

1組目 シドニー、オーストラリア出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you guys from?

I’m from Sydney

Sydney Australia?

Is that okay if I ask your age?

I’m 25


I’m a Japanese YouTuber who’s making contents about different cultures

And different lifestyles

Between Japan and foreign countries

Today I’m asking foreign people about their


First of all do you have a partner now?



You have a pertner?

So these two questions can be a little bit tricky for you guys to answer

But I believe that people want to know how foreigh people answer to these questions

Because of all the online contents for adults

I think some people kinda misunderstand

What actually works in the real life and

What actually doesn’t work in the real life

When you are int the situation

Do you tell your partner

Like “Hey, it’s not good” “It’s not working” or llike

Do you just let it go?

You are not gonna say anything coz you don’t wanna break the atmosphere or something

What would you do?

I’m very honest so…

I would just explain how I feel

And just hope that my partner will then understand

So you tell the person on the spot?

On the spot

Same like I’m very vocal so I’ll tell them what I like

And then if it’s not working then say something else that

It’ll get me there

So you make sure that you bothe feeling okay?


The reason why I’m asking this is because

Japanese, especially, ladies a bit conservative

That’s why I wanna make sure that if there is a contrast

I have a Japanese friend

She always…she doesn’t like conflicts

So she always keep it to herself and

I just say just tell how you feel instead of just keeping it to yourself

Coz I feel like when you keep it to yourself I feel like

It just affects you bit more

But I think that’s a culture, isn’t it?

In what sort of situation or in what sort of moment

You tend to feel “This guy’s not doing well?”

Not doing well?

Yeah like in the situation yeah?

Some girls say

“Hey it’s not Playstation controller”

People do whatever too fast or too strong

Because they see online contents too much or something

Do you have any moment that you tend you feel guys tend to make a mistake…?

I don’t have any issue with guys

Coz I only date with women so

And girls know what they’re doing

Girls know what they’re doing?

Girls know what they’re doing coz it’s the same thing so

And when it’s not working you just talk?

When it’s not working you just talk to them

Or you just don’t ever see them again

Coz you know it’s not gonna be…

If you are in a relationship with them, you talk to them but

If you’re not, then it doesn’t really matter for me

So it really depends o the person

But for myself I know how to get there

So I know how to guide the person there

So you make sure that everything goes on a nice flow

I make sure I get there

Yeah that’s good that you make sure you get there

How about you? Have you ever felt like this?

I actually have

Coz my fiancee

He loves playing video games and

He just loves it

He got home from work and put down his things

And then straight “I just play for half hour”

Half hour turns into an hour

It’s like “Come on, let’s go do something”

And he’s like “Okay, let me just finish playing this”

And I’m like “okay…”

It gets to a point where it just a bit frustrationg

Do I say anything?

You want your partner to read the air, atmosphere


Beforehand he needs to know

What he should do for his partner

Great answer ladies

Thank you very much

2組目 アルゼンチン出身に聞いてみた!

Where are you from/



Today is Monday right?

You are obviously on Bondi Beach, what do you do for your job?

I work in hospitaliry right now

I literally started two days ago


I’m Japanese YouTuber who’s making contents about cultural differences and

Different lifestyles between

Japanese people and foreign people

In this video today I’m asking foreign people about their


First of all I wanna ask you

Do you have a partner now?

I think so yeah sort of

It’s acasual thing. Let’s call it like that

Is he or she Argentinian?

No, he’s from India actually

How long have you guys been together?

What is it?

Six months

So it’s getting more serious, hey?

I’m gonna give you two questions

And these question don’t have to be with that person

It can be in your life whole time

Because of all the online contents for adults

Many boys tend to misunderstand

What actually works in the real life and

What actually doesn’t work in the real life

You know what I mean?

They misunderstand

It’s not working actually coz it’s an entertainment

Yeah I’ve heard that happens

When things like this happen or when you feel like this happening infront of you

Do you tell the person on the spot?

“This is not good”

“Could you do this?” Or do you?


Do you ?

Yeah of course



I’m a real person so it’s different from any virtual experience

True so

You make sure that everything works for you and your partner

Yeah so

I try to make sure that everythig’s working at the moment right there

Like that we’re both havig a good time

The reason why I’m asking this question is

Because I feel like not everyone of course it depends in th person but

I think Japanese girls or Japanese boys it can be

Tend to pretend in that sort of situation

Bummer! No, you shouldn’t!

