【驚愕】外国人に聞いた『あなたの一ヶ月の生活費はいくら?』- Part1



1組目 イタリア出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Oki doki thank you very much for your help

Where are you from?


Italy as well both of us

Both of you from Italy

Did you work in Italy?


What did you do?

I always did er.. gardening and landscaping

What is landscaping?

Landscaping is assembling the garden

What did you do?

I was working in a nonprofit association English

We call it NGO, so non governmental organization

What sort of things did you do?

I was working with refugees mostly

So it’s like a sort of bridge between the society in Italy

And then in order to help them doing whatever they needs to do when they come to Italy

So you use to help people in Italy

This is random but today here in Sydney

I’m interviewing people some questions about money

What people use money on and also

What sort of value people have towards money

First of all, my first question is gonna be like this

Do you think you’re good at managing money or bad at managing money?

Can you control your money?

Yeah, I think so

Not so bad

What do you think?

Same for me I think we’re pretty good maybe not the best

But probably so far still good I would say

Do you like spending a lot of money on expensive clothes fashion brands and all that or?

Nothing at all it’s my last thing

Never done probably

And you’re the same?

Kind of I would say kind of the same

Sometimes like it happens that I’ll but something cooler

But it’s definitely one of my last thing to do

Ok I really needed to say coz I’ve been to Italy actually

Milan and Venezia

But especially in Milan lots of a

Capital of the fashion

Exactly Lilan is a capital of the fashion and there are many expensive brands

And I think that Italian people loves that sort of staff

But it depends on the people

It depends where do you live

Because if you see people live in the big city like if you see people live that in Milan

It’s really common that you see people dress with expensive stuff

We came from a countryside and that’s different

So you’re more frugal person you don’t throw the money out

Working as a gardener how much approximately you used to get a week?

We paid monthly

It was around one thousand five hundred EUR

It’s gonna be in AUD

In AUD, it’s two thousand five hundred

Ome month two hundred five thousand and

How much did you usually use in a month?

This is a good question because

When I was young, becauseI started to work at 18, 19 years old

I used to spend everything

Just going party on the weekend and pretty much it

Go to skiing in the winter do sports

Just hobbies, just enjoyment stuff

Just enjoy your life everyday yeah?

Now it’s different Now I think more saving money to travel

That’s probably my big saving is to travel

And even a bit of money to make some business in the future

For some new plan or something like that

So I try to save and I watch the money now

You’re working in a NGO and how much did you used to get?

It’s not very good money

Coz it’s a nonprofitable

It’s gonna be around one thousand EUR per month

But also you have to take in your mind the fact that

In Italy life is less expensive than here in Australia so

Also salary was less in here probably

But of course the life is cheaper back in Italy

But the salary at here is not adequate to our life that’s for sure

So you had a thousand and how much did you used to use in a month

Since it was not a lot of money I basically use I wouldn’t say the entire of it but

Let’s say eighty percent

WIth the rent and then food and whatever gas for the car I used to go working by car

It’s pretty a lot

So you’re saving like twenty percent in a bank

What was a reason for you to save money?

More or less the same since I really love using my money on traveling

Because it’s something that will make you growing personally and culturally

So I really love this fact

so I think the most of my saving are for traveling as well

or for eating outside because I love eating

Definitely it’s one of my biggest happy

So you’re in Australia now nowadays what do you use the mother on the most?

Now we’re working to just save money to keep going traveling

So you’re saving stage now

Yeah, when we work we save the money

And then we travel coz we still changing places in Australia

But it’s just a stage in your life you’re enjoying your life

Yeah, it’s a moment like this

It’s one year gap let’s say

Taking one year gap in your life that’s good

When you’re thinking saving money

Have you ever also invest it in like a stock market

Coz nowadays many people do that you know

yeah, I’ve started after CO**D because the market was really down

How did you study?

Yeah, I didn’t study actually I tried by myself

Try and error tey and error

Actually my father used to do a bit, so I asked him some advice

I just ask coz many people says like “I know I need to do it

But I have no knowledge” and they don’t touch

But actually no one has knowledge from the beginning

So I think it’s important to try first and then learn from that

Then of course there are risky stuffs and you have to be careful

Or stuff that maybe you don’t get so much money quickly

More stable one

That’s the first thing to understand

If you wanna get money fast, you probably gonna lose everything

So the last question is gonna be like this

For you two, what is the most important thing to use money on?

What do you not mind using money on?

Doing something that I really like it something that makes me feel good

But not just good also balance for example

so traveling is one of the thing coz it’s both a combination of leisure

But also it’s something that make you grow personally and culturally

so I think there is also a balance between leisure and something good for you

So for sure my answer would be traveling

but in a more general way that has a good equilibrium

for both you and your mental health or so

and something that makes you feel very good as well

I agree with you

What do you not mind spending money on?

