


Alright guys, here are all my friends

What’s your nama?




Today I wanna ask you guys about men’s body shape

And Japanese men’s fashion

I’ve done this kind of interview to many Western girls on Bondi Beach but

I haven’t done with Asian girls

So I’ve got some pictures same as last time

I want you guys to have a look first

And tell me “This one is too much” or “This is not my type” or whatever

Tell me your opinion

And I wanna find out what sort of Japanese fashion and

Japanese men’s body shape attracts Asia girls the most

Let’s start from a bit skinny one, okay?

What do you think about his body?

He’s skinny

Too skinny?

Too skinny

A little bit weak

Too weak yea?

Next one?

A bit more

This one is fine

This one is good?

Okay, next one


My type

Your type!?

I mean this one is perfect but

I don’t need this perfect

So this one’s perfect?


What about this though?

Too much

Because boys wanna be

Not every one but many boys wanna be like this, right?

He’ll be in the gym every day

He’s not gonna heve time for us

Actually I interviewd a Spanish girl before

She said the same thing

This kind of person spends too much time on taking care of themselves and

No time for taking care of girls

Is that true?

That’s true

I can tell actually

How about this bit more relaxing body?

Would you be okay with it?


My dad is better

Your dad is better?

My dad is like this actually

From my nursing perspective it’s not a good body type

Not healthy, hay?

Too much fat

KFC and Mcdonald’s

KFC and Mcdonald’s

So the best one for you guys seems like number 3

This one yea?

2 is enough

He is a aoccer player

This one’s enough?

This one is enough

But if you talk about perfect percect this one

This is very interesting

I’ve asking many Western girls on Bondi Beach

Everyone chose number 3

I think this is the perfect body shape for girls

It doesn’t matter Western girls or Asian girls

Next one is going to be about Japanese fashion

I’m pretty sure that Japanese fashion is very unique

And a little bit different from overseas

Again I have 5 pictures I want you guys to have a look

What do you think about this?

Japanese casual

This one is fine I think like normal

Like students

Looks like students yea?

Jeans and hoodies

Secound one

America casual

Still fine


Not really my type

Can these fashion be famous and pupular in your country as well?


Many guys wear something like this yeah?

It depends on who wears them

It depends on who wear them?

Good looking and good body shape

Everything would be nice

It is true

Next one

It’s more like surf type

No? Really?

But I feel like in Indonesia, many guys wear like…

But it’s not my type

What do you think?

I’m okay with that

It’s more like beach outfit

It just looks comfy

It’s comfortable yeah?


Forth one

This is called Salon fashion


It’s so Harajuku

Yeah sort of

We call it salon so

It’s sort of like Japanese hair salon guys fashion


Nah, no thank you?

It’s a bit weird in this country you think?



It looks like the old K-POP fashion


Last one




Actually I don’t really like men that has so much motif on their shirt

[ Look at your shirt Tarosac ]

Too many things on…

I like a plain one

Is this too much…?

It’s okay on you

It’s okay

It depends on the person who’s wearing them

What sort of men’s fashion do you think the best?

I don’t know. It’s difficult!

Could you try your best to describe?

Just casual and not many colors

Not many colors?


Jeans are fine

Skinny jeans?

Not too skinny

Sneakers or boots?

[Both of them are] fine

T-shirt or shirt?

Just a plain shirt

No too many graphics yea?

Too many graphics like this

You said it’s okay

How about you?

A white or a black plain T-shirt


And also

Can be a vest when you go on a date

Formal or casual is okay

It depends on the situation


Jeans are okay

Sneakers or boots?


You like sneakers?

How about you?

I like a guy with a plain shirt

Yeah you told me

Short jeans


It’s all good

It sounds like girls like simple cloths

No too many graphics

I will go home soon. Don’t worry girls

So I’ve done this question to Western girls but

But now I have a chance to ask Asian girls

When you look for a guy

What do you do? How do you guys meet a guy in the first place?

Do you get to see a person from your friend’s friends or

Do you go to matching apps or

Do you usually meet a guy from school or? Could you tell me?

What do you think [about this] in your country?

In my opinion I always

Meet guys who are already my friends

We know who he is

And characteristic or something like that

How about Mona and Mongolian girls?

They meet in school or

Friend’s friend and in parties

In your country; Mongolia, Vietnam and Indonesia

Do people usu matching apps?

How about Indonesia?

I think so but

Maybe only like 35%?

I’m not really sure actually

Not much yea?

How about Vietnam?

They use them currently

They use Tinder a lot

Oh really?

I never…

Try try man

No no no no no

How about in Mongolia?

They don’t usu matching apps

Not much?

No Tinder?

No Tinder

So last question

In Japan

There is a way to meet a person which is called Nampa

So on the street, you go out to drink with your mate

For example I see you guys on the street and I’ll say

These girls are hot! Let’s talk to them!

Girls! Could you give me your 10 secounds?

I wanna talk to you guys

Where are you guys going?

“We’re just looking for a bar or something”

“Let’s go together” something like this

And you go to a bar or something together or

It can happen in night clubs as well

Does this happen in your country or

Do you think this is okay?

Yea this happens in my country but

Talk to girls on the street and stuff?


And they drink together it happens

But for me it’s not…

Is that a bit too cheesy or/

Yea it’s a bit too cheesy and it’s kind of one night stands

How about Vietnam?

For me okay I mean like

For me no offend but

I don’t like that kind of thing

Kinds person?

Because it’s impolite you are not respecting girls

Asking for going somewhere? We don’t know each other


Like suddeny too close?

Suddenly too close and

Ask you to go somewhere? Oh not my type

How about you?

It’s too random

It’s not gonna work in Indonesia

It’s not okay in Indonesia/

Girls are not gonna respond

But here it’s fine yea?

I think so

But actually here in Australia

Some random guys came to me

I like you blah blah blah

What the hell?


Not many times but a few times

It’s weird

It’s just like

Too random

What if they are good looking though?

I don’t think good looking people do this


They don’t need to do this

All the girls will come to them

Okay it’s an interesting perspective because

Of course some people don’t like this but

It’s pretty normal in Japan

Anyway it was interesting to know

But in a party it’s totally fine

In a perty it’s different

Of course

Because people are supposed to meet there, right?

They were really interesting answers

Thank you very much girls

I appreciate your help

I hope you guys will have a wonderful day
