


1組目 アイルランド出身の先生にCamblyで聞いてみた!

Today I’ve been asking tutors on Cambly

This is a very random question but

What do you think about my English level?

Like I said I’m Japanese and

Personally I started studying English since I was six years old

So the first grade of elementary school

That was only like an hour a week so that was not much

But then eventually I went to junior high school, high school and

To get a bachelor degree in a college

I study English all the time

And my girlfriend is Australian

So I speak English a lot

So now when you close your eyes

Or maybe imagine maybe you’re in a library on somewhere

You hear me talking to someone else next to you

But you don’t see my face

Do you think I’m like a native speaker or

Do you think I’m just a fluent English speaker from somewhere else?

I think probably a fluent English speaker from somewhere else

I definitely picked up a native twang

And I don’t know if it was British or Australian

Obviously now you’ve clarified that it’s Australian

So I was thinking that maybe

From young age you are either studying with a native teacher or

Maybe moved to a native country for a couple of years

Because there’s a hint of accent of a native speaker but

It’s still also not fully a native accent

So I know that it was like some social geology there

What do you find like

For example is it like Th sound or like

R and L or

Do you have a particular idea of my pronunciation? Like

“I can hear your accent especially like TH” “It sounds a bit wrong” or something like that. Do you have it?

I think it’s because of your Australian you vowed a little bit longer and

The way that you enunciate the ends of the words as well

The way that you formulate sentences

I think Australians normally go up at the end of the sentence

Where Irish people normally go down

So it depends on how you formulate the sentence and

The tone of voice that you use as well


Do I have like… Do you talk to Japanese people here?

A bit. I’d say maybe

It wouldn’t be my top five countries that I speak to

Okay so let’s say

Do I have like sort of Asian taste like twist to my pronunciation or tones?

I would probably say that first of all you’d have a native speaker tone and then

Next is Asian

I wouldn’t have specifically certified with to close my eyes and really think or really listened to you

I don’t know if I would have gotten to Japan

Probably from like a process of elimination

Because Japanese people are normally the people have the most flat is probably the wrong word but

Most neutral accent in terms of Asian accent

Very flat

It’s kinda at the easiest to embellish with all the accents

So probably I’d have got arrange to it eventually

But it doesn’t really scream Japanese to me, your accent

Okay I’ll give you one more question

I’m not trying to sound like anyone else

I’m not trying to sound like I wouldn’t say I wanna sound like American

Let’s say if I say I wanna sound more native-like

What advice do you think you’re gonna give to me?

Like what do I have to be careful of?

That’s an interesting question

I would say

In general I think non-native speakers

Tend to speak a little bit more slow than native speakers

So that they have sort of definition on the language so

They are picking up the parts of the language that or the parts of the accents that

To a native speaker, I wouldn’t recognize

To a non-native speaker they recognize. That is the completely the accent so

I think that is you can tell because it’s the length of time that non-native speaker’ll take

And the way that they’ll formulate

Because I think it’d be a little bit alien to the non-native speaker to formulate sentense in this sort of way

And then they draw out the parts of the accent that is particular to that place because

It’s something that’s not natural in their speech

So that’s the kind of telltale sign for me anyway

Interesting so

If I speak a bit faster than this and

With the good pronunciations and stuff

It sounds more clear to you, to native speakers


Thank you very much for your help

No worries

2組目 イングランド出身、ベトナム在住の先生にCamblyで聞いてみた!

Gemma, where do you live?

So I’m from Manchester England

But right now I’m living in Hanoi in Vietnam

I’ve been here for two years

Today I’ve been asking tutors on Cambly

What do you think about my English level?

I wanna find out where my English level is

I live in Australia now I’ve been here for six years

I can tell

I’ve studied English for a long time more than…

I don’t know, more than ten years fifteen years?

When you are listening to my English

Do you find any Japanese twang in there or

Let’s say if you were in a bar or if you were in a library or wherever

And maybe you hera me talking to someone next to you

But you don’t see my face

Do you recognize me as like an Asian person or

Can you think like “Maybe this person is a native speaker”?

So obviously you have a super strong Australian accent

And it’s very clear to me the way you speak…

Do I?

Yeah for sure

It’s very very clear the way you speak that you are a fluent speaker

I can tell that you studied for a long time

And you have lived in an English speaking country

But I can still hear a little bit of Japanese accent in there

But you want your Japanese accent or do you want the Australian accent?

I can’t speak like American or I can’t speak like British people

Because it’s just like I’ve been here for a long time and I work as well

So this is pretty much like reflection of

What I’ve heard in my history of English learning

So this is all I can do but

Still trying to avoid to use to much Japanese accent

But obviously people have an accent like

If people ask you to speak like an American person

You’ll probably have some British accent still so

It is difficult but I try to make sure that my English sounds as clear as possible

When you say you hear a bit of Asian accent Japanese accent like

What sort of my mistake can you think of?

So when I first started teaching English obviously I’m in Vietnam so

I’m very used to lind of Asian speakers and Asian people trying to learn English

Because say people from Middle East

They have different accent things that they keep as well

So it’s always in the Th noises

Or in when we say plurals and the S noises as well

That’s always something that I can hear with people’s accents

When we say the S at the end of words and sometimes

In our A noises so just in the word

Like a or ei

Sometimes I can just hear that

But there is always this really interesting thing where

You know people on Cambly sometimes say

“Okay, I want the British accent”

“I want an American accent”

And it’s so strange to me because

You don’t need a specific accent to speak English

You know what I mean?

When we learn a language, we don’t learn an accent

We just learn how to pronounce things so

It’s totally okay to have your own accent

What do you think about people having accent?

Does it sound cool to native speaker or

It just sounds like “This guy’s from wherever”?

I think it sounds cool

You think accent is cool?

Yeah of course

I’m not trying to get any particular accent

But I’m trying to make sure that I speak fluently

And I wanted to hear from a native speaker’s perspective

That’s what I wanted to ask you today. It was big help

Thank you very much

Thank you very much

3組目 南アフリカ出身の先生にCamblyで聞いてみた!

Today I wanna ask you

What do you think about my English level?

Well Tarosac I’m gonna be honest with you

We’ve only been speaking for two minutes

But for what you have said so fae

Your English is absolutely fine. It’s good

I would put it at an advanced level

Your pronunciation is fine, your vocabulary is fine

Sentence construction, all of these things. It’s very good level

I have some days I feel like my brain’s not really working asn

I struggle to come up with some certain words when I’m speaking

But like today to be honest I’m really concentrating to speak

Probably and correctly

So I think I’m doing my best at the moment

If you were in a bar you hear my talking to someone else

But you don’t see my face

Do you honestly think that. Do you recognize my conversation as a native speaker’s conversation or you can guess that he’s from somewhere else?

Well yeah it’s an interesting question Tarosac. Very quickly

You still do have a slight accent but

I would assume from the content of the conversation

That is where I would look to see is it a native speaker or

A second language speaker speaking

Is the kind of vocabulary you use

Even though you do have a slight accent

It is kind of overtaken by your Australiana accent

Which does change things

Do I have a little bit of Australian accent?

You do. A bit of Australian twang

But if I heard your accent I would think

This person is from Australia

Maybe they are not a native Australian though

Maybe they were born somewhere else

They were raised somewhere else and then they moved to Australia

That is personally what I would think

I am very happy to know

What’s happening with my English from a perspective of a native speaker

Thank you very much
