much headache?

You don’t wanna have a headache

For now

How do you guys usually find a person to hangout with?

Do you use matching apps or

Do you talk to people in bars and stuff?

We are both confident men so

We went out to a club or something just approach a good looking girl

That’s the way. There’ not other way to go

You don’t have to use apps and something like that?

Once they see the two good looking blokes

They end up coming up to you, you know what I mean?

That’s what it’s all about

I love your confidence mate

As long as you show your confidence mate. There’s no losing

Love it

What do you guys usually do on the first date?

We just go out to dinner

Go for a nice walk in a beach there like nothing too fancy

Nothing too fancy yeah?

Take it easy?

Mate, I just go for a drive to a nice lookout, go to a nice water view

You have a look at the water before you know that’s game on

You can’t give them too much on the first date

Coz they’ll expect more

So keep it chill

From there it just moves on. That’s it yeah


I already asked a couple of girls and

What you guys saying is actually it’s gonna work

According to their theory

They just want a confident guy

In Japan we have a thing called Kokuhaku

Which is basically like a confirmation

Do you guys do that?

No, we don’t usually do it

Time will tell

Once you go on a couple of dates with her

The partner and you they just both know

You feel it

We don’t really say “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”

It’s just easier

That’s how we do it

Girls said the same thing too

It is surprising because

It’s just feeling mutual you both know where you are at that’s it

Last question

Since I came to this country I noticed that

There are many couples who’ve probably been already together for a long time

And they have kids as well

But they are not married

Why do people do that?

I got no answer for that

They just still wanna have fun

I think they enjoy the lifestyle of being single

But then having someone there

You know what I mean?

So they wanna have a family but they’re not ready to fully commit

You know what I mean?

I think so… That’s personally my opinion

So would you marry if you were?

Mate, we are Lebanese we have to marry

We don’t have a choice

That’s a middle eastern culture?

Really good to know

Thank you guys

4組目 イギリス出身の人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I live in Australia but I’m from London originally

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

I’m thirty six

Do you have a partner now?

I do yes

So in the UK, well you’ve been here for a long time but

In your age how do people meet in the first place?

How do you find a parson to hangout with?

Usually it’s probably apps now in the UK

I’m thirty one so we are not really different but

Your age as well?

Yeah I think even more so our age

Everyone’s kind of if they are not already in a relationship using apps now to find people


So I’m pretty sure lots of Japanese people come to Australia

From working holiday and to study abroad

The UK as well

When we go overseas we might wanna hangout with someone from another country

What do you wanna do for the first date?

I actually quite like a little work for the first date

Instead of like going to bars and stuff?

Because it’s good to do something sober

You go for a walk and get a coffee

You don’t have to look at each other

You can kind of like walk along sharing more

And it’s easy to get out of it it’s going badly

So you don’t wanna get like tipsy or drunk on the first date

Nobody wants to get drunk on the first date but

Actually I think I was dating through COVID

And you couldn’t go out to bars and stuff

So I started going walking dates instead

And I just preferred it actually

You didn’t have to give up a whole evening

If it wasn’t going well you can get out of it

If it was good then you can go the next date and go get tipsy

That is very true

This is the main question

In Japan we have a thing called Kokuhaku

It’s like a confirmation of relationship

Let’s say we’ve been on a date for a couple of times

And maybe after the third date I’ll ask you. Maybe we went to dinner and after dinner I’ll ask you

I feel I started feeling something special between us and

Today I wanna ask you to be my girlfriend

So this is a confirmation which is called Kokuhaku

Do you have something like this? Or you don’t really get the confirmation for a relationship?

Yeah probably

I think we don’t normally get it or it’s just like

It’ll casually be dropped in

We’ll be chatting to his mates

And he’ll be like “This is my girlfriend Laura” and be like

Oh I’m girlfriend

That’s really good to know

So you don’t really have the confirmation thing?

No, not so much like

Maybe it might be like “Do you wanna be my boyfriend?”

A little one yeah?

Yeah maybe but it’s more like

When you are with your friends and you introduce like

Oh this is like my boyfriend or this is my girlfriend so yeah

Not so as official

This is really goot to know

Thank you very much for your help
