

1組目 メルボルン、オーストラリア出身の2人に聞いてみた!

Thank you very much for your help guys

Where are you from?

I’m from Melbourne

I’m from Melbourne as well

You guys are visiting Sydney?


So what are you up to today?

What’s your plan?

Well, we’re just like going around Sydney actually

This is my first time in Sydney in a long time

So we’re just walking around and having a look

Today I wanna ask you guys about Japanese language

Do you have any Japanese friends by the way?

No, actually I don’t

No like Australia born Japanese?

No, not at all

Not many, hey?


Have you guys been to Japan?


I want to so bad

Do you know how to say hello and let’s say thank you in Japanese?

Isn’t it Konnichiwa?

And Arigato

Did you know that?


He did’t

You watch anime?

Is anime Korean?

No, it’s Japanese

Most of anime are Japanese

What’s your favorite?

Attack on Titan

And Jujutsu KaisenIt’s so good

I don’t even know that

I’m not really an anime person

It’s the best

You are more Japanese than I am

Yes, probably

Have you ever heard people speaking Japanese?


It’s such a random question

And it’s odd to ask someone like this but

Could you imitate Japanese people speaking Japanese?

How does it sound to you?

I wanna know how Japanese sound to you

It’s so cute but it’s so like

Humble and they are so like

What do they say after they eat they are like

Or before they eat they are like


Itadakimasu and Gochisosamadeshita

I love it and they

Always have like little expressions like



Yeah, that’s very Japanese, init?

It is

Could you imitate Japanese speaking Japanese?

Like when I imitate Itarian people

[Speaking ese Italian]

You know it’s like that


[Speaking ese Japanese ]

That’s what it sounds like

No, isn’t it like

When you walk into the sushi train they are like

[Speaking ese Japanese ]

Like very like humble and happy

And very welcoming

Like when you walk into the sushi train everyone’s like

Yelling hello welcome

That’s what it’s like

You guys are such fun people

I’m so lucky to be able to ask you guys

Thank you very much

2組目 メルボルン、オーストラリア出身の女性2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

We are from Melbourne, Australia

You guys are visiting Sydney for holiday?

Yeah, we are

What do you do?

Taking a gap year but I just work at Coles

Taking a gap year, which means like a year off?

Yeah, but I’m going to study dentistry next year

Are you gonna be a dentist?

Yeah, I think so

You must be very smart

How about you?


I study commerce at university

It’s gonna be a good money to here in Australia, hey?


Today I wanna ask you guys about Japanese language

First of all, have you guys ever been to Japan before?

No, I haven’t

No, I haven’t but I really wanna go

My best friend’s from Japan

I think from north so


I’m from north too which is called Niigata

She is Japanese Japanese?

Yeah, she’s half Japanese but her name is Minami so

Such a cute name

Where did you meet her?

Just at school

I actually went to kinder with her so

Oh you know her too?

Yeah our friend

So you have a Japanese friend then

you must have heard maybe like

Hello and thank you in Japanese


Itadakimasu is before you eat

Every time we get Ramen together

She always makes me say that

Gochisosamadeshita afterwards

My favorite word I don’t know what it is but

When we were eating Ramen last week

When you get bored eating like

Your mouth just gets lonely

What’s the word?

I don’t know That’s difficultWhat is it?

Is it even Japanese?

She’s like “In Japanese we have this phrase” she says like

I was eat out of boredom and she’s like

“In Japanese there’s a word” like

Your mouth just gets lonely

When your mouth gets lonely you say something in Japanese?

There’s like a word for it

Why don’t we have that in English?

Coz that just describe my whole life

Someone gotta comment coz I have no idea

Subscribe and tell us

Coz that’s my favorite word even I don’t know

When someone asks me to mimic for example

Because I can speak English I can’t but like

Let’s say Itarian

I can’t speak Itarian but Italian sounds like

[Speaking ese Italian]

When someone asks you to imitate Japanese language

How does Japanese sound to you guys?

Could you imitate?