No, you shouldn’t yeah?

Absolutely not

Make sure that everything works for both of you guys

That’s my goal

I support the real thing

Not the fake thing

Fake doesn’t work in a long time I think

Even for this weel you know

Doesn’t work

So in what sort of situation or in what sort of moment in your life

Do you tend to feel

“It’s not working”

“What are you doing!?”

Do you have any idea that boys tend to make a mistake?

I don’t know but

I mean everyone has a different experience

And everyone has been with different people that like different things

So I guess

When it comes to being intimate with someone

It’s about being honest and open

For real

That’s the part that you don’t wanna fake because

You wanna habe a good time as well so

I think you tell them id it’s not working or something

It’s not about a judgment like

“Why are you doing that?”

It’s about

“Hey, I’m not cool with that”

“Let’s try something else or let’s try another approach”

I think when you are in the situation

Let’s call it adult intimate situation

100% [honest] you should be at least and

That’s how you get the best of it I guess

So it’s not like guys tend to do this thing it’s not like this but

It depends on the person

It’s sometimes not good sometimes good but

You just make sure that everything works well

Well I try at least

So we have the best time maybe

I don’t care whatever everyone does but like

It’s good to try different things that’s for sure

Give it a go with everything you know and

If you don’t feel like them just raise a flag saying “This is not working”

“Let’s tyr something else”


Thank you very much for your honest answers

For sure

3組目 イングランド出身の男性2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?

I’m from England

Oxford England

You too from England

Today is Monday and you guys on Bondi Beach

What do you guys do for work?

I work in recruitment

Recruitment yea

Day off today though

Grenn keeper just work at a golf course down the road

That’s nice

You always work under the sun yeah?

Mate, beautiful

Today in this video I’m asking foreign people about

Their nightlife

First of all I wanna ask you guys if you have a partner


Very much single myself mate

I’ll give you two questions

Can be a little bit tricky to answwer

When you used to have a partner or when you’re

Having a good time with a girl or a boy it doesn’t matter

Because of all the online contents for adults

Some people misunderstand or

Some people just not really simply good at

Doing it in the situation

We see what you get

When you are in the situation do you honestly

Tell the person straightforward on the spot?

“I want you to do this way”

“This is not really good” or

You just pretend

No, I wouldn’t tell them straightaway on the spot


What do you do?

Just try to make it work

This is interesting

Because I’ve talked to girls today

All the girls said they say

I think boys are like this yeah?

Kind of like being gentle and at the same time

I’m a bit scared to be honest sometimes

Coz you don’r wanna break the atmosphere

I agree with that mate

Sometimes it depends ont the moment, doesn’t it really?

And then the relationship with the person as well yea?

Depends how long you know them as well mate

I’m boy your boys too

I wanna ask you a very realistic question

In what sort of moment do you tend to feel

Girls doing wrong?

You wanna answer one buddy?

I don’t know about that mate

When you’re in the situation right?

We’ve all of us experienced that

Sometimes girls not doing great


Most likely what can cause this feeling?

Maybe you just experienced something little bit better with someone else and you just

You not feeling it

You mean like you had a good Italian food and next day

You go to takeaway and you don’t feel tasty yea?

It’s a good phrase

We’ll blame on the Italian takeaway I think

I know it’s a difficult question but

Thank you very much guys anyway

4組目 シドニー、オーストラリア出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We are from Sydney

Sydney Australia

What do you do for your living?

I do insurance

Insurance company like sales?

No, just like worker insurance

When people get injured


I really wanted to ask you

Because you wear an amazing Rolex and I’m like

What these ladies do wearing Rolex

We got a sugar daddy


This is Bondi Beach

I’m a Japanese YouTuver creating contents about the cultural difference and

Lifestyle difference between Japanese people and foreign people

In this video today I’m asking foreign people about your


First of all I wanna ask you

Do you have a partner now?



What was a second moment?

Sort of?


Because of all the online contents for adults

Some men tend to misunderstand

What actually works in real life and what actually doesn’t work


I’m pretty sure in your life you’ve ever felt this kinda thing

When you are in the situation

Would you tell the person straightaway on the spot?

“Hey, it’s not working mate”

Absolutely on the spot

On the spot

Yeah very direct

What’s the reason?

Don’t need to waste any time I guess

There’s not point in just

There is no point faking yeah?

Just need to be a bit more vocal

It depends on the person but you make sure

Everything works for you guys

Thank you very much for your honest answer
