


1組目 スペインとメキシコ出身の女性に日本人の見分け方について聞いてみた

Okie dokie we have beautiful ladies over here, where are you guys from?

Uh, we are, I’m from Spain.

I’m from Mexico.


Okay that’s why you guys were speaking in Spanish, yeah?


I saw these beautiful ladies and I’m like, I need to talk to them, I can’t go home like this.

What have you guys been up to today on Pitt Street?

Uh we are looking for a dress for her, for her wedding.


Thank you very much so I found my dress this morning earlier and then we’re-

Trying to find dresses for us. Because they are my bridesmaids,so yeah.

Are you guys all happy now?


Nice and happy, that’s what we want.

Very motivated.

Very motivated?


That’s great. It’s a very random question. Have you been to any Asian countries before?

Um, Philippines.

And Bali.

Me, no.

Yeah, I’ve been to Indonesia, I’ve been in Thailand, I’ve been in Cambodia-

Hong Kong and yeah,



Alright, so you guys have been in Australia for a long time now, or?

Almost three years.

Three years, we are the same, yeah.

Do you have, do you have any Asian friends? Not really?

Um, we have uh, Asian friends but they left the country, sadly, yeah.

From Japan.

From Japan?

Yeah, one of my best friends, he was from Japan.

How did you meet him?

In my school, in my English school.

English school, that’s what, that’s what tends to happen, yeah?

Okay, so as you know I haven’t told you guys where I am from.

But you know that I’m Asian.


Tell me, tell me where am I from?

Um, I’d say from Korea, maybe?

I think maybe from Japan, no?


Yeah, I would say Korea? Japan?

Very interesting. So when you try to find out, what do you see? Do you see like, gesture, or my face, or like my pronunciation?

Your face-

Your accent, I’m trying to get your accent, yeah. But I’m not sure.

Well, I’m, I’m focusing more on your face-

But your accent is very like…I mean you have like, a very good accent but it’s very difficult to find out like, maybe you’re from here, but your background is like-Somewhere else?

Oh, okay. That’s what you thought.

Right, I’m not from Australia by the way.

In my case, because of your outfit, like, uh you have a style so you know, I’ve been thinking like a modern Asian country?

Wow, modern Asian country.

I don’t know how to say it but, yeah.

Okay, I am from Japan.

Yeah, you got it. Is it difficult for you guys to tell, like, if I’m, let’s say, Chinese or Korean or Japanese or any other Asian countries?

For me, you’re definitely not Chinese.

Not Chinese?

But is it difficult to tell if I’m Korean or Japanese?

I think for uh, for us, a little bit. For Western people-

That’s what I wanted to see today, thank you very much for your cooperation.

Does it happen to you as well? Like, when you see people from, I mean Europe or America, do you think that they all look the same?

Good question. I’ve been here for six years. I used to work with everyone from all over the country, all over the world, sorry. So I know like I tend to see, “Oh maybe, you know, she’s from Sweden or Finland, I can see English people or you know..”, something like this but I think most Japanese people will, will struggle with this.


German people, British people, you know, Italian people, I think it’s hard.

It is, yeah. So it’s fair, you know. Okay could you guys come a bit closer to the camera? Because you guys are looking very beautiful and I want to use it for a thumbnail. Alright, perfect. Thank you very much.

2組目 シドニー出身の男女に日本人の見分け方について聞いてみた

Thank you very much for your help, where are you guys from?

Sydney, yeah Australia.

Yeah, okay. What have you been up to today in this beautiful weather?

Uh just out of lockdown so we’re gonna go just looking at all the stores like-

Ah, nice I did that yesterday.

We spent too much money actually.

Yeah. All the stuff that we’ve missed over the past few months.

Okay that’s cool. Um, do you guys like travelling?


Have you been to any Asian country?

Uh, I had a stopover in Taiwan but that’s it.

Stop over in Taiwan.

That doesn’t count.

Oh I grew up in the Philippines so I’ve been in Philippines-

Oh, did you?

Do you have any Asian friends here?

Yeah, he has a ton of Asian friends and I have quite a few as well.

Yeah, a lot of my friends are Australian born Chinese.

Australian born Chinese, okay. Do you have any Asian friends? Asian like,Asian born

Uh, I got a couple.

Most are from China, though.

I have one girl from Hong Kong

Okay cool. Um, so I, as you know, I haven’t told you where I am, where I am from, right?

Could you guess where I am from? I know it’s difficult.

Oh I don’t know, um, somewhere in Southeast Asia?

There’s no like, rude or anything like that, okay?

Because if I see German people, English people-

Swedish people, for most Japanese people, it’s impossible to tell.

I mean I kind of want to like, just guess something like, Taiwan.


Why do you think so though?

Oh just because like, if it’s like China like, I feel like it’s like, too big of a country that it might be like too easy to answer, so-

So there’s nothing like my features or anything? Did you just-

Oh I mean like, I could try but like, I really, I’m still guessing.

I think you have, I mean I might say I know. I think maybe see more like Southeast Asian like,

Southeast Asian because I’m a bit tanned?