That’s be like really like straight like

Very punch kind of like

I don’t know just like

Very like proper and like

Very vute

And like high-pitch

I know it’s not gonna be correct but

I want you to mimic

Three two one

[Speaking ese Japanese ]

Thank you very much girls

That was fun! Thank you

3組目 フォーブス、オーストラリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?

I’m from Forbes New South Wales

Where is that?

About six hours in a middle of nowhere

Middle of nowhere, countryside?

Yeah, countryside

What are you up to today here in Manly Beach?

Just hanging out at the beach

Meeting up with some family

Today I’ve been asking people in Manly Beach about Japanese language

Have you been to Japan before by any chance?

Yes, I’ve been once

Where about?

Mainly Tokyo, Yokohama and Kyoto

What were you doing there?

Visiting some family and just traveling

You family lives in Japan?

In Yokohama

Did you like it?

Yeah, it was beautiful

You like Japanese food?

I love Japanese food

Do you like Japanese people?

Yeah, everyone that I met

What about Japanese men?

Yeah, there’s a few

Do you have any Japanese friends in Australia?

No, not som much in a countryside anyway

Oh yeah true right

Many people from Asian are in big cities but not in a countryside, hey

Unless they are doing a farm work or something

I don’t know if you watch like Japanese anime or like

Japanese films but

Have youI’m pretty sure you’ve heard people speaking Japanese

You’ve been to Japan, right

Do you know any Japanese words?


So the main question of this video’s gonna be like this

As an Australian girl, I’m just really interested

How Japanese langage sounds like to you guys

I think it sounds complex

There’s so much more to it

So many more syllables

A whole different range of tones and intonation but

It sounds really fifficult to learn

It is difficult to mimic Australian people speaking English

Because I speak English

But it sounds like

[Speaking ese Australian English ]

Like that

I really do want you

Even three seconds to mimic Japanese speaking Japanese

Oh no

How did it sound in a Japanese station?


[Speaking ese Japanese ]

There’s lots of

You are amazing

I know I’ve been asking this question to many people

It is really hard,hey?

I don’t know enough to be able to mimic it

Well, anyway thank you very much

That was fun

4組目 シドニー、オーストラリア出身の女性3人に聞いてみた!

Where are you guys from?

Sydney Australia

Northern Beaches

You guys from heaven, hey Nice place

Best part in Australia

What have you been guys up to today in Manly Beach?

We went and got breakfast

Brekky? What time is it now?

Late brekky

It was a branch

So today I wanna ask you guys about Japanese language

Do you guys have Japanese friends by the way?

One of my friends she’s from Japan Her name is Konatsu

We are not really friends anymore but yeah I had Japanese friends

I like your pronunciation Konatsu That’s so cool

“Konatsu” I like it

Any Australian born Japanese friends?

Not many?


We have lots of Nepalese friends

I have a few from China

There are many Australian born Chinese people in Australia

But I don’t know about Japanese

Not many Japanese, hey

Any of you watch Japanese anime and stuff?

A little bit like back in the day

I like Spirited away

And Totoro

Ghibli movies

Is Pokemon, is that

Pokemon yes

I used to watch that

Do you know any Japanese words?

Like hello and thank you?


You got this Taylee

We learned a little bit of Japanese at school

That’s about it

We learn like how to say hello and counting

Ichi ni san shi go roku shichi


That’s good enough


Bilingual already?

Last question is gonna be like this

It’s very odd and weird to ask someone but

Actually I reckon many Japanese people want to hear what it’s going to be

When people ask me to imitate, let’s say, French

I don’t speak French but French sounds like

[Speaking ese French ]

Mamma Mia!

That’s more like Itarian I guess but

I have to ask you guys

How Japanese sounds like to you?

It’s very fast

It seems extremely difficult

To me it sounds a very cute language

The pronunciation is very dainty and like


It’s not like German or something

Yeah, German sounds strong, hey

Could you mimic?

Haylee will

Let’s try three two one

Give me a word or example

Okay, I’ll say something

Kireina onesantachiniaete sugoku ureshii

[Speaking ese Japanese ]

Kireina onesantachiniaete mechamecha ureshii

You guys are very cute

Thank you veru much for your help