Yeah another things from the same reason than traveling

It’s like doing sports for example

Because for example I really like go skiing in the winter

And I don’t mind how much I spend coz it’s something that makes me happy makes me healthy

Because I can stay fitter

I can enjoy, i can stay outside and enjoy many things or so

It’s something that I don’t mind at all

So many things like that but people are like

Oh I don’t wanna spend money on that kind of thing I’d rather save

Life is one man

That’s true enjoy your life and from that you can learn so many things too

Thank you very much for your help


2組目 パース出身の2人組に聞いてみた!

Where are you from ladies?

From Perth

From Perth as well but I moved here for study

But you guys are basically from completely the other side of Aus

Alright, I’ve been there, it was really nice

What do you do here? Do you work or?

I’m just traveling here

Do you work in Perth?

I just graduated last month

What did you study?


Obviously, you’re gonna be a nurse

Yes, I work in a hospital now

What about you?

I’m studying here doing my masters in bio medical science

I’m not smart enough to understand what that defree’s gonna lead you to

What sort of job are you going to get?

Hopefully to be a medical scientist

Work in a lab

That’s easy to understand even for me

In this video very random but

I’m interviewing people here in Sydney some questions about money

What people use money on and

What sort of values that people have towards money?

My first question is gonna be like this

Do you think you’re frugal person or extravagant person?

I’d say extravagant

Why would you say so?

I’d say coz like the past probably like six months

I’ve just gone on like so many holidays

So many holidays in the past like six months so I’d say quite extravagant

Not studying you know

I mean it’s good to enjoy our lives but

Do you spend lots of money on expensive stuffs or

Not really only just on holidays

Just do whatever you like yeah?

What about you? Are you also an extravagant person?

I’d honestly say like I’m fairly frugal

I like to be resourceful with what I have

I think it depends on the circumstances so if I’m like having a holiday then

More likely to spend money on more extravagant things

But just day to day life, I tend to be more frugal

I understand though so you had a hard time to study

and finally it’s finished and of course you wanna go for a party

Holiday time

So you’re gonna be working as a nurse

or maybe you’re already working as a nurse

How much approximately do you get per week as a nurse in this country?

Not quite sure coz I only doing casual at the moment

So it’s only like thirty seven an hour

It’s only like thirty seven an hour

I wish I could say that

But so maybe like thousand two hundred dollars

Let’s sat you get one thousand two hundred dollars a week

And if you have to look for an accommodation to live on your own

How much could you pay for the house?

What’s your budget is gonna be?

It probably be maybe two fifty to three fifty

That’s not much yeah?

That’s only like twenty percent of your salary?

so you don’t mind to live in a share house or?

Yeah, no I don’t mind

What about you? Bio medical science working’ in a lab how much do you get per week?

When I was doing just like lab tech stuff so they fairly like basic

I was getting around thirty six an hour

But as a medical scientist, you definitely would get a bit more

Depending if you work rural or if you work in the city

I think not sure how much is per week but it’s probably closer to around ninety to a hundred thousand a year

That’s a lot of money, so you definitely can afford a accommodation on your own yeah?

Yeah but I actually like living with other people

Even you have enough money to live by yourself

You wanna live in a share house?

Yeah I enjoy being with other people

I can understand maybe thirty percent

Coz it’s nice to be with someone

And it’s nice to know someone is in your house sometimes

What do you spend the money on the most in your life?

Probably it’s like transport and like food and stuff

You go out to eat much or?


Living extravagant life

What do you spend the money on the most?

At the moment probably it’s rent

And oh actually no, maybe food I like going out to eat

What do you eat?

I actually really love Japanese food

We just came from a Japanese restaurant

What did you eat?

I had beef don

At least you didn’t say sushi, you’re already special

Ninety eight percent of people say Japanese food sushi

Beef don “gyu don” Love it!

Do you sava money even you say you’re extravagant?

I’d say at the moment just coz I only graduated

And only to starting work

I was living like paycheck to paycheck

Enjoying life?

But now since I’ve actually got a solid job

Definitely will start saving

You save money for what?

What’s the reason that you guys save money?

Do you save money?


Why do you save money?

Go on holidays

I thought you’re say I’m gonna buy a house or something

Holiday yeah?

What do you think?

Well, I was saving all of last year, so I could come to Sydney to study

So I’d have like a bit of money to live

But I think long term definitely will be saving for like a house

Nicer car maybe

So the last question is gonna be like this

What do you not mind to spend the money on?



I would say said so when I was younger

Because my mom was always like try not to spend all the money

You have in for holiday going somewhere too much sometimes

Yeah my mum says the same as well

But it’s actually important to experience many things as much as you can when you’re young

What do you not mind to spend the money on?

What’s the most important thing?

I would have to say like the most important thing to me sped money on is other people

What do you mean by that?

I really love buying gifts for people

And I would just sometimes be shopping and just like

I want to buy something for my family or for my friends

And I don’t mind if it’s a lot of money

If it’s for other people I don’t mind spending in

OMG I didn’t expect that I get such a deep answer

But it’s so true though

I was stingy as hell when I was younger

But now I know what that the more you become nice to people

The more happiness you get in a life

I’m not just saying it’s like this it’s actually true

Let’s save a bit of money and spend money for other people

Treating people

I can say the same thing to myself

Thank you very much!

Enjoy you day!
