


1組目 チリとベルギー出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Oki doki, thank you very much for your help guys

Where are you from?

I’m from Chile

I’m from Belgium

How long have you been in Australia now?

Six years

Today I wanna ask you guys about English

You guys are from Chille and Belgium and

Obviously they are not English speaking countries but like

You can speak English pretty good

Could you speak like this when you came to Australia six years ago?


Not at all

Not much?

Like I thought I did coz

In Chille we grow up with American movies, all the Hollywood movies, video games

Very like American pop culture

So we kinda speak English

But then once you get here it’s like


I thought I did speak English

And the same I mean I learned at uni

So I learn like good English and that’s what I thought

Until I come here

Me too actually

I came here and I was like

Basic sentense

Like even asking little things I was like

I cannot even say that

We felt like we were practicing like passing and shooting in school

And when we came here it’s like a real game


Match’s on

It’s really difficult

Have you ever met Japanese people?

I have. I have a very good friend from Japan actually

Yohei. Shout out to Yohei

I hope Yohei’s watching this and he’ll text you

We start studying English since we are six years old

Until we graduate from high school

Which is like eighteen years old

And basically we have a textbook and go through that with teacher and

That’s gonna teach you like grammar and vocabulary

But somehow as you know probably know

Japanese don’t speak English

Is English a big subject in your country? Is it important?

Yes but not the main I mean

I learned another language as well

Because in Belgium we learn different languages so there is

Dutch and German

That’s more important?

How do you study English in school?

We just get English as a subject and then

It’s just like normal like mathematics you learn history and you learn English but it’s very basic

On a desk?

You don’t really talk much?

No, not at all

Everyone’s shy

Nobody wants to speak up

Even in your country?

That’s surprising

Coz I thought you guys are like more speaking all the time in school

But not like that actually?


We speak really bad English in South America, man

So my question is gonna be like this. This is the last question

How did you become like this?

What was the biggest help?

So for myself when I first came to Australia, I went to university to study English

And I was like yeah of course I wanna learn proper English I’m gonna go to uni

Didn’t learn much after like six months so I was like

Man, you know what? F*** it

I’m just gonna go to like pubs

Get myself a beer and talk to random people, strangers

And I just started doing that a lot and just like

Go out, get myself a beer, speak to a couple of people and

They wouldn’t get any words out of my mouth

I’d be like “Damn, I speak so bad”

I just kept going

Then you met a backpacker who’s like also learning English like a few years back

I remember these two Italians

It’s like the first time I communicated in English and it fine like these guys

Had like a massive accent like myself

But they’re getting it finally

The slowly man like

One big thing for me

Was like when I see native English speakers speaking

I try to copy exactly the sound that I’m listening

It’s hard but it’s like

Try to mimic the sound that they are doing you know what I mean?

I don’t know I feel like to have a big capability to like miic other languages like

Say a phrase in Japanese and I’ll try to copy you

Aete ureshiiyo

Aete ureshiiyo

You know what I mean?

I don’t know I’m just good like this. Just listen very clean what people are saying so I can

Throw that out of my mouth easily

Just let yourself be there and talk to people

And then mimic native speakers

That’s it

Try to mimic the energy of the people

If you go to Chille

Try to get the energy of the people and then go from there

Not like Japanese trying to speak that

Try to become one of them

That’s my approach at least

How about you?

The first biggest problem I think it’s being shy

That’s the thins is like ok

Are you shy?


But you just practice

You just make so many mistakes

And you are like I have to be okay with that

It’s just normal. You’re a learner

You’re a beginner and you have to accept it

Actually everyone’s like that

Everyone’s a beginner at the beginning

Exactly and then

Just like I’m gonna make mistakes and I’m gonna learn from it

And I’m gonna keep doing and just clime a little bit by little bit

Then you get better and then

You can have a real conversation with Australian or English speakers

Japanese or whoever

That’s the beauty

That’s the beauty of learning English, hey

Thank you very much

I think it was very helpful for English learners

And even for me too

Thank you very much guys

Matane everyone!

2組目 フィリピン出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?


I wanna ask you guys about learning English

How long have you guys been in Australia now?

She’s…two years?

About like going two years

And me about a year

When you came to Australia, could you speak English like this?

Yeah, it’s about the same

Like I said I’m Japanese

We studying English since we are six years old

Until we graduate from high school so which is like eighteen years old

But somehow most of Japanese people can’t speak English

How do you guys study English in school?

Why can you speak English?

