

1組目 シドニー、オーストラリア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?

From here

From Australia yeah?

Pretty much just

500m that way

You live in the nice place

Mate, we are blessed over here very lucky

Is that okay if I ask your age?

Yeah I’m 27

Today is Wednesday right?

What do you do for work?

I’m data engineer

Just do a couple of little geely things on a laptop every now and then

Do you work from home?

Yeah bit of work from home bit of work from the office

That’s perfect

You miss seeing someone sometimes

Bit of human contact is good every now and then

So in this videotoday I’m asking people on Bondi Beach about your experience

If you have used dating apps in your life

Have you ever used it before?

Yeah a couple of times

Tinder, Bumble

Hinge as well

I need to ask you, have you ever seen anyone through there?

I’ve met like… two maybe

On going relationships through Tinder and Hinge

I feel like I used to use that too now I have a girlfriend

But I always feel like it’s really hard to send the first message

Usually I think boys tend to send the first message

What do you usually send?

Honestly the least formal thing possible

Honestly just starting a conversation get to going

It doesn’t have to be something amazing I feel like

People are trying to prove that they’re some amazing person off like first message sometimes

Tell them about your life, just be real

They wanna be talking to a human being not like you know

A figure of perfect idle or something like that

That’s true coz

If you start seeing that person eventually your real personality’s gonna come out so

There is no point to lie on you and lie on her

Do you have any bad experience or good experience through?

Not particularly

I think it comes down to vibe you getting from people

Our world is a crazy place man

So you never know what’s out there but

It’s been pretty good so far

Coz I feel like nowadays

Everyone can do bits and pieces for a photo

And I felt like when I used to use it I got like

How do you call it? “Catfish”?

Have you had it before?


So you didn’t have much bad experience hey?

Yeah I’d say so

What was the purpose for you to use matching apps before and

Why did you quit using it?

I think you can really meet a diverse range of people out there

Sometimes they come down to the enviroment you create around yourself and

Sometimes you just naturally found out a little bit limiting sometimes so

Everyone uses it

You’ve got a really diverse range and

You can just get a conversation going with a stranger like that

I think it’s a great way to meet new people

So you didn’t mind to find your

Your future wife or your future girlfriend through that?

Yeah I think that could probably happened to a few people

Could’ve happened to myself

You just gotta leave it opened

I don’t really go on that with massive intension or goal or

Just had a bit fun you know

You were just casually using it and maybe if something happens

That’s what it is

Yeah spot-on

Last question

I’m not trying to be rude but

Because you said you work on a computer and in IT

I feel like people usually work in IT area are more like

Serious people and

You know what I mean?

Like some people say dating apps are pretty much for hooking uo

Some girls say, some boys say that too

Have you ever had a experience that

You went to drinking with someone for the first date and then

Big bang happened on the same day

Yeah definitely

Yeah it’s been a lot of fun

Sometimes you’re really connected to people and

Just keeep the ball rolling

So it happens

Yeah it certainly happens man

Thank you very much for your honest answers

Not a problem man

2組目 バイロンベイ、オーストラリア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Have you ever done this kind of interview before?


First time?

Where are you from?

I’m from Byron Bay

That’s even better than Sydney

What do you do for work?

I’m a chef but at the moment I’m working

Doing some like laboring and stuff because

I got sick of, after COVIC I didn’t work for a little while,

And it was really hard to go back to work in a kitchen man

You changed your mind yeah?

So in this video today I’m asking people on Bondi Beach about

Your dating app experience

I did this video before with ladies

But I only asked questions to ladies and this time I’m asking questions to men

Have you ever useddating apps before?


Like what apps?


Have you ever seen anyone through Tinder?


I need to ask you if you have a bad experience

Yeah I have some terrible experiences

What happened?

I met this chick up near Byron

On Tinder, we met

We went for a little walk got to know each other or whatever

And I was not drinking alcohol at the time and

The next time that I met her

She had a bottle of wine at her house so

She was like “Come on! Have a drink”

So you went to her house?

I went to her house yeah

I didn’t drink for a year and a half

She was like “Come on! You did a year and a half” “That’s so good”

Have a glass of wine with me

I had a glass of wine

And I blacked out

Is that because you hadn’t had a drink for so long?

Yeah I think so

So I woke up there the next morning and I was like

OMG! Where the hell am I!?

Didn’t remember anything

But she was okay? She was not stealing or anything?

I was fine. She didn’t steal from me or anything

That was just a bad experience on my one

But then she was hustling me all the time like

Hey what are you up to? And I was like

It was too much and I was like I don’t wanna hangout with this chick anymore

Did you feel like embarrassed to yourself?

No I just didn’t know what I did at all I was like f**k

Stuff that I could’ve done is I don’t know…

Some people say using dating apps’s just pretty much for hooking up

Japanese people are the same

What was the purpose for you to use matching apps?

