

1組目 シドニー、オーストラリア出身の女性に聞いてみた!

Right, thank you very much for your help.

Where are you from?

I’m born in Australia, grew up in New Zealand but i have been living back in Sydney for a long time and i’ve just moved back from the US so.

Oh right so you’re everywhere, basically.


Would you mind my asking your age?

I’m thirty -two, yeah


I’m thirty-one. You look very young.

Oh thanks

Beautiful. Today is Monday , right?


What are you doing in a Manly Beach?

Are you not working today?

Not working today i’ve just been to pilates and just got some sushi to eat.

Being a bit of a Japanese?


Yeah, What do you do?

I have a graphic design business and i’m starting a skincare business.

Oh all right you’re quite busy.


All right um, I want to ask you about fashion today.

Do you like fashionable guys?


Of course everyone likes fashionable guys.

Not too fashionable but yeah.

Which gives you too much pressure sometimes?


Yeah i feel the same.

When you’re meeting up with someone for the first date,

What do your eyes usually tend to see in his fashion first?

Shoes i think are important.

Shoes say a lot about a guy.

Um and then like jeans and then you know whatever top they’re wearing.

Pretty casual, hey?

When you talk about shoes, do you want guys to wear sneakers usually? Or how do you call it like a leather kind of boots?

It kinda depends what sneakers like if they’re wearing like vans or converse or something you know, More like I guess skate casual.

You mean that’s fine?

Yeah that’s fine or I mean that’s just depending on how formal the situation is,

Okay, Do you have anything that makes you feel very off-putting to the guy if he has on himself?

For me personally I don’t like a particular type of sneaker like a soccer kind of sneaker.

Um not like a sport shoe but I don’t know what to call it but, Like it’s a particular kind of shoe that like a lot of soccer fans were riding.

Um that’s just me personally, Maybe cargo shorts like you know,

All right couple short’s, I don’t think it’s gonna be good for the first day, So last question is gonna be like this, Like I said I’m a Japanese man who came from Japan, I believe lots of my viewers are Japanese interested in coming overseas, When we come to overseas you know, Sometimes we want to go on a date with the people from another country right and I want to know i want to know what should we wear for the first date? What do you want to see the guys wearing in the first date?

In Australia in particular um just some like nice jeans or chino pants and then um, Just like a either a short sleeve or a long sleeve shirt, Like kind of casual maybe like linen, Australians love linen.


Yeah, Either leather kind of boots or shoes if it’s a more kind of formal occasion I guess if you have like a nice dinner,

Or just some kind of like nice kind of sneakers if it’s more casual do you like do you like men’s with a jewelry

Yes if it’s like rock and roll.

If it’s like rock and roll?

Okay, It was interesting because I saw you there looking at the pictures.

And the first impression when I saw you was you’re like very calm and you know, I thought you are very quiet person but you actually like rock and roll.

Thank you for your time.

2組目 カナダとオーストラリア出身の女性2人に聞いてみた!

Where are you from?



Melbourne Australia?

Would you mind my asking how old you are?

I’m thirty two.

I’m thirty two.

Twenty seven.

Twenty seven, Okay doki, Today I want to ask you guys about fashion, Many Japanese people come to well now, It’s difficult but want to come to Australia not only Australia but many countries, And when we go to overseas we want to go on a date with people from another country, So I want about fashion, Let’s say when you’re meeting up with someone for the first day, Maybe you know this person through a matching app or whatever, What do your eyes tend to focus on the guys fashion, Like what do you see first?

Probably his coat.

Coat, How about you?

I’m just looking for like general tidiness cleanliness.

General tidiness cleanliness?

You don’t want the guys to come with the t-shirts, Like how do you like How do you say like some t-shirts like,


You don’t want to see something like that if it’s like that.

If it’s like that, It’s probably okay but i don’t want to see big stains on the shirt.

Oh nobody wants to see big stains on the shirt unless it’s design. I just spoke into an Australian lady, She said in Australia girls like linen clothes, Like men’s linen shirts, Is that is that true? Do you think so?

I mean I have a linen shirt right here.

Oh you have linen shirt there?

Yeah, We definitely wear them ourselves.

It’s a trendy thing I think.

The last question is gonna be like this, If I come to your first date, What do you want me to wear? What’s the ideal clothes?

Where are we going?

Let’s say not too expensive restaurant, But not like takeaways and stuff

Um I don’t really mind what you wear like, I’m happy to embrace individual fashion, But like I said just tidy, I want you to look like you’ve made a little bit of effort for me.

Can people come with the short’s?

If it’s a casual place I’m okay with that.

Do you prefer jeans or chino?

Yeah, probably.


Yeah, probably chinos.

Chinos are better?

How about shoes? I always wonder if I should wear sneakers or like a leather proper shoes.

I think a nice sneakers.

Nice sneakers are all right?


Thank you very much for your help.

3組目 オーストラリア出身の女性2人に男性のファッションについて聞いてみた!

Where are from?

We’re from Melbourne Australia.

You guys visiting Sydney today?

Yes we’re on holidays in Sydney.

Which is better? Because Japanese people come to Australia and they are not sure if they go to Gold coast or Sydney or Melbourne. Which one’s better?

Sydney’s got a good lifestyle, Melbourne’s got a good city life, So it depends if you like the beach or the city.

Go to Melbourne for the city.


And shopping?

For the beaches and stuff , Sydney is better?

Yeah, definitely.

So today i’ve been asking people about fashion. Do you likre fashionable men?

Yeah we do.

I can tell you guys are pretty fashionable, Is that like the power of Melbourne?

Yes, Definitely.

When you are meeting up with someone , What do your eyes usually tend to see when you see the man’s fashion?

Shirt probably.


Yeah, Probably the shirt or sometimes even shoes.

Do you prefer like simple, Like one colored shirt or do you like more?

More simple.

Yeah, Simple more like sheik and neat

What’s sheik?

Almost like fancy nice.

Fancy but casual.

In Japan big brand is like a thing you know, Like Louis Vuitton and Gucci.

It’s kind of like a status. How about in this country? Do you like big brands and stuff?

I wouldn’t say it’s a common in Australia.

It’s nice.

A lot of the brands that, I guess men’s wear the brands, They are not so much like Balenciaga and Gucci and all that, They are not so much brandy, they are just like casual, but you can tell they like good quality from a nice brand.

Yes, that’s true.

But they don’t necessarily show off like huge label and stuff.

Because a lot of the Australian brands I’d say aren’t necessarily like got their big logos and stuff, They are very like casual and like, Yeah not as like out there and show off.

I like Australian brands.

Do you have anything that makes you feel off putting?

Ripped tight jeans.

Ripped tight jeans?

Yeah ripped tight jeans.

That’s what I wear sometimes.

It’s out of date?

Yeah, I think if guys fashion is off putting, It’s just off puts the girl in itself, I feel like fashion is a big thing for a guy.

Weather you are attracted them to or not they gotta have a good fashion.

You guys have nice accessories. What do you think about men wearing accessories?

I like casual accessories, I don’t mind a little ring.

I like rings on guys.

How about ?

No, I don’t like it.

You know some guys do still?

Last question, If I come to your date what do you want me to wear? What do you wanna see me wearing?

Shirt nice pants.

Like chino pants?

Like chino pants and linen shirt,

Linen shirt?

Don’t rock up in like a hoodie and like exercise shorts for example, Because the girls go to their dates and put a lot of effort into their outfit and if you rock up in a casual outfits like, Oh you don’t care.

Just like nice shirt something you wear out to a nice restaurant.

Nice chino pants.

I like you guys have like your specific own idea, That was really helpful.

Thank you very much!