Well basically in our primary school we are taught English

It’s a part of subject

It’s a part of the curriculum

What do you guys do in the class?

Do you sit on a desk or

Do you speak more?


There’s a lot so

It’s divided into essay, talking and learnig all the basic of English

Vocabulary, grammer

The subjects are taught in English

The subjects are taught in English?

Yeah, that’s why

Like all the subjects?

Science, math

It’s like English medium school

That’s why

Maybe that’s the big thing

But I’m gonna ask you this as well. The last question is gonna be

What was the biggest help for you guys to be like this?

To improve your English skill

Talking to English people. Converse with them

And English is a universal language so

If you meet some other people from different cultures

English is the common denominator of all of us so

So not only studying on a desk but

You talk


Thank you very much

3組目 ベルギーとフランス出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Belgium

And I’m French

Today in this video I’m asking people about learning English

Your first language is not English, right?

But you speak pretty good English I guess

When did you come to Australia?

I came to Australia three years ago

When did you come to Australia?

Five years ago

So three years ago and five years ago when you guys came to AUstralia

Could you speak English like that?


Not at all?

Nothing at all

Even “Please” or “Can I do that?” was really hard for me

Nothing at all?


Were you similar?

I had some knowledges about grammar

But speaking was really different

To make a sentence

To make a sentence you had to think in your mind

And you speak English very well now

Yeah, apparently a bit

You guys are perfect for this video

So let’s start with this

In Japan like I said I’m Japanese

We start studying English when we are like six years old

Until we graduate from high school which is eighteen

Basically we always have a textbook and maybe like a workbook and

Go through that with teacher

That’s gonna teach you grammar and vocabulary

But not much speaking

English is a very important subject in Japan

Is it like that in your country as well?

Yeah, we start at school at… what ten?

I think it’s the same in Belgium

No, because we have two languages in Belgium

We have Dutch as well

So we usually we start with Dutch

Then you can choose when you are around… I don’t know. Fifteen years old to practice English

Do you speak a lot? Or

Do you pretty much study on a desk?

Yeah, study on a desk

Just grammar and everything

But you are not talking, you just learning the basic

Similar to Japan, hey

Similar yeah

This is a mistery because

You guys speak really good now so I wanna ask you

Since you came to Australia

Your English has been improved, right?

What was the biggest help?

What do you think was a key to be like this?

For me it was at the beginning I studied here

And something I did as well to have more confidence was

Learning with a dictionary all the vocabulary of English

Getting confidence and then

Being more also to speak to people

When you learn some words from dictionary

You have to practice on the word

On the day you learned you have to just talk with someone and use the word that you learned

That’s really important

You can’t just read and read

You really have to practice with people

On the day

You gotta use it, hey

That’s how you improve your English

And talk with people definitely

Where do you usually find people to talk?

In a hostel or a sharehouse?

A bit everywhere

In bars

He’s really social

Just when you are traveling go to a hostel and

Don’t be scared to talk with people

Just talk that’s the way

Just practice

Never stop until you are confident

And then when you notice you are like this

Yeah, I think so

Even I think it’s so much easier to stay with people who speak the same language as you

When you are in a foreign country

But really getting out from your comfort zone and just…

I reckon French people and Belgium people socialize with many people from many countries like

Not staying with only French people

It depends

It depends because

We’ve got a lot of French friends as well

But we have a lot of international friends

Australian friends, German friends

A bit from everywhere and we are not scared to talk with people

That’s important

Alright, thank you very much

That was a good help

Thanks a lot. Have a great day

4組目 ロシア出身になぜ英語が話せるか聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Russia originally

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

Twenty six

Today I’ve been asking people about learning English

You are Russian and you speak Russian as your first language

But now you speak English, right?

How long have you been in Australia now?

About eight years

Eight years are quite long time

Could you speak English when you came here?

Yeah, I could

Coz I had to do classes back in Russia as well

Like in a normal school?

Yeah well, in my high school we had English as one of the subjects

And then outside of my normal school I had to go to like a language school as well back in my home town

Many Japanese people study English as well but they can’t speak English

What did you do? What was the biggest help to be an English speaker like this today?

I think just practice like

You talk more with other people and you know try to…

I mean there were like two different steps when I was learning English

First, I had to learn all the grammar and stuff

Yeah the basic

So I didn’t speak much . We were just

Learning all the rules like everything

And then after that I went to a different school

And then at that school we were like talking more so

I feel like first you need to get the basics like all your theory

And then just practice as much as you can

Thank you for your time and

You must be very hungry

Thank you very much