Yeah, yeah.

Alright. Interesting, interesting. So, so when you try to guess where the people come from-

What do you usually see, especially when you try to tell Asian people? Like a face or like you see an accent?

I think also like fashion like, I feel like, I feel like Koreans have like a pre-set fashion so I feel like I might be able to like tell if it’s like, coming from like-

You mean like Korean, Korean fashion?

Yeah, okay.

I mean I think the color of the skin is a big one.

Yeah, okay that’s interesting. So I am from Japan, okay? And I’m very tan because I go for a run all the time.

And then obviously, the Australian sun.

Um, yeah very interesting. So the last question is going to be like this: Is it very difficult for you guys to tell like, where does this Asian person come from?

Yeah I think so.


I think when I was a kid I sort of pretended like I could but-

I’m humbled, okay?

Yeah I asked this question because you know many Japanese people come here for study, studying English, working holidays and stuff, and people sometimes feel like, “I want to be like, I want to be told, I want to be recognized as a Japanese.” but I know that it’s hard so I wanted to ask you this question.

you know, if the last names like, Nguyen, I’m like, “Oh you’re Vietnamese”.

Yeah, true.

Well thank you very much guys, thank you for your time.

3組目 コロンビア出身の女性2人に日本人の見分け方について聞いてみた

So, we have these beautiful ladies right here, where are you guys from?

Uh, we’re from Colombia.

Are you both from Colombia?

Are you just finished working, or?


Oh nice it’s a beautiful day, it’s beautifully cloudy today, almost raining. Um, I will ask you some questions first, it’s very random but have you guys ever been to any Asian countries before?


I want to.

So just Australia and, where, where have you been?


How about South, South American countries?

No, Colombia. Just Colombia.

Colombia is beautiful enough, yeah?

Okay how long have you been in Australia for now?

Two years and a half.

Oh quite a long time, then?

Do you have many Asian friends?

Yes, I do.

How did you meet them? In a language school, in a shared house or work?

At work, yeah.

And in the school as well.

Okay, where are your friends from?

Uh, Korea, Singapore-


There are lots of Indonesian people in Australia, yeah?

okay. So I haven’t told you guys where I am from, right?

And I want you guys to guess where I come from.

Uh, Singapore?


Good guess but it’s not it’s not correct, okay?

Why did you think that I am from Singapore?

Uh, like, you look for like,

My appearance?

I think the same thing, you look Indonesian.

It’s like background is like your father’s side IS Indonesian or Asian something like that

Are you Australian?

No, I’m not Australian. Okay I’ll let you know.

This is interesting so I am Japanese. I’ve been here,

Yeah, I’ve been here for uh, six years, about six years now.

Last question, when you see Asian people especially, I reckon for many people it’s very difficult to tell if they are Chinese people, Korean people, or Japanese people.

People can, like, I tend to mix up. How do you think you can tell, like, what’s the factor you usually use to tell people? I know it’s a difficult question but-

Oh yeah, it is

For me all of them are similar.

Very difficult to tell.

Almost impossible, like, for me, I think like Korean people most of them are like why the skin about the skin and everything.

About the skin so you see the skin first.

But I don’t know, it’s almost impossible.

Almost impossible, very interesting thank you very much ladies. That was perfect answers

Thank you very much for your cooperation today.

4組目 シドニー出身の男女に日本人の見分け方について聞いてみた

Where are you guys from?

Uh Sydney, Australia.

It’s a very random question. Have you ever been to any Asian country?

Where have you been?

Um Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia.

You’ve been to many places, hey?

How about you?

I went to the Philippines.

Oh Philippines, you went to beautiful islands and stuff or?

Um, I just went, we started in Manila and then we went to, up to the mountains.

Alright, so you did pretty much everything.

Okay, do you have any Asian friends? You know from school or from, you know, whatever work or?

yeah yeah yeah

Where are they from? Or are they born in Australia or?

um yeah mostly mostly they’re born in Australia so like a second generation or third generation.

Cool cool. I haven’t told you where I am from, right?

Where did I come from?

We need to guess?

Oh, I have no idea.

No there’s nothing rude or anything, you can, you can just guess.

Why do I feel like it might be like the Philippines?

Maybe Philippines, because you reacted.


Because you reacted in a way when I said

I’m like, oh really like gestures and stuff?

Very interesting. I am from Japan.

oh really?

But that’s okay because I know that it’s very difficult.

When you see Asian people, especially I’d say because I’m Japanese,

Chinese people, Korean people, Japanese people.

Is it very hard for you guys to tell by looking?

I’d say generally, yeah.

It’s very, yeah. I find it really hard, like, I don’t know the very differentiating features or anything.

Last question. When you try to tell, what do you see? Accent? Gesture as you said or just appearance? Like, what do you see?

I’d say, mostly like gestures and,

And how they, I don’t know.

yeah I don’t i wouldn’t I wouldn’t be able to tell, i really don’t really

tell. the only thing I would say is sometimes you can tell by features like,

Sometimes, but it can be pretty hard and like you can definitely guess wrong.

Very interesting thank you very much guys.
