

1組目 南アフリカのヨハネスブルクとシドニー、オーストラリア出身の女性2人に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help

Where are you guys from?

I’m from South Africa, Johannesburg

Where are you from?

Sydney Australia

What do you do?

I’m a tourist at the moment

So I’m just sort of being around

Obviously with lockdown and all of that I didn’t get to do too much

I’m heading back home at the end of the month

But hopefully I’ll be able to return and get to do all my touristy things next time around

How about you?

I’m a uni student

What do you study?

I’m studying neuroscience

Today I have some questions that I wanna ask you guys

Which are about Japan

Have you been to Japan before by any chance?

I have not been to Japan

I haven’t either

So, when you heard Japan

What sort of positive image do you have about Japan?

It doesn’t have to be correct but like your image

So interesting story

My father actually traveled to Japan in his twenty’s and

He studied karate in Japan

So I always have some sort of affiliation to Japan and Tokyo itself

Coz we as his children learned karate under him

So that’s sort of always been my image

Like traditional open hand karate martial arts

Karate teaches you how to be polite and respect to the other as well I think

How about you?

I think Japan is a very respectful country like

You guys have the reputation here

I actually learned Japanese in school a couple of months in high school

Yeah, we have a course on it

It gets integrated to school system but

I don’t remember much

You can choose, right? Like out of a couple of languages

No, I think it was just Japanese and Italian

And we switch

Okay, interesting so

I know this question is gonna be a little bit tricky and difficult but

If you have anything which is negative about Japan

For example, “I’ve heard in Japan people do this, right?”

“Do you guys really eat this?” Or like

“Is it true?” Do you have something like that?

I have to think about that

No idea?

Like your train stations are like really packed

I’ve seen stuff like that and

Push people inside trains and stuff

I’ve heard there’s like separate trains for women, if that’s right

Oh right

Which doesn’t exist in Australia?

No, it doesn’t

Because there are issues with sexual harassment, right,

Some people just harass women

That’s why they kind of like have the train which is only for women

That’s interesting

It doesn’t exist in your country?

No, not where I’m from

Last question is gonna be like this

If I ask you what are the things of your country which you believe that are better than Japanese

Culture wise, people wise, government help anything

Do you have anything?

Like I know Japan is good in this way

But my country’s this one

Can be like definitely better than many countries

So South Africa is amazing

So honestly…

I don’t know

What do you like about your country?

I love our people I love our land I love our food

I love the diversity

So maybe if it’s diversity

We have different cultures, different races

South Africa has a big diversity as well?


We have nine official languages in South Africa

That’s a lot

And that’s just a small indication of the different types of people that are born from South Africa

Not just have immigrated but actually born on the land

How about you?

I had nothing

I was gonna say diversity

That’s about it

Australia has a massive diversity

One of the biggest

Which is really good

Makes your life interesting and deep as well

And allows us to learn new things and learn about new people and their cultures too

Which is exciting

Thank you for your time

2組目 インドネシア、タイ出身の3人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?

I’m from Indonesia


From Lombok

So, we are from Lombok nearby Bali

If you guys have been to Bali

It’s like just right beside Bali

Why are you wearing a mask now?

Because of Coronavirus

You were not wearing a mask over there

It’s not one point five meter apart so

We are very close now

Where are you from?

From Thailand

Which part?

In the northern part

Nong Khai?

No, Chiang Rai

You heard of it?


I love Thailand and I love Indonesia

I’ve been to Bali as well

That’s good

What do you guys do in Australia?

We are doing working holiday visa


Having a good time like you are walking around Bondi Beach and look like very

Tottemo Kawaiidesu

Do you speak Japanese?

Yeah, we speak Japanese like a little bit


Watashino namaewa Rey desu

Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Tensyon takai!

So today I have some questions that I want to ask you guys

Which are about Japan and your country

Have you been to Japan before?

Not yet

Yes, many times

You like Japan?

Love it so much

The food is amazing

Not yet for me

Do you have any positive image about Japan? If you heard Japan

What kind of positive image do you have?

The people

Their attitude and their culture are really good

Because I worked with a Japanese woman before

And she was really good

And her husband will be a half Japanese Australian


Gonna be

Your face is getting red

How about you?

Of course a lot actually

The first thing that comes to my mind would be


Japanese people have discipline

Very well mannered and then

Work really hard and then

They are all so cute

So I have an image about your country people, Thai people

Thai people are more really relaxing, soft

Yes! Hundred percent!


Not lazy I mean like love to chill at home

And Indonesian people are


Chill, relaxed


Indonesian people are loud

You are the loudest Indonesian person I’ve ever seen

You are definitely

If you have any negative images about Japan? What do you think?

It’s probably about the p****

Which is pretty open there

It’s kind of like very different with our country we’re from

Not Thailand though

But in Indonesia it’s pretty you know like…

Like everything’s censored?

It’s kind of like make us really surprised and then

And then I think

Japanese people tend to be like a very hard worker so

They have no time to enjoy life

They are not as chill as us so I think that’s

You don’t understand like why they do that

Yeah, why they’re working like really hard and then

From morning until the night

That, for us, is really like different because

We are very chill and we enjoy the life the most so

Only that

I think a lot of people don’t understand because

If you have no life so what’s the work for?


Do you have any?

Yeah, I agree with what he said

I think to add more because of the working environment and your working culture is like

There’s a high pressure in almost every workplace, right?

And then can be damaging sometimes

Especially to younger generation probably

So that means even Thai people and Indonesian people know that

Japanese work crazy hours and stuff like that?

They know that

Because I worked with Japanese before but

Maybe not as strict as other Japanese but

I heard like my former boss

I didn’t work with him because

I got that job after he left the job but

Like my colleague said he was crazy and

Very strict, you have to be in a certain way to work

Everything has to meet the standard, something like that

Which is good in the way of course but

At the same time it’s really

It’s too stressful

World is going to end so please enjoy your life

Exactly! Please enjoy your life

Last question is gonna he like this

It’s about your country

What do you believe things of your country

Indonesia and Thailand

Are better than Japanese?

For example, some people say

People are nicer in my country and happier or

Some could say government help is definitely better in my country something like that

So if you don’t know about Japan, you could say

Something better than many other countries

In most of the aspects I think Japan is way better than us

In terms of like economy and the government everything but


I think you guys should enjoy life more because

Come to Indonesia please

We have lots of Japanese people who come to Indonesia

They are really happy

That’s how they enjoy their life

We really like to spend time with family and going around

Laugh all the stupid things and

Even laugh about all the stressful things that we have been through

We don’t really take care of that seriously because

We are afraid of mental health and things. That’s the big issue

Just like that but

Hundred percent sure that Japan’s way better

That could be true but I’ve heard that from many Indonesian people that

You guys say “Our economy in not good” “The government is sometimes a bit… not good” but

Still enjoying life and people are happy

We are not as rich as you guys but

Maybe we are happier

How about you?

I think of one thing I think the food

Is cheaper

We got food way cheaper in Thailand

That’s what we are blessed with cheaper food

I think that’s all we got

But Japanese food totemo oishi

Totemo oishi totemo kawaii


Thank you very much guys! That was perfect!

Thank you for the laughter and smile