I was bored man

Byron Bay is not that big area right?

Do still lots of people use Tinder?

I think so

I’m a man and I need to ask you. This is the last question

Has it ever happened to you that

You see someone through Tinder or whatever dating apps

And in the first date

Maybe she was DTF or

You guys had a good time?

Definitely yeah?

Of course

That’s the whole point of it

That was a sort of purpose that you were using…?

Surely that’s the whole point of it

Thank you very much

3組目 メルボルン、オーストラリア出身の男性に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?

I’m from Melbourne

How old are you?


Oh 25 now! My birthday was on Saturday

Happy birthday

Thank you man

Today I’m asking people on Bondi Beach about your experience if you have

Used any dating apps like Tinder or whatever

Have you ever used dating apps before?

Tinder, Hinge, Bumble

He is the guy!

Have you ever seen anyone through matching apps?

I’m pretty sure you have

Yeah I have

Do you still use it?

Not too much anymore like

Living around here Bondi Beach you don’t really need

It’s better just to go outside

I’m doing this video because

Nowadays it’s pretty hard because of the pandemic but whenever

You know people can come to Australia, it doesn’t have to be Australia but like Canada or wherever

Japanese guys go overseas and

If they have a chance they wanna go on a date with

Foreign girls or foreign boys

You wanna meet some of the local talent

If you come from another country you wanna see

“The local culture”

Exactry “The local culture”

I’ll call you Sensei

You’re an expert of dating apps

It’s always hard to think about the first message coz you don’t wanna…

I feel like I don’t wanna send “How are you?”

It’s boring right?

What do you say?

I think you have to find it depends on the girl like

You looking at her profile

If she’s got something unique about it

You say something to do with their photo or bio

Something related to the photo or bio

It needs to be something unique and funny

Unique and funny

If she is a good looking girl, proper girl

She’d get a hundred messages from guys

Just going “Hey, how are you?”


Girls get so many matches

dating apps are made for girls

They have the power in dating apps

You said Australian girls are pretty hard

Before we started filming

What was it about? Why do you think it’s hard?

Not so much

It’s more like on Instagram they probably have thousands of followers anyway

Coz they look hot?

Yeah coz they look hot so they get

It’s like they get all the guys in the world

Message them on the internet. Internet is not like real

Real life is real

You need to be doing it in person but

I could get the same girls in person but

On an app it’s so much harder

That’s what you mean it’s hard

That’s what I mean like

When you’re talking to someone person to person

You can see tonality what they are like you can see…

If they’re funny/ if they’re relatable

If they’re charismatic

On the internet you can’t see all that

Very true

And you know they are just looking at your profile if you have some nice photos

You can’t tell everything of you in a few seconds

It’s very limited

Girls are more likely to do like professional photos and stuffs

Guys don’t really care

It’s hard for guys coz we don’t do that everyday

It’s my personal question but

This is not really popular in Japan but

Sounds like some people overseas

I don’t know if you know about this

Some people use Instagram as a starter

They’re sliding into the DM, is that what you’re saying?

I’ve heard like relationships start like this


Phil, have you ever sent it to someone’s DM?


They reply you?

They are strangers, aren’t they?

I think it’s more… I don’t think if it’s a random person, they have to be kind of like mutual…Maybe it’s a friend of a friend

So it’s not completely a stranger

That’s the better way

I see. It’s good to know

What was the purpose of using dating apps?

It depends what you’re looking for?

What were you looking for there?

A serious

Monogmas relationship


If you are traveling / If you are a Japanese guy traveling another country

You’re probably just looking you know you wanna have a good time

You wanna meet some people from the local country

Like I know when I travel you use it because like

They might take you to some crazy places you never know coz

When you travel to another country, you don’t know anything about that place

What’s good and what’s not so

When you meet local especially

But around here on Tinder…

Guide you to even a better place

You can meet Brazilian girls, latino girls

Japanese girls

Have you ever seen a Japanese girls?

Yeah I have

Who’s that?

In Gold Coast I met some nice girl

Last question

Some people say matching apps are just for hooking up

But I can tell you one thing

They used to be a lot better

What do you mean?

When they first came about I’m gonna say

2013, 2014

Probably 2014 to 2017-18

Used to be so much better

I actually won a heaps of dates

Now all the apps they want you to pay to win

They want you to pay for the subscription

You don’t wanna pay for the subscription

Then it’s a lot harder now like

Before just say on Bumble maybe I get like 5-10 messages then

Now I only get like one

I haven’t changed my photos or anything

I think at the start they are very unique like omg

But now everyone has apps

Like Bitcoin yeah?

If nobady knows and you buy it and boon it’s gonna be good

But now…

Some people say these apps are just for hooking up

Have you ever had an experience that

You see someone in the first date and then

You had a good time. Has it happened?


A lot of times surely

Thank you very much
